- Updaotes the unresolved property to be public, and reflects the attribute. This will be used for the toggle to show unresolved threads or all threads. - Update logic to always show drafts at the end of sorted comments. Without this, the thread could get in a weird state where you can still add another draft, but since they are not threaded, and once the comment is published, its date changes to the published date anyway, so its ordering will be at the end. - This change also adds the __draft attribute in gr-diff-comment-api so that draft comments will render correctly in the new view. Change-Id: Icacc46ab5fd643b061ecfac8dcd313f815d17199
408 lines
12 KiB
408 lines
12 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
(function() {
'use strict';
const NEWLINE_PATTERN = /\n/g;
is: 'gr-diff-comment-thread',
* Fired when the thread should be discarded.
* @event thread-discard
properties: {
changeNum: String,
comments: {
type: Array,
value() { return []; },
locationRange: String,
keyEventTarget: {
type: Object,
value() { return document.body; },
commentSide: String,
patchNum: String,
path: String,
projectName: {
type: String,
observer: '_projectNameChanged',
hasDraft: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
reflectToAttribute: true,
isOnParent: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
parentIndex: {
type: Number,
value: null,
unresolved: {
type: Boolean,
notify: true,
reflectToAttribute: true,
_showActions: Boolean,
_lastComment: Object,
_orderedComments: Array,
_projectConfig: Object,
behaviors: [
listeners: {
'comment-update': '_handleCommentUpdate',
observers: [
keyBindings: {
'e shift+e': '_handleEKey',
attached() {
this._getLoggedIn().then(loggedIn => {
this._showActions = loggedIn;
addOrEditDraft(opt_lineNum, opt_range) {
const lastComment = this.comments[this.comments.length - 1] || {};
if (lastComment.__draft) {
const commentEl = this._commentElWithDraftID(
lastComment.id || lastComment.__draftID);
commentEl.editing = true;
// If the comment was collapsed, re-open it to make it clear which
// actions are available.
commentEl.collapsed = false;
} else {
const range = opt_range ? opt_range :
lastComment ? lastComment.range : undefined;
const unresolved = lastComment ? lastComment.unresolved : undefined;
this.addDraft(opt_lineNum, range, unresolved);
addDraft(opt_lineNum, opt_range, opt_unresolved) {
const draft = this._newDraft(opt_lineNum, opt_range);
draft.__editing = true;
draft.unresolved = opt_unresolved === false ? opt_unresolved : true;
this.push('comments', draft);
_getLoggedIn() {
return this.$.restAPI.getLoggedIn();
_commentsChanged(changeRecord) {
this._orderedComments = this._sortedComments(this.comments);
updateThreadProperties() {
if (this._orderedComments.length) {
this._lastComment = this._getLastComment();
this.unresolved = this._lastComment.unresolved;
_hideActions(_showActions, _lastComment) {
return !_showActions || !_lastComment || !!_lastComment.__draft;
_getLastComment() {
return this._orderedComments[this._orderedComments.length - 1] || {};
_handleEKey(e) {
if (this.shouldSuppressKeyboardShortcut(e)) { return; }
// Don’t preventDefault in this case because it will render the event
// useless for other handlers (other gr-diff-comment-thread elements).
if (e.detail.keyboardEvent.shiftKey) {
} else {
if (this.modifierPressed(e)) { return; }
_expandCollapseComments(actionIsCollapse) {
const comments =
for (const comment of comments) {
comment.collapsed = actionIsCollapse;
* Sets the initial state of the comment thread.
* Expands the thread if one of the following is true:
* - last {UNRESOLVED_EXPAND_COUNT} comments expanded by default if the
* thread is unresolved,
* - it's a robot comment.
_setInitialExpandedState() {
if (this._orderedComments) {
for (let i = 0; i < this._orderedComments.length; i++) {
const comment = this._orderedComments[i];
const isRobotComment = !!comment.robot_id;
// False if it's an unresolved comment under UNRESOLVED_EXPAND_COUNT.
const resolvedThread = !this.unresolved ||
this._orderedComments.length - i - 1 >= UNRESOLVED_EXPAND_COUNT;
comment.collapsed = !isRobotComment && resolvedThread;
_sortedComments(comments) {
return comments.slice().sort((c1, c2) => {
const c1Date = c1.__date || util.parseDate(c1.updated);
const c2Date = c2.__date || util.parseDate(c2.updated);
const dateCompare = c1Date - c2Date;
// Ensure drafts are at the end. There should only be one but in edge
// cases could be more. In the unlikely event two drafts are being
// compared, use the typical date compare.
if (c2.__draft && !c1.__draft ) { return 0; }
if (c1.__draft && !c2.__draft ) { return 1; }
if (dateCompare === 0 && (!c1.id || !c1.id.localeCompare)) { return 0; }
// If same date, fall back to sorting by id.
return dateCompare ? dateCompare : c1.id.localeCompare(c2.id);
_createReplyComment(parent, content, opt_isEditing,
opt_unresolved) {
const reply = this._newReply(
this._orderedComments[this._orderedComments.length - 1].id,
// If there is currently a comment in an editing state, add an attribute
// so that the gr-diff-comment knows not to populate the draft text.
for (let i = 0; i < this.comments.length; i++) {
if (this.comments[i].__editing) {
reply.__otherEditing = true;
if (opt_isEditing) {
reply.__editing = true;
this.push('comments', reply);
if (!opt_isEditing) {
// Allow the reply to render in the dom-repeat.
this.async(() => {
const commentEl = this._commentElWithDraftID(reply.__draftID);
}, 1);
_isDraft(comment) {
return !!comment.__draft;
* @param {boolean=} opt_quote
_processCommentReply(opt_quote) {
const comment = this._lastComment;
let quoteStr;
if (opt_quote) {
const msg = comment.message;
quoteStr = '> ' + msg.replace(NEWLINE_PATTERN, '\n> ') + '\n\n';
this._createReplyComment(comment, quoteStr, true, comment.unresolved);
_handleCommentReply(e) {
_handleCommentQuote(e) {
_handleCommentAck(e) {
const comment = this._lastComment;
this._createReplyComment(comment, 'Ack', false, false);
_handleCommentDone(e) {
const comment = this._lastComment;
this._createReplyComment(comment, 'Done', false, false);
_handleCommentFix(e) {
const comment = e.detail.comment;
const msg = comment.message;
const quoteStr = '> ' + msg.replace(NEWLINE_PATTERN, '\n> ') + '\n\n';
const response = quoteStr + 'Please Fix';
this._createReplyComment(comment, response, false, true);
_commentElWithDraftID(id) {
const els = Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelectorAll('gr-diff-comment');
for (const el of els) {
if (el.comment.id === id || el.comment.__draftID === id) {
return el;
return null;
_newReply(inReplyTo, opt_lineNum, opt_message, opt_unresolved,
opt_range) {
const d = this._newDraft(opt_lineNum);
d.in_reply_to = inReplyTo;
d.range = opt_range;
if (opt_message != null) {
d.message = opt_message;
if (opt_unresolved !== undefined) {
d.unresolved = opt_unresolved;
return d;
* @param {number=} opt_lineNum
* @param {!Object=} opt_range
_newDraft(opt_lineNum, opt_range) {
const d = {
__draft: true,
__draftID: Math.random().toString(36),
__date: new Date(),
path: this.path,
patchNum: this.patchNum,
side: this._getSide(this.isOnParent),
__commentSide: this.commentSide,
if (opt_lineNum) {
d.line = opt_lineNum;
if (opt_range) {
d.range = {
start_line: opt_range.startLine,
start_character: opt_range.startChar,
end_line: opt_range.endLine,
end_character: opt_range.endChar,
if (this.parentIndex) {
d.parent = this.parentIndex;
return d;
_getSide(isOnParent) {
if (isOnParent) { return 'PARENT'; }
return 'REVISION';
_handleCommentDiscard(e) {
const diffCommentEl = Polymer.dom(e).rootTarget;
const comment = diffCommentEl.comment;
const idx = this._indexOf(comment, this.comments);
if (idx == -1) {
throw Error('Cannot find comment ' +
this.splice('comments', idx, 1);
if (this.comments.length == 0) {
this.fire('thread-discard', {lastComment: comment});
// Check to see if there are any other open comments getting edited and
// set the local storage value to its message value.
for (const changeComment of this.comments) {
if (changeComment.__editing) {
const commentLocation = {
changeNum: this.changeNum,
patchNum: this.patchNum,
path: changeComment.path,
line: changeComment.line,
return this.$.storage.setDraftComment(commentLocation,
_handleCommentUpdate(e) {
const comment = e.detail.comment;
const index = this._indexOf(comment, this.comments);
if (index === -1) {
// This should never happen: comment belongs to another thread.
console.warn('Comment update for another comment thread.');
this.set(['comments', index], comment);
// Because of the way we pass these comment objects around by-ref, in
// combination with the fact that Polymer does dirty checking in
// observers, the this.set() call above will not cause a thread update in
// some situations.
_indexOf(comment, arr) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const c = arr[i];
if ((c.__draftID != null && c.__draftID == comment.__draftID) ||
(c.id != null && c.id == comment.id)) {
return i;
return -1;
_computeHostClass(unresolved) {
return unresolved ? 'unresolved' : '';
* Load the project config when a project name has been provided.
* @param {string} name The project name.
_projectNameChanged(name) {
if (!name) { return; }
this.$.restAPI.getProjectConfig(name).then(config => {
this._projectConfig = config;