As copies are treated as additions in the current version of JGit, having multiple PatchListEntries referring to the same file path didn't seem possible. However, when a file is renamed alongside those copies, JGit identifies the copies as such. The logic which transforms the edits from the parents' trees to the children's trees assumed that one edit was only mapped to a transformed edit. With the existence of copies, we need to map one edit to several ones instead. All in all, we compute the cross product of all possible combinations. When computing a real diff between two trees, not all of them would be present at the same time. As it seems difficult to figure out exactly which edits are 'necessary' to keep, we rather keep all of them for the moment and accept that we possibly waste some resources. Change-Id: I6d57fb6a49b8dea58aab9565ac41301c7365159f
Gerrit Code Review
Gerrit is a code review and project management tool for Git based projects.
Gerrit makes reviews easier by showing changes in a side-by-side display, and allowing inline comments to be added by any reviewer.
Gerrit simplifies Git based project maintainership by permitting any authorized user to submit changes to the master Git repository, rather than requiring all approved changes to be merged in by hand by the project maintainer.
For information about how to install and use Gerrit, refer to the documentation.
Our canonical Git repository is located on googlesource.com. There is a mirror of the repository on Github.
Reporting bugs
Please report bugs on the issue tracker.
Gerrit is the work of hundreds of contributors. We appreciate your help!
Please read the contribution guidelines.
Note that we do not accept Pull Requests via the Github mirror.
Getting in contact
The IRC channel on freenode is #gerrit. An archive is available at: echelog.com.
The Developer Mailing list is repo-discuss on Google Groups.
Gerrit is provided under the Apache License 2.0.
Install Bazel and run the following:
git clone --recursive https://gerrit.googlesource.com/gerrit
cd gerrit && bazel build release
Install binary packages (Deb/Rpm)
The instruction how to configure GerritForge/BinTray repositories is here
On Debian/Ubuntu run:
apt-get update & apt-get install gerrit=<version>-<release>
NOTE: release is a counter that starts with 1 and indicates the number of packages that have been released with the same version of the software.
On CentOS/RedHat run:
yum clean all && yum install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]
On Fedora run:
dnf clean all && dnf install gerrit-<version>[-<release>]
Use pre-built Gerrit images on Docker
Docker images of Gerrit are available on DockerHub
To run a CentOS 7 based Gerrit image:
docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritforge/gerrit-centos7[:version]
To run a Ubuntu 15.04 based Gerrit image:
docker run -p 8080:8080 gerritforge/gerrit-ubuntu15.04[:version]
NOTE: release is optional. Last released package of the version is installed if the release number is omitted.