Formerly, if a formatted text component tried to render without the project config (used by inner linked text components) it would temporarily fall-back to rendering the unformatted (and un-linkified) text via `.textContent` -- mirroring the behavior of gr-linked-text. The result is formatted text elements (when rendered without a project config) appear as one long line of text. Unlike linkification, however, text can be accurately formatted with or without the project config -- so this disruptive, poor UX is unnecessary. The formatted text component is updated to format text when the project config has not provided, and to re-render when the config has been provided. In order to propagate project config loads to the formatted text components hosted by diff comments, the REST calls must be made by the diff thread component. To make this call, the thread must have the project's name, so gr-diff-builder is updated to provide this name to thread components. Bug: Issue 6686 Change-Id: I8d09c740930500e99cb5f87b92f4d72f3f50a9ce
1030 lines
34 KiB
1030 lines
34 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html>
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
<script src="../../../bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../../bower_components/web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="../../../test/common-test-setup.html"/>
<script src="../../../scripts/util.js"></script>
<script src="../gr-diff/gr-diff-line.js"></script>
<script src="../gr-diff/gr-diff-group.js"></script>
<script src="../gr-diff-highlight/gr-annotation.js"></script>
<script src="gr-diff-builder.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="../../shared/gr-rest-api-interface/mock-diff-response_test.html">
<link rel="import" href="gr-diff-builder.html">
<test-fixture id="basic">
<table id="diffTable"></table>
<test-fixture id="div-with-text">
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, suspendisse inceptos vehicula</div>
<test-fixture id="mock-diff">
<gr-diff-builder view-mode="SIDE_BY_SIDE">
<table id="diffTable"></table>
suite('gr-diff-builder tests', () => {
let element;
let builder;
setup(() => {
stub('gr-rest-api-interface', {
getLoggedIn() { return Promise.resolve(false); },
getProjectConfig() { return Promise.resolve({}); },
const prefs = {
line_length: 10,
show_tabs: true,
tab_size: 4,
const projectName = 'my-project';
builder = new GrDiffBuilder(
{content: []}, {left: [], right: []}, prefs, projectName);
test('context control buttons', () => {
const section = {};
const line = {contextGroup: {lines: []}};
// Create 10 lines.
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
line.contextGroup.lines.push('lorem upsum');
// Does not include +10 buttons when there are fewer than 11 lines.
let td = builder._createContextControl(section, line);
let buttons = td.querySelectorAll('gr-button.showContext');
assert.equal(buttons.length, 1);
assert.equal(buttons[0].textContent, 'Show 10 common lines');
// Add another line.
line.contextGroup.lines.push('lorem upsum');
// Includes +10 buttons when there are at least 11 lines.
td = builder._createContextControl(section, line);
buttons = td.querySelectorAll('gr-button.showContext');
assert.equal(buttons.length, 3);
assert.equal(buttons[0].textContent, '+10↑');
assert.equal(buttons[1].textContent, 'Show 11 common lines');
assert.equal(buttons[2].textContent, '+10↓');
test('newlines 1', () => {
let text = 'abcdef';
assert.equal(builder._addNewlines(text, text), text);
text = 'a'.repeat(20);
assert.equal(builder._addNewlines(text, text),
'a'.repeat(10) +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
test('newlines 2', () => {
const text = '<span class="thumbsup">👍</span>';
const html =
'<span class="thumbsup">👍</span>';
assert.equal(builder._addNewlines(text, html),
'<span clas' +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
's="thumbsu' +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
'p">👍</spa' +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
test('newlines 3', () => {
const text = '01234\t56789';
const html = '01234<span>\t</span>56789';
assert.equal(builder._addNewlines(text, html),
'01234<span>\t</span>5' +
GrDiffBuilder.LINE_FEED_HTML +
test('_addNewlines not called if line_wrapping is true', done => {
builder._prefs = {line_wrapping: true, tab_size: 4, line_length: 50};
const text = (new Array(52)).join('a');
const line = {text, highlights: []};
const newLineStub = sinon.stub(builder, '_addNewlines');
flush(() => {
test('_addNewlines called if line_wrapping is true and meets other ' +
'conditions', done => {
builder._prefs = {line_wrapping: false, tab_size: 4, line_length: 50};
const text = (new Array(52)).join('a');
const line = {text, highlights: []};
const newLineStub = sinon.stub(builder, '_addNewlines');
flush(() => {
test('_createTextEl linewrap with tabs', () => {
const text = _.times(7, _.constant('\t')).join('') + '!';
const line = {text, highlights: []};
const el = builder._createTextEl(line);
const tabEl = el.querySelector('.contentText > .br');
el.querySelector('.contentText .tab:nth-child(2)').nextSibling,
test('text length with tabs and unicode', () => {
assert.equal(builder._textLength('12345', 4), 5);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('\t\t12', 4), 10);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc💢123', 4), 7);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc\t', 8), 8);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc\t\t', 10), 20);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('', 10), 0);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('', 10), 0);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc\tde', 10), 12);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('abc\tde\t', 10), 20);
assert.equal(builder._textLength('\t\t\t\t\t', 20), 100);
test('tab wrapper insertion', () => {
const html = 'abc\tdef';
const wrapper = builder._getTabWrapper(
builder._prefs.tab_size - 3,
assert.isAbove(wrapper.length, 0);
assert.equal(builder._addTabWrappers(html, builder._prefs.tab_size),
'abc' + wrapper + 'def');
// using \x3c instead of < in string so gjslint can parse
'">\x3cimg src="/" onerror="alert(1);">\x3cspan class="',
test('comments', () => {
const line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.BOTH);
line.beforeNumber = 3;
line.afterNumber = 5;
let comments = {left: [], right: []};
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line), []);
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line,
GrDiffBuilder.Side.LEFT), []);
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line,
GrDiffBuilder.Side.RIGHT), []);
comments = {
left: [
{id: 'l3', line: 3},
{id: 'l5', line: 5},
right: [
{id: 'r3', line: 3},
{id: 'r5', line: 5},
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line),
[{id: 'l3', line: 3, __commentSide: 'left'},
{id: 'r5', line: 5, __commentSide: 'right'}]);
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line,
GrDiffBuilder.Side.LEFT), [{id: 'l3', line: 3,
__commentSide: 'left'}]);
assert.deepEqual(builder._getCommentsForLine(comments, line,
GrDiffBuilder.Side.RIGHT), [{id: 'r5', line: 5,
__commentSide: 'right'}]);
test('comment thread group creation', () => {
const l3 = {id: 'l3', line: 3, updated: '2016-08-09 00:42:32.000000000',
__commentSide: 'left'};
const l5 = {id: 'l5', line: 5, updated: '2016-08-09 00:42:32.000000000',
__commentSide: 'left'};
const r5 = {id: 'r5', line: 5, updated: '2016-08-09 00:42:32.000000000',
__commentSide: 'right'};
builder._comments = {
meta: {
changeNum: '42',
patchRange: {
basePatchNum: 'PARENT',
patchNum: '3',
path: '/path/to/foo',
projectConfig: {foo: 'bar'},
left: [l3, l5],
right: [r5],
function checkThreadGroupProps(threadGroupEl, patchNum, isOnParent,
comments) {
assert.equal(threadGroupEl.changeNum, '42');
assert.equal(threadGroupEl.patchForNewThreads, patchNum);
assert.equal(threadGroupEl.path, '/path/to/foo');
assert.equal(threadGroupEl.isOnParent, isOnParent);
assert.deepEqual(threadGroupEl.projectName, 'my-project');
assert.deepEqual(threadGroupEl.comments, comments);
let line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.BOTH);
line.beforeNumber = 5;
line.afterNumber = 5;
let threadGroupEl = builder._commentThreadGroupForLine(line);
checkThreadGroupProps(threadGroupEl, '3', false, [l5, r5]);
threadGroupEl =
builder._commentThreadGroupForLine(line, GrDiffBuilder.Side.RIGHT);
checkThreadGroupProps(threadGroupEl, '3', false, [r5]);
threadGroupEl =
builder._commentThreadGroupForLine(line, GrDiffBuilder.Side.LEFT);
checkThreadGroupProps(threadGroupEl, '3', true, [l5]);
builder._comments.meta.patchRange.basePatchNum = '1';
threadGroupEl = builder._commentThreadGroupForLine(line);
checkThreadGroupProps(threadGroupEl, '3', false, [l5, r5]);
threadEl =
builder._commentThreadGroupForLine(line, GrDiffBuilder.Side.LEFT);
checkThreadGroupProps(threadEl, '1', false, [l5]);
threadGroupEl =
builder._commentThreadGroupForLine(line, GrDiffBuilder.Side.RIGHT);
checkThreadGroupProps(threadGroupEl, '3', false, [r5]);
builder._comments.meta.patchRange.basePatchNum = 'PARENT';
line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.REMOVE);
line.beforeNumber = 5;
line.afterNumber = 5;
threadGroupEl = builder._commentThreadGroupForLine(line);
checkThreadGroupProps(threadGroupEl, '3', true, [l5, r5]);
line = new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.ADD);
line.beforeNumber = 3;
line.afterNumber = 5;
threadGroupEl = builder._commentThreadGroupForLine(line);
checkThreadGroupProps(threadGroupEl, '3', false, [l3, r5]);
suite('_isTotal', () => {
test('is total for add', () => {
const group = new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.DELTA);
for (let idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++) {
group.addLine(new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.ADD));
test('is total for remove', () => {
const group = new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.DELTA);
for (let idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++) {
group.addLine(new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.REMOVE));
test('not total for empty', () => {
const group = new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.BOTH);
test('not total for non-delta', () => {
const group = new GrDiffGroup(GrDiffGroup.Type.DELTA);
for (let idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++) {
group.addLine(new GrDiffLine(GrDiffLine.Type.BOTH));
suite('intraline differences', () => {
let el;
let str;
let annotateElementSpy;
let layer;
function slice(str, start, end) {
return Array.from(str).slice(start, end).join('');
setup(() => {
el = fixture('div-with-text');
str = el.textContent;
annotateElementSpy = sinon.spy(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer = document.createElement('gr-diff-builder')
teardown(() => {
test('annotate no highlights', () => {
const line = {
text: str,
highlights: [],
layer.annotate(el, line);
// The content is unchanged.
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 1);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(str, el.childNodes[0].textContent);
test('annotate with highlights', () => {
const line = {
text: str,
highlights: [
{startIndex: 6, endIndex: 12},
{startIndex: 18, endIndex: 22},
const str0 = slice(str, 0, 6);
const str1 = slice(str, 6, 12);
const str2 = slice(str, 12, 18);
const str3 = slice(str, 18, 22);
const str4 = slice(str, 22);
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 5);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, str0);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[1], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[1].textContent, str1);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[2], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[2].textContent, str2);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[3], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[3].textContent, str3);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[4], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[4].textContent, str4);
test('annotate without endIndex', () => {
const line = {
text: str,
highlights: [
{startIndex: 28},
const str0 = slice(str, 0, 28);
const str1 = slice(str, 28);
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 2);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, str0);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[1], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[1].textContent, str1);
test('annotate ignores empty highlights', () => {
const line = {
text: str,
highlights: [
{startIndex: 28, endIndex: 28},
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 1);
test('annotate handles unicode', () => {
// Put some unicode into the string:
str = str.replace(/\s/g, '💢');
el.textContent = str;
const line = {
text: str,
highlights: [
{startIndex: 6, endIndex: 12},
const str0 = slice(str, 0, 6);
const str1 = slice(str, 6, 12);
const str2 = slice(str, 12);
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 3);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, str0);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[1], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[1].textContent, str1);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[2], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[2].textContent, str2);
test('annotate handles unicode w/o endIndex', () => {
// Put some unicode into the string:
str = str.replace(/\s/g, '💢');
el.textContent = str;
const line = {
text: str,
highlights: [
{startIndex: 6},
const str0 = slice(str, 0, 6);
const str1 = slice(str, 6);
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(el.childNodes.length, 2);
assert.instanceOf(el.childNodes[0], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[0].textContent, str0);
assert.notInstanceOf(el.childNodes[1], Text);
assert.equal(el.childNodes[1].textContent, str1);
suite('tab indicators', () => {
let sandbox;
let element;
let layer;
setup(() => {
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
element = fixture('basic');
element._showTabs = true;
layer = element._createTabIndicatorLayer();
teardown(() => {
test('does nothing with empty line', () => {
const line = {text: ''};
const el = document.createElement('div');
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
test('does nothing with no tabs', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum no tabs';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
test('annotates tab at beginning', () => {
const str = '\tlorem upsum';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.callCount, 1);
const args = annotateElementStub.getCalls()[0].args;
assert.equal(args[0], el);
assert.equal(args[1], 0, 'offset of tab indicator');
assert.equal(args[2], 1, 'length of tab indicator');
assert.include(args[3], 'tab-indicator');
test('does not annotate when disabled', () => {
element._showTabs = false;
const str = '\tlorem upsum';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
test('annotates multiple in beginning', () => {
const str = '\t\tlorem upsum';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.callCount, 2);
let args = annotateElementStub.getCalls()[0].args;
assert.equal(args[0], el);
assert.equal(args[1], 0, 'offset of tab indicator');
assert.equal(args[2], 1, 'length of tab indicator');
assert.include(args[3], 'tab-indicator');
args = annotateElementStub.getCalls()[1].args;
assert.equal(args[0], el);
assert.equal(args[1], 1, 'offset of tab indicator');
assert.equal(args[2], 1, 'length of tab indicator');
assert.include(args[3], 'tab-indicator');
test('annotates intermediate tabs', () => {
const str = 'lorem\tupsum';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.callCount, 1);
const args = annotateElementStub.getCalls()[0].args;
assert.equal(args[0], el);
assert.equal(args[1], 5, 'offset of tab indicator');
assert.equal(args[2], 1, 'length of tab indicator');
assert.include(args[3], 'tab-indicator');
suite('trailing whitespace', () => {
let sandbox;
let element;
let layer;
setup(() => {
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
element = fixture('basic');
element._showTrailingWhitespace = true;
layer = element._createTrailingWhitespaceLayer();
teardown(() => {
test('does nothing with empty line', () => {
const line = {text: ''};
const el = document.createElement('div');
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
test('does nothing with no trailing whitespace', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum blah blah';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
test('annotates trailing spaces', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum ';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[1], 11);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[2], 3);
test('annotates trailing tabs', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum\t\t\t';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[1], 11);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[2], 3);
test('annotates mixed trailing whitespace', () => {
const str = 'lorem ipsum\t \t';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[1], 11);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[2], 3);
test('unicode preceding trailing whitespace', () => {
const str = '💢\t';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[1], 1);
assert.equal(annotateElementStub.lastCall.args[2], 1);
test('does not annotate when disabled', () => {
element._showTrailingWhitespace = false;
const str = 'lorem upsum\t \t ';
const line = {text: str};
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.textContent = str;
const annotateElementStub =
sandbox.stub(GrAnnotation, 'annotateElement');
layer.annotate(el, line);
suite('rendering', () => {
let content;
let outputEl;
let sandbox;
setup(done => {
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
const prefs = {
line_length: 10,
show_tabs: true,
tab_size: 4,
context: -1,
syntax_highlighting: true,
content = [
a: ['all work and no play make andybons a dull boy'],
b: ['elgoog elgoog elgoog'],
ab: [
'Non eram nescius, Brute, cum, quae summis ingeniis ',
'exquisitaque doctrina philosophi Graeco sermone tractavissent',
stub('gr-reporting', {
time: sandbox.stub(),
timeEnd: sandbox.stub(),
element = fixture('basic');
outputEl = element.queryEffectiveChildren('#diffTable');
sandbox.stub(element, '_getDiffBuilder', () => {
const builder = new GrDiffBuilder(
{content}, {left: [], right: []}, prefs, 'my-project', outputEl);
sandbox.stub(builder, 'addColumns');
builder.buildSectionElement = function(group) {
const section = document.createElement('stub');
section.textContent = group.lines.reduce((acc, line) => {
return acc + line.text;
}, '');
return section;
return builder;
element.diff = {content};
element.render({left: [], right: []}, prefs).then(done);
teardown(() => {
test('reporting', done => {
const timeStub = element.$.reporting.time;
const timeEndStub = element.$.reporting.timeEnd;
assert.isTrue(timeStub.calledWithExactly('Diff Total Render'));
assert.isTrue(timeStub.calledWithExactly('Diff Content Render'));
assert.isTrue(timeStub.calledWithExactly('Diff Syntax Render'));
assert.isTrue(timeEndStub.calledWithExactly('Diff Total Render'));
assert.isTrue(timeEndStub.calledWithExactly('Diff Content Render'));
assert.isTrue(timeEndStub.calledWithExactly('Diff Syntax Render'));
test('renderSection', () => {
let section = outputEl.querySelector('stub:nth-of-type(2)');
const prevInnerHTML = section.innerHTML;
section.innerHTML = 'wiped';
section = outputEl.querySelector('stub:nth-of-type(2)');
assert.equal(section.innerHTML, prevInnerHTML);
test('addColumns is called', done => {
element.render({left: [], right: []}, {}).then(done);
test('getSectionsByLineRange one line', () => {
const section = outputEl.querySelector('stub:nth-of-type(2)');
const sections = element._builder.getSectionsByLineRange(1, 1, 'left');
assert.equal(sections.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(sections[0], section);
test('getSectionsByLineRange over diff', () => {
const section = [
const sections = element._builder.getSectionsByLineRange(1, 2, 'left');
assert.equal(sections.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(sections[0], section[0]);
assert.strictEqual(sections[1], section[1]);
test('render-start and render are fired', done => {
const dispatchEventStub = sinon.stub(element, 'dispatchEvent');
element.render({left: [], right: []}, {}).then(() => {
const firedEventTypes = dispatchEventStub.getCalls()
.map(c => { return c.args[0].type; });
assert.include(firedEventTypes, 'render-start');
assert.include(firedEventTypes, 'render-content');
assert.include(firedEventTypes, 'render');
test('rendering normal-sized diff does not disable syntax', () => {
test('rendering large diff disables syntax', done => {
// Before it renders, set the first diff line to 500 '*' characters.
element.diff.content[0].a = [new Array(501).join('*')];
element.addEventListener('render', () => {
const prefs = {
line_length: 10,
show_tabs: true,
tab_size: 4,
context: -1,
syntax_highlighting: true,
element.render({left: [], right: []}, prefs);
test('cancel', () => {
const processorCancelStub = sandbox.stub(element.$.processor, 'cancel');
const syntaxCancelStub = sandbox.stub(element.$.syntaxLayer, 'cancel');
suite('mock-diff', () => {
let element;
let builder;
let diff;
let prefs;
setup(done => {
element = fixture('mock-diff');
diff = document.createElement('mock-diff-response').diffResponse;
element.diff = diff;
prefs = {
line_length: 80,
show_tabs: true,
tab_size: 4,
element.render({left: [], right: []}, prefs).then(() => {
builder = element._builder;
test('getContentByLine', () => {
let actual;
actual = builder.getContentByLine(2, 'left');
assert.equal(actual.textContent, diff.content[0].ab[1]);
actual = builder.getContentByLine(2, 'right');
assert.equal(actual.textContent, diff.content[0].ab[1]);
actual = builder.getContentByLine(5, 'left');
assert.equal(actual.textContent, diff.content[2].ab[0]);
actual = builder.getContentByLine(5, 'right');
assert.equal(actual.textContent, diff.content[1].b[0]);
test('findLinesByRange', () => {
const lines = [];
const elems = [];
const start = 6;
const end = 10;
const count = end - start + 1;
builder.findLinesByRange(start, end, 'right', lines, elems);
assert.equal(lines.length, count);
assert.equal(elems.length, count);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
assert.instanceOf(lines[i], GrDiffLine);
assert.equal(lines[i].afterNumber, start + i);
assert.instanceOf(elems[i], HTMLElement);
assert.equal(lines[i].text, elems[i].textContent);
test('_renderContentByRange', () => {
const spy = sinon.spy(builder, '_createTextEl');
const start = 9;
const end = 14;
const count = end - start + 1;
builder._renderContentByRange(start, end, 'left');
assert.equal(spy.callCount, count);
spy.getCalls().forEach((call, i) => {
assert.equal(call.args[0].beforeNumber, start + i);
test('_getNextContentOnSide side-by-side left', () => {
const startElem = builder.getContentByLine(5, 'left',
const expectedStartString = diff.content[2].ab[0];
const expectedNextString = diff.content[2].ab[1];
assert.equal(startElem.textContent, expectedStartString);
const nextElem = builder._getNextContentOnSide(startElem,
assert.equal(nextElem.textContent, expectedNextString);
test('_getNextContentOnSide side-by-side right', () => {
const startElem = builder.getContentByLine(5, 'right',
const expectedStartString = diff.content[1].b[0];
const expectedNextString = diff.content[1].b[1];
assert.equal(startElem.textContent, expectedStartString);
const nextElem = builder._getNextContentOnSide(startElem,
assert.equal(nextElem.textContent, expectedNextString);
test('_getNextContentOnSide unified left', done => {
// Re-render as unified:
element.viewMode = 'UNIFIED_DIFF';
element.render({left: [], right: []}, prefs).then(() => {
builder = element._builder;
const startElem = builder.getContentByLine(5, 'left',
const expectedStartString = diff.content[2].ab[0];
const expectedNextString = diff.content[2].ab[1];
assert.equal(startElem.textContent, expectedStartString);
const nextElem = builder._getNextContentOnSide(startElem,
assert.equal(nextElem.textContent, expectedNextString);
test('_getNextContentOnSide unified right', done => {
// Re-render as unified:
element.viewMode = 'UNIFIED_DIFF';
element.render({left: [], right: []}, prefs).then(() => {
builder = element._builder;
const startElem = builder.getContentByLine(5, 'right',
const expectedStartString = diff.content[1].b[0];
const expectedNextString = diff.content[1].b[1];
assert.equal(startElem.textContent, expectedStartString);
const nextElem = builder._getNextContentOnSide(startElem,
assert.equal(nextElem.textContent, expectedNextString);
test('_escapeHTML', () => {
let input = '<script>alert("XSS");<' + '/script>';
let expected = '<script>alert("XSS");' +
let result = GrDiffBuilder.prototype._escapeHTML(input);
assert.equal(result, expected);
input = '& < > " \' / `';
// \u0026 is an ampersand. This is being used here instead of &
// because of the gjslinter.
expected = '\u0026amp; \u0026lt; \u0026gt; \u0026quot;' +
' \u0026#39; \u0026#x2F; \u0026#96;';
result = GrDiffBuilder.prototype._escapeHTML(input);
assert.equal(result, expected);