polymer-resin intercepts polymer property assignments
before they reach XSS-vulnerable sinks like `href="..."`
and text nodes in `<script>` elements.
This follows the instructions in WORKSPACE for adding a new bower
dependency with kaspern's tweak to use the dependency in a rule so
that it's found. //lib/js/bower_components.bzl has already been
rolled-back per those instructions.
The license is the polymer license as can be seen at
https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-resin/blob/master/LICENSE though
I'm not sure that //tools/js/bower2bazel.py recognizes it as such.
Docs for the added component are available at
With this change, when I introduce an XSS vulnerability as below,
polymer-resin intercepts and stops it.
Patch that introduces a strawman vulnerability.
--- a/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/core/gr-main-header/gr-main-header.js
+++ b/polygerrit-ui/app/elements/core/gr-main-header/gr-main-header.js
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@
url: '/q/status:abandoned',
name: 'Abandoned',
+ {
+ url: location.hash.replace(/^#/, '') || 'http://example.com/#fragment_echoed_here',
+ name: 'XSS Me',
+ },
Address kaspern's and paladox's comments.
Undo version bumps for bower dependencies.
Change Soy index template to parallel app/index.html.
update polymer-resin to version 1.1.1-beta
Load polymer-resin into polygerrit-ui/**/*_test.html
After this, I ran the tests with
-l chrome
-l firefox
I ran a handful of tests with -p and observed that the
console shows "initResin" is called before test cases start
These changes were done programmaticly by running the script below
(approximately) thus:
gerrit/ $ cd polygerrit-ui/app
app/ $ find . -name \*test.html | xargs perl hack-tests.pl
use strict;
sub removeResin($) {
my $s = $_[0];
$s =~ s@<link rel="import" href="[^"]*/polymer-resin/[^"]*"[^>]*>\n?@@;
$s =~ s@<script src="[^"]*/polymer-resin/[^"]*"></script>\n?@@;
$s =~ s@<script>\s*security\.polymer_resin.*?</script>\n?@@s;
return $s;
for my $f (@ARGV) {
next if $f =~ m@/bower_components/|/node_modules/@;
system('git', 'checkout', $f);
print "$f\n";
my @lines = ();
open(IN, "<$f") or die "$f: $!";
my $maxLineOfMatch = 0;
while (<IN>) {
push(@lines, $_);
# Put a marker after core loading directives.
$maxLineOfMatch = scalar(@lines)
if m@/webcomponentsjs/|/polymer[.]html\b|/browser[.]js@;
close(IN) or die "$f: $!";
die "$f missing loading directives" unless $maxLineOfMatch;
# Given ./a/b/c/my_test.html, $pathToRoot is "../../.."
# assuming no non-leading . or .. components in the path from find.
my $pathToRoot = $f;
$pathToRoot =~ s@^\.\/@@;
$pathToRoot =~ s@^(.*?/)?app/@@;
$pathToRoot =~ s@\/[^\/]*$@@;
$pathToRoot =~ s@[^/]+@..@g;
my $nLines = scalar(@lines);
open(OUT, ">$f") or die "$f: $!";
# Output the lines up to the last polymer-resin dependency
# loaded explicitly by this test.
my $before = join '', @lines[0..($maxLineOfMatch - 1)];
$before = removeResin($before);
print OUT "$before";
# Dump out the lines that load polymer-resin and configure it for
# polygerrit.
if (1) {
print OUT qq'<link rel="import" href="$pathToRoot/bower_components/polymer-resin/standalone/polymer-resin-debug.html"/>
security.polymer_resin.install({allowedIdentifierPrefixes: [\'\']});
# Emit any remaining lines.
my $after = join '', @lines[$maxLineOfMatch..$#lines];
$after = removeResin($after);
$after =~ s/^\n*//;
print OUT "$after";
close(OUT) or die "$f: $!";
update polymer-resin to version 1.2.1-beta
update Soy index template to new style polymer-resin initialization
fix lint warnings
Load test/common-test-setup.html into *_test.html
Instead of inserting instructions to load and initialize polymer-resin into
every test file, add a common-test-setup.html that does that and also fold
iron-test-helpers loading into it.
imported files do not need to load webcomponentsjs
Change-Id: I71221c36ed8a0fe7f8720c1064a2fcc9555bb8df