Includes Jacob Keller's fix to show submodule differences properly[1]. See the full release notes[2] for further details. v2.12-rc0~528^2 (Use exactRef() when possible, 2015-06-20) changed the expectation in ListBranchesIt#listBranchesOfEmptyProject to work around a bug in exactRef where it would treat a symref pointing to an unknown branch as missing. That bug has been fixed in both ref database backends in JGit: in DfsRepository, d0e47a99 (2015-07-16) in FileRepository, 797f94d3 (2015-11-11) (more details at https://bugs.eclipse.org/478865). So add HEAD back to the expected list of branches. [1] https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/c/56263/ [2] https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.jgit/releases/4.1.0 Change-Id: I97f3be172de8cdd8ecf6a3eacb037d4a6332b50f