Move the contents of the former load-tests directory to the root of this structure. Before this change, that directory was the only file set present in this e2e-tests root structure. This removal also paves the way for potential non-load e2e tests, such as functional feature ones. Gerrit already has unit and acceptance or (partial) integration tests for its functionality. However organizations still need to internally develop and maintain -thus duplicate- full e2e integration tests. E.g., to smoke-test new release deployment acts for either development, staging or production purposes. This change then also proposes to consider reusing this Gatling framework (DSL, protocols) for e2e feature integration tests, alongside the emerging load ones -for Gerrit. Change-Id: Idffa7f43b546d6bfdc5d7b170d8ddc6c51b095c3
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FROM denvazh/gatling:3.2.1
ARG gatling_git_version=1.0.9
RUN apk add --no-cache maven
RUN mvn dependency:get \
-DgroupId=com.gerritforge \
-DartifactId=gatling-git_2.12 \
-Dversion=$gatling_git_version \
RUN mvn dependency:copy-dependencies \
-f /root/.m2/repository/com/gerritforge/gatling-git_2.12/$gatling_git_version/gatling-git_2.12-$gatling_git_version.pom \
RUN mvn dependency:get \
-Dartifact=com.gerritforge:gatling-git_2.12:$gatling_git_version:jar \
ARG gatling_home=/home/gatling
RUN addgroup -g 1000 -S appgroup && \
adduser -u 1000 -S gatling -G appgroup -h $gatling_home
RUN cp -R /opt/gatling/* $gatling_home && \
chown -R gatling:appgroup $gatling_home
WORKDIR $gatling_home
USER gatling
COPY ./src/test/scala/com/google/gerrit/scenarios $gatling_home/user-files/simulations
COPY ./src/test/resources/application.conf $gatling_home/conf
COPY ./src/test/resources/data $gatling_home/user-files/resources/data
ENV GATLING_HOME=$gatling_home
ENTRYPOINT ["/home/gatling/bin/gatling.sh"]