
As pointed out in this thread on GWT-discuss development group [1], gwt-dev is going to be unbundled in 2.7 release. That means that we would have to supply its dependencies explicitly. To start with we need to pass in ASM library. It's unclear though, if we need asm-commons and asm-xml as it compiles without it, but corresponding parent-pom contains it [2]. GWT unit tests were disabled as gwt-test-utils doesn't seem to work yet against upcoming GWT 2.7 release. Issue was filed upstream [3]. As was pointed out in this thread [4], codeserver is now shipped in gwt-dev.jar as well. Stop fetching codeserver.jar in addition and use the bits from gwt-dev.jar. [1] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/google-web-toolkit/LwXXQCG_I_k/discussion [2] http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/ow2/asm/asm-parent/5.0.3/asm-parent-5.0.3.pom [3] https://github.com/gwt-test-utils/gwt-test-utils/issues/68 [4] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/google-web-toolkit-contributors/pFYPE7Uoub8/discussion Bug: issue 3008 Bug: issue 3027 Change-Id: Ib8f9ed0c767e9f41f104253fdc8b74a8cbbe38ab
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