E.g. GroupConfigCommitMessage#getFooters is using Sets for the footers
and hence the order was not guaranteed. As result of this tests checking
group audit logs could be flaky.
The AuditLogFormatter in AbstractGroupTest is now loading the real group
names instead of using 'Group <uuid>'. This is needed to control the
order of the subgroup modification footers from the AuditLogReaderTest.
If the real name is not included into these footers the sort order
depends on the generated UUIDs. Since the UUIDs are generated based on
the group name and the server ID they are stable for each run, but
relying on the order of the UUIDs makes the test at least less readable.
The AuditLogFormatter in AbstractGroupTest is loading the group from the
repo each time a group name is needed. Since it's an in memory
repository and there are only few tests using this AuditLogFormatter we
don't bother about caching here.
Reading footers from group config commit messages works regardless of
the order of the footers. This means this change doesn't require
rewriting already existing group refs.
Change-Id: I3eafef10e916890b90d9f9ac222595eaf2246e27
Signed-off-by: Edwin Kempin <ekempin@google.com>