David Pursehouse 1d53668145 Merge branch 'stable-2.15' into stable-2.16
* stable-2.15:
  Bazel: Automatically fix lint errors with buildifier 0.20.0
  Bazel: Fix more buildifier warnings
  Bazel: Automatically fix lint errors with buildifier 0.20.0
  Fix typo in documentation of edit preferences
  Bazel: Automatically fix lint errors with buildifier

Change-Id: I3400928e4dca65264715dca3c29729237934f042
2019-01-10 21:44:13 +09:00

69 lines
2.0 KiB

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
load("//tools/bzl:genrule2.bzl", "genrule2")
load("//tools/bzl:js.bzl", "bower_component_bundle")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "polygerrit_components.bower_components",
deps = [
# Although highlightjs is inserted separately in the UI zip, it's used
# by local development servers (e.g. --polygerrit-dev or run-server.sh).
name = "fonts",
srcs = [
outs = ["fonts.zip"],
cmd = " && ".join([
"mkdir -p $$TMP/fonts",
"cp $(SRCS) $$TMP/fonts/",
"cd $$TMP",
"find fonts/ -exec touch -t 198001010000 '{}' ';'",
"zip -qr $$ROOT/$@ fonts",
output_to_bindir = 1,
name = "devserver",
srcs = ["server.go"],
data = [
deps = [