When using Gerrit with external authentication systems (OAuth or other) it would be necessary to enforce additional requirements (e.g. 2-factor) or introduce some plug-in specific post-login screen for finalising the user's on boarding. Similarly when the user logs out, we may need to invalidate its token from an external SSO system or to perform some other plugin-specific operations or even simply request a feedback. With the introduction of this new extension point WebLoginListener it is possible to filter the HTTP response and override the status code to redirect or perform additional adjustments to comply with the company or the plugin's requirements. It is possible to experiment this new extension with a simple Groovy scripting plugin (see below). ``` import com.google.gerrit.extensions.annotations.* import javax.servlet.http.* import com.google.inject.* import com.google.gerrit.httpd.* import com.google.gerrit.server.* @Singleton @Listen public class MyPostLogin implements WebLoginListener { public void onLogin(IdentifiedUser user, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { println "Post-login user=$user" resp.sendRedirect("https://twophase.mycompany.com/auth") } public void onLogout(IdentifiedUser user, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { println "Post-logout user=$user" resp.sendRedirect("https://ssologout.mycompany.com") } } ``` Change-Id: I76e8ec040072e317061234665a0d865927da55b9