Test with Gerrit 2.13

More recent OpenSSH/OpenSSL versions no longer want to communicate
with the mina-sshd in Gerrit 2.11. In order to pave the way for
testing on distros new enough to supply Python 3.9 packages, upgrade
the version of Gerrit used in the functional testsuite.

Because 2.12 and later moved user SSH keys into Git, we can no
longer rely on the same gsql bootstrapping method to inject them
into the golden site. However, if we init the server in --dev mode,
we can use the default admin/secret test administrator account
instead of creating a new administrator account ourselves (we just
need to post an SSH public key for it to the REST API at runtime).

Also stop precreating host keys and running a reindex, partially
reverting I1c5db09c53a56ffd856da24decf29566e86f9d87, which we did to
keep 2.11 working on some older (but then newer) platforms. Keep the
reindexing in the golden site though, as this remains necessary and
likely also provides some performance benefits.

Add/improve some code comments around relevant bits, so further
updates or rewrites will be less of a struggle for maintainers.

Change-Id: I1245519d912a385c4b9bd09da1728d9b7933802b
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Stanley 2021-02-23 23:03:49 +00:00
parent deb6d08645
commit 95df6748c8

View File

@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ else:
urlparse = urllib.parse.urlparse
WAR_URL = 'http://tarballs.openstack.org/' \
WAR_URL = 'https://gerrit-releases.storage.googleapis.com/gerrit-2.13.14.war'
# Update GOLDEN_SITE_VER for every change altering golden site, including
# WAR_URL changes. Set new value to something unique (just +1 it for example)
# NOTE(yorik-sar): This function needs to be a perfect hash function for
@ -147,53 +146,32 @@ class GerritHelpers(DirHelpers):
# We write out the ssh host key for gerrit's ssh server which
# for undocumented reasons forces gerrit init to download the
# bouncy castle libs which we need for ssh that works on
# newer distros like ubuntu xenial.
os.makedirs(self._dir('gsite', 'etc'))
# create SSH host key
host_key_file = self._dir('gsite', 'etc', 'ssh_host_rsa_key')
utils.run_cmd('ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '4096', '-m', 'PEM',
'-f', host_key_file, '-N', '')
print("Creating a new golden site of version " + GOLDEN_SITE_VER)
# initialize Gerrit
# initialize Gerrit in developer mode, and include the
# download-commands plugin (needed by some tests which try to retrieve
# by Change-Id string)
utils.run_cmd('java', '-jar', self.gerrit_war,
'init', '-d', self.gsite_dir,
'init', '-d', self.gsite_dir, '--dev',
'--batch', '--no-auto-start', '--install-plugin',
# pre-index so that it won't be triggered on start for each copy
utils.run_cmd('java', '-jar', self.gerrit_war, 'reindex',
'-d', self.gsite_dir)
# record our site version
with open(golden_ver_file, 'w') as f:
# create SSH public key
key_file = self._dir('gsite', 'test_ssh_key')
utils.run_cmd('ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '4096', '-m', 'PEM',
'-f', key_file, '-N', '')
with open(key_file + '.pub', 'rb') as pub_key_file:
pub_key = pub_key_file.read()
# create admin user in Gerrit database
VALUES (0, 1);
VALUES (0, 'username:test_user', 'test_pass');
VALUES ('%s', 'Y')""" % pub_key.decode()
utils.run_cmd('java', '-jar',
self._dir('gsite', 'bin', 'gerrit.war'),
'gsql', '-d', self.gsite_dir, '-c', sql_query)
'-f', self._dir('gsite', 'test_ssh_key'), '-N', '')
def _run_gerrit_cli(self, command, *args):
"""SSH to gerrit Gerrit server and run command there."""
return utils.run_cmd('ssh', '-p', str(self.gerrit_port),
'test_user@' + self.gerrit_host, 'gerrit',
'admin@' + self.gerrit_host, 'gerrit',
command, *args)
def _run_git_review(self, *args, **kwargs):
@ -233,15 +211,27 @@ class BaseGitReviewTestCase(testtools.TestCase, GerritHelpers):
self.test_dir = self._dir('site', 'tmp', 'test_project')
self.ssh_dir = self._dir('site', 'tmp', 'ssh')
self.project_ssh_uri = (
'ssh://test_user@%s:%s/test/test_project.git' % (
'ssh://admin@%s:%s/test/test_project.git' % (
ssh_addr, ssh_port))
self.project_http_uri = (
'http://test_user:test_pass@%s:%s/test/test_project.git' % (
'http://admin:secret@%s:%s/test/test_project.git' % (
http_addr, http_port))
self._run_gerrit(ssh_addr, ssh_port, http_addr, http_port)
self._configure_ssh(ssh_addr, ssh_port)
# Upload SSH key for test admin user
with open(self._dir('gsite', 'test_ssh_key.pub'), 'rb') as pub_key_fd:
pub_key = pub_key_fd.read().decode().strip()
resp = requests.post(
'http://%s:%s/a/accounts/self/sshkeys' % (http_addr, http_port),
auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('admin', 'secret'),
headers={'Content-Type': 'text/plain'},
if resp.status_code != 201:
raise RuntimeError(
'SSH key upload failed: %s "%s"' % (resp, resp.text))
# create Gerrit empty project
self._run_gerrit_cli('create-project', 'test/test_project',
@ -373,7 +363,7 @@ class BaseGitReviewTestCase(testtools.TestCase, GerritHelpers):
self._run_git('remote', 'add', self._remote, self.project_uri)
def _configure_gitreview_username(self):
self._run_git('config', 'gitreview.username', 'test_user')
self._run_git('config', 'gitreview.username', 'admin')
def _pick_gerrit_port_and_dir(self):
hash_ = _hash_test_id(self.id())
@ -408,4 +398,4 @@ class HttpMixin(object):
def _configure_gitreview_username(self):
# trick to set http password
self._run_git('config', 'gitreview.username', 'test_user:test_pass')
self._run_git('config', 'gitreview.username', 'admin:secret')