The current layout of having gerrit-* directories with separate java source trees dates back to the bad old days of Maven, when this specific layout was necessary to decompose the build into separate pom.xml files. This is no longer a requiement. This series rearranges the directory structure and dissoves all top level directories and move all sources to the programming languages top level directories and differentiates between sources and tests. So that the gerrit-* will be dissolved and moved to new top level source directories: * java * javatests * prolog * resources Lib, polygerrit-ui and tools top-level directories stay the same. See this discussion on the mailing list: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/repo-discuss/TcvEkD-KO_c/discussion Change-Id: I3aff3a9787189cbfc79ec95537a32bed1584e444
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%% Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
:- package gerrit.
'$init' :- init.
%% init:
%% Initialize the module's private state. These typically take the form of global
%% aliased hashes carrying "constant" data about the current change for any
%% predicate that needs to obtain it.
init :-
define_hash(A) :- hash_exists(A), !, hash_clear(A).
define_hash(A) :- atom(A), !, new_hash(_, [alias(A)]).
%% commit_label/2:
%% During rule evaluation of a change, this predicate is defined to
%% be a table of labels that pertain to the commit of interest.
%% commit_label( label('Code-Review', 2), user(12345789) ).
%% commit_label( label('Verified', -1), user(8181) ).
:- public commit_label/2.
commit_label(L, User) :- L = label(H, _),
hash_get(commit_labels, H, Cached),
( [] == Cached ->
hash_get(commit_labels, H, Rs), !
Rs = Cached
scan_commit_labels(Rs, L, User)
commit_label(Label, User) :-
scan_commit_labels(Rs, Label, User).
scan_commit_labels([R | Rs], L, U) :- R = commit_label(L, U).
scan_commit_labels([_ | Rs], L, U) :- scan_commit_labels(Rs, L, U).
scan_commit_labels([], _, _) :- fail.
get_commit_labels(Rs) :-
hash_contains_key(commit_labels, '$all'),
hash_get(commit_labels, '$all', Rs)
get_commit_labels(Rs) :-
set_commit_labels(Rs) :-
hash_put(commit_labels, '$all', Rs),
index_commit_labels([R | Rs]) :-
R = commit_label(label(H, _), _),
hash_get(commit_labels, H, Tmp),
hash_put(commit_labels, H, [R | Tmp]),
index_commit_labels([_ | Rs]) :-
%% not_same/2:
:- public not_same/2.
not_same(ok(A), ok(B)) :- !, A \= B.
not_same(label(_, ok(A)), label(_, ok(B))) :- !, A \= B.
not_same(_, _).
%% can_submit/2:
%% Executes the SubmitRule for each solution until one where all of the
%% states has the format label(_, ok(_)) is found, then cut away any
%% remaining choice points leaving this as the last solution.
:- public can_submit/2.
can_submit(SubmitRule, S) :-
call_rule(SubmitRule, Tmp),
Tmp =.. [submit | Ls],
( is_all_ok(Ls) -> S = ok(Tmp), ! ; S = not_ready(Tmp) ).
call_rule(P:X, Arg) :- !, F =.. [X, Arg], P:F.
call_rule(X, Arg) :- !, F =.. [X, Arg], F.
is_all_ok([label(_, ok(__)) | Ls]) :- is_all_ok(Ls).
is_all_ok([label(_, may(__)) | Ls]) :- is_all_ok(Ls).
is_all_ok(_) :- fail.
%% locate_helper
%% Returns user:Func if it exists otherwise returns gerrit:Default
locate_helper(Func, Default, Arity, user:Func) :-
'$compiled_predicate'(user, Func, Arity), !.
locate_helper(Func, Default, Arity, user:Func) :-
listN(Arity, P), C =.. [Func | P], clause(user:C, _), !.
locate_helper(Func, Default, _, gerrit:Default).
listN(0, []).
listN(N, [_|T]) :- N > 0, N1 is N - 1, listN(N1, T).
%% locate_submit_rule/1:
%% Finds a submit_rule depending on what rules are available.
%% If none are available, use default_submit/1.
:- public locate_submit_rule/1.
locate_submit_rule(RuleName) :-
locate_helper(submit_rule, default_submit, 1, RuleName).
%% get_submit_type/2:
%% Executes the SubmitTypeRule and return the first solution
:- public get_submit_type/2.
get_submit_type(SubmitTypeRule, A) :-
call_rule(SubmitTypeRule, A), !.
%% locate_submit_type/1:
%% Finds a submit_type_rule depending on what rules are available.
%% If none are available, use project_default_submit_type/1.
:- public locate_submit_type/1.
locate_submit_type(RuleName) :-
locate_helper(submit_type, project_default_submit_type, 1, RuleName).
%% default_submit/1:
:- public default_submit/1.
default_submit(P) :-
default_submit(LabelTypes, P).
% Apply the old "all approval categories must be satisfied"
% loop by scanning over all of the label types to build up the
% submit record.
default_submit(LabelTypes, P) :-
default_submit(LabelTypes, [], Tmp),
reverse(Tmp, Ls),
P =.. [ submit | Ls].
default_submit([], Out, Out).
default_submit([Type | Types], Tmp, Out) :-
label_type(Label, Fun, Min, Max) = Type,
legacy_submit_rule(Fun, Label, Min, Max, Status),
R = label(Label, Status),
default_submit(Types, [R | Tmp], Out).
%% legacy_submit_rule:
%% Apply the old -2..+2 style logic.
legacy_submit_rule('MaxWithBlock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, T).
legacy_submit_rule('AnyWithBlock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, any_with_block(Label, Min, T).
legacy_submit_rule('MaxNoBlock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, max_no_block(Label, Max, T).
legacy_submit_rule('NoBlock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, T = may(_).
legacy_submit_rule('NoOp', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, T = may(_).
legacy_submit_rule('PatchSetLock', Label, Min, Max, T) :- !, T = may(_).
legacy_submit_rule(Fun, Label, Min, Max, T) :- T = impossible(unsupported(Fun)).
%% max_with_block:
%% - The minimum is never used.
%% - At least one maximum is used.
:- public max_with_block/4.
max_with_block(Min, Max, Label, label(Label, S)) :-
number(Min), number(Max), atom(Label),
max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, S).
max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, reject(Who)) :-
commit_label(label(Label, Min), Who),
max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, ok(Who)) :-
\+ commit_label(label(Label, Min), _),
commit_label(label(Label, Max), Who),
max_with_block(Label, Min, Max, need(Max)) :-
%% any_with_block:
%% - The maximum is never used.
any_with_block(Label, Min, reject(Who)) :-
Min < 0,
commit_label(label(Label, Min), Who),
any_with_block(Label, Min, may(_)).
%% max_no_block:
%% - At least one maximum is used.
max_no_block(Max, Label, label(Label, S)) :-
number(Max), atom(Label),
max_no_block(Label, Max, S).
max_no_block(Label, Max, ok(Who)) :-
commit_label(label(Label, Max), Who),
max_no_block(Label, Max, need(Max)) :-
%% filter_submit_results/3:
%% Executes the submit_filter against the given list of results,
%% returns a list of filtered results.
:- public filter_submit_results/3.
filter_submit_results(Filter, In, Out) :-
filter_submit_results(Filter, In, [], Tmp),
reverse(Tmp, Out).
filter_submit_results(Filter, [I | In], Tmp, Out) :-
arg(1, I, R),
call_submit_filter(Filter, R, S),
S =.. [submit | Ls],
( is_all_ok(Ls) -> T = ok(S) ; T = not_ready(S) ),
filter_submit_results(Filter, In, [T | Tmp], Out).
filter_submit_results(Filter, [_ | In], Tmp, Out) :-
filter_submit_results(Filter, In, Tmp, Out),
filter_submit_results(Filter, [], Out, Out).
call_submit_filter(P:X, R, S) :- !, F =.. [X, R, S], P:F.
call_submit_filter(X, R, S) :- F =.. [X, R, S], F.
%% filter_submit_type_results/3:
%% Executes the submit_type_filter against the result,
%% returns the filtered result.
:- public filter_submit_type_results/3.
filter_submit_type_results(Filter, In, Out) :- call_submit_filter(Filter, In, Out).
%% locate_submit_filter/1:
%% Finds a submit_filter if available.
:- public locate_submit_filter/1.
locate_submit_filter(FilterName) :-
locate_helper(submit_filter, noop_filter, 2, FilterName).
%% noop_filter/2:
:- public noop_filter/2.
noop_filter(In, In).
%% locate_submit_type_filter/1:
%% Finds a submit_type_filter if available.
:- public locate_submit_type_filter/1.
locate_submit_type_filter(FilterName) :-
locate_helper(submit_type_filter, noop_filter, 2, FilterName).
%% find_label/3:
%% Finds labels successively and fails when there are no more results.
:- public find_label/3.
find_label([], _, _) :- !, fail.
find_label(List, Name, Label) :-
List = [_ | _],
find_label2(List, Name, Label).
find_label(S, Name, Label) :-
S =.. [submit | Ls],
find_label2(Ls, Name, Label).
find_label2([L | _ ], Name, L) :- L = label(Name, _).
find_label2([_ | Ls], Name, L) :- find_label2(Ls, Name, L).
%% remove_label/3:
%% Removes all occurances of label(Name, Status).
:- public remove_label/3.
remove_label([], _, []) :- !.
remove_label(List, Label, Out) :-
List = [_ | _],
subtract1(List, Label, Out).
remove_label(S, Label, Out) :-
S =.. [submit | Ls],
subtract1(Ls, Label, Tmp),
Out =.. [submit | Tmp].
subtract1([], _, []) :- !.
subtract1([E | L], E, R) :- !, subtract1(L, E, R).
subtract1([H | L], E, [H | R]) :- subtract1(L, E, R).
%% commit_author/1:
:- public commit_author/1.
commit_author(Author) :-
commit_author(Author, _, _).
%% commit_committer/1:
:- public commit_committer/1.
commit_committer(Committer) :-
commit_committer(Committer, _, _).
%% commit_delta/1:
:- public commit_delta/1.
commit_delta(Regex) :-
once(commit_delta(Regex, _, _, _)).
%% commit_delta/3:
:- public commit_delta/3.
commit_delta(Regex, Type, Path) :-
commit_delta(Regex, TmpType, NewPath, OldPath),
split_commit_delta(TmpType, NewPath, OldPath, Type, Path).
split_commit_delta(rename, NewPath, OldPath, delete, OldPath).
split_commit_delta(rename, NewPath, OldPath, add, NewPath) :- !.
split_commit_delta(copy, NewPath, OldPath, add, NewPath) :- !.
split_commit_delta(Type, Path, _, Type, Path).
%% commit_message_matches/1:
:- public commit_message_matches/1.
commit_message_matches(Pattern) :-
regex_matches(Pattern, Msg).