When the new option --by-queue is used the output of the show-queue command is grouped by the work queue. Queue name is printed on top of the tasks list and the number of worker threads assigned to that thread pool is printed in the summary line. This option should help Gerrit admins to identify which thread pools need to be adjusted. For comparison, here is an example output without the new --by-queue option: Task State StartTime Command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9d51b721 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) 18fr4561 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) ad52b823 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) bd51bbcc 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) 11223344 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) 3d120b5c 17:28:20.169 16:28:20.169 Log File Compressor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 tasks With the --by-queue option the output looks like: $ ssh -p29418 admin@localhost gerrit show-queue -w --by-queue Task State StartTime Command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Queue: SSH-Interactive-Worker 9d51b721 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) 18fr4561 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) ad52b823 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) bd51bbcc 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) 11223344 16:29:14.750 git-upload-pack '/gerrit' (admin) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 tasks, 14 worker threads Queue: WorkQueue 3d120b5c 17:28:20.169 16:28:20.169 Log File Compressor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 tasks, 1 worker threads Change-Id: If82bdb50702f2001f887fe5004b0d80b61131a90
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= gerrit show-queue
gerrit show-queue - Display the background work queues, including replication
_ssh_ -p <port> <host> _gerrit show-queue_
_ssh_ -p <port> <host> _ps_
Presents a table of the pending activity the Gerrit daemon
is currently performing, or will perform in the near future.
Gerrit contains an internal scheduler, similar to cron, that it
uses to queue and dispatch both short and long term activity.
Tasks that are completed or canceled exit the queue very quickly
once they enter this state, but it can be possible to observe tasks
in these states.
End-users may see a task in the queue only if they can also see
the project the task is associated with. Tasks operating on other
projects, or that do not have a specific project are hidden.
Members of the group 'Administrators', or any group that has been
link:access-control.html#capability_viewQueue[the 'View Queue' capability]
can see all queue entries.
Intended for interactive use only.
Do not format the output to the terminal width (default of
80 columns).
Group tasks by queue and print queue info.
Unique task identifier on this server. May be passed into
link:cmd-kill.html[kill] to cancel or terminate the task.
Task identifiers have a period of 2^32-1, and start from
a random value.
If running, blank.
If the task has completed, but has not yet been reaped, 'done'.
If the task has been killed, but has not yet halted or been removed
from the queue, 'killed'.
If the task is ready to execute but is waiting for an idle thread
in its associated thread pool, 'waiting'.
Otherwise the time (local to the server) that this task will begin
Short text description of the task that will be performed
at the given time.
The following queue contains two tasks scheduled to replicate the
`tools/gerrit.git` project to two different remote systems, `dst1`
and `dst2`:
$ ssh -p 29418 review.example.com gerrit show-queue
Task State Command
7aae09b2 14:31:15.435 mirror dst1:/home/git/tools/gerrit.git
9ad09d27 14:31:25.434 mirror dst2:/var/cache/tools/gerrit.git
2 tasks
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