#!/usr/bin/env python COPYRIGHT = """\ Copyright (C) 2011-2012 OpenStack LLC. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.""" import urllib import json from distutils.version import StrictVersion from urlparse import urlparse import ConfigParser import datetime import os import sys import time import re import shlex import subprocess version = "1.16" VERBOSE = False UPDATE = False CONFIGDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/git-review") GLOBAL_CONFIG = "/etc/git-review/git-review.conf" PYPI_URL = "http://pypi.python.org/pypi/git-review/json" PYPI_CACHE_TIME = 60 * 60 * 24 # 24 hours _branch_name = None _has_color = None def run_command(cmd, status=False, env={}): if VERBOSE: print datetime.datetime.now(), "Running:", cmd cmd_list = shlex.split(str(cmd)) newenv = os.environ newenv.update(env) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=newenv) (out, nothing) = p.communicate() if status: return (p.returncode, out.strip()) return out.strip() def run_command_status(cmd, env={}): return run_command(cmd, True, env) def update_latest_version(version_file_path): """ Cache the latest version of git-review for the upgrade check. """ if not os.path.exists(CONFIGDIR): os.makedirs(CONFIGDIR) if os.path.exists(version_file_path) and not UPDATE: if (time.time() - os.path.getmtime(version_file_path)) < 28800: return latest_version = version try: latest_version = json.load(urllib.urlopen(PYPI_URL))['info']['version'] except: pass with open(version_file_path, "w") as version_file: version_file.write(latest_version) def latest_is_newer(): """ Check if there is a new version of git-review. """ # Skip version check if distro package turns it off if os.path.exists(GLOBAL_CONFIG): config = dict(check=False) configParser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(config) configParser.read(GLOBAL_CONFIG) if not configParser.getboolean("updates", "check"): return False version_file_path = os.path.join(CONFIGDIR, "latest-version") update_latest_version(version_file_path) latest_version = None with open(version_file_path, "r") as version_file: latest_version = StrictVersion(version_file.read()) if latest_version > StrictVersion(version): return True return False def get_hooks_target_file(): top_dir = run_command('git rev-parse --show-toplevel') hooks_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, ".git/hooks") return os.path.join(hooks_dir, "commit-msg") def set_hooks_commit_msg(remote, target_file): """ Install the commit message hook if needed. """ # Create the hooks directory if it's not there already hooks_dir = os.path.dirname(target_file) if not os.path.isdir(hooks_dir): os.mkdir(hooks_dir) (hostname, team, username, port, project_name) = \ parse_git_show(remote, "Push") if not os.path.exists(target_file) or UPDATE: if VERBOSE: print "Fetching commit hook from: scp://%s:%s" % (hostname, port) scp_cmd = "scp " if port is not None: scp_cmd += "-P%s " % port if username is None: scp_cmd += hostname else: scp_cmd += "%s@%s" % (username, hostname) scp_cmd += ":hooks/commit-msg %s" % target_file (status, scp_output) = run_command_status(scp_cmd) if status != 0: print "Problems encountered installing commit-msg hook" print scp_output return False if not os.access(target_file, os.X_OK): os.chmod(target_file, os.path.stat.S_IREAD | os.path.stat.S_IEXEC) return True def test_remote(username, hostname, port, project): """ Tests that a possible gerrit remote works """ if username is None: ssh_cmd = "ssh -p%s %s gerrit ls-projects" cmd = ssh_cmd % (port, hostname) else: ssh_cmd = "ssh -p%s %s@%s gerrit ls-projects" cmd = ssh_cmd % (port, username, hostname) (status, ssh_output) = run_command_status(cmd) if status == 0: if VERBOSE: print "%s@%s:%s worked." % (username, hostname, port) return True else: if VERBOSE: print "%s@%s:%s did not work." % (username, hostname, port) return False def make_remote_url(username, hostname, port, project): """ Builds a gerrit remote URL """ if username is None: return "ssh://%s:%s/%s" % (hostname, port, project) else: return "ssh://%s@%s:%s/%s" % (username, hostname, port, project) def add_remote(hostname, port, project): """ Adds a gerrit remote. """ asked_for_username = False username = os.getenv("USERNAME") if not username: username = run_command('git config --get gitreview.username') if not username: username = os.getenv("USER") if port is None: port = 29418 remote_url = make_remote_url(username, hostname, port, project) if VERBOSE: print "No remote set, testing %s" % remote_url if not test_remote(username, hostname, port, project): print "Could not connect to gerrit." username = raw_input("Enter your gerrit username: ") remote_url = make_remote_url(username, hostname, port, project) print "Trying again with %s" % remote_url if not test_remote(username, hostname, port, project): raise Exception("Could not connect to gerrit at %s" % remote_url) asked_for_username = True print "Creating a git remote called gerrit that maps to:" print "\t%s" % remote_url cmd = "git remote add -f gerrit %s" % remote_url (status, remote_output) = run_command_status(cmd) if status != 0: raise Exception("Error running %s" % cmd) if asked_for_username: print print "This repository is now set up for use with git-review." print "You can set the default username for future repositories with:" print ' git config --global --add gitreview.username "%s"' % username print def split_hostname(fetch_url): parsed_url = urlparse(fetch_url) username = None hostname = parsed_url.netloc port = 22 # Workaround bug in urlparse on OSX if parsed_url.scheme == "ssh" and parsed_url.path[:2] == "//": hostname = parsed_url.path[2:].split("/")[0] if "@" in hostname: (username, hostname) = hostname.split("@") if ":" in hostname: (hostname, port) = hostname.split(":") # Is origin an ssh location? Let's pull more info if parsed_url.scheme == "ssh": return (username, hostname, port) else: return (None, hostname, None) def parse_git_show(remote, verb): fetch_url = "" for line in run_command("git remote show -n %s" % remote).split("\n"): if line.strip().startswith("%s" % verb): fetch_url = ":".join(line.split(":")[1:]).strip() project_name = fetch_url.split("/")[-1] if project_name.endswith(".git"): project_name = project_name[:-4] hostname = None team = None username = None port = None if VERBOSE: print "Found origin %s URL:" % verb, fetch_url # Special-case git@github urls - the rest can be parsed with urlparse if fetch_url.startswith("git@github.com"): hostname = "github.com" else: (username, hostname, port) = split_hostname(fetch_url) if hostname == "github.com": team = fetch_url.split("/")[-2] if team.startswith("git@github.com"): team = team.split(':')[1] return (hostname, team, username, port, project_name) def git_config_get_value(section, option): cmd = "git config --get %s.%s" % (section, option) return run_command(cmd).strip() def check_color_support(): global _has_color if _has_color is None: test_command = "git log --color=never --oneline HEAD^1..HEAD" (status, output) = run_command_status(test_command) if status == 0: _has_color = True else: _has_color = False return _has_color def get_config(): """Get the configuration options set in the .gitremote file, if present.""" """Returns a hashmap with hostname, port, project and defaultbranch.""" """If there is no .gitremote file, default values will be used.""" config = dict(hostname=False, port='29418', project=False, defaultbranch='master') top_dir = run_command('git rev-parse --show-toplevel') target_file = os.path.join(top_dir, ".gitreview") if os.path.exists(target_file): configParser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(config) configParser.read(target_file) config['hostname'] = configParser.get("gerrit", "host") config['port'] = configParser.get("gerrit", "port") config['project'] = configParser.get("gerrit", "project") config['defaultbranch'] = configParser.get("gerrit", "defaultbranch") return config def check_remote(branch, remote, hostname, port, project): """Check that a Gerrit Git remote repo exists, if not, set one.""" has_color = check_color_support() if has_color: color_never = "--color=never" else: color_never = "" if remote in run_command("git remote").split("\n"): remotes = run_command("git branch -a %s" % color_never).split("\n") for current_remote in remotes: if current_remote.strip() == "remotes/%s/%s" % (remote, branch) \ and not UPDATE: return # We have the remote, but aren't set up to fetch. Fix it if VERBOSE: print "Setting up gerrit branch tracking for better rebasing" output = run_command("git remote update %s" % remote) if VERBOSE: print output return if hostname == False or port == False or project == False: # This means there was no .gitreview file print "No '.gitreview' file found in this repository." print "We don't know where your gerrit is. Please manually create " print "a remote named gerrit and try again." sys.exit(1) # Gerrit remote not present, try to add it try: add_remote(hostname, port, project) except: print sys.exc_info()[2] print "We don't know where your gerrit is. Please manually create " print "a remote named gerrit and try again." raise def rebase_changes(branch, remote): remote_branch = "remotes/%s/%s" % (remote, branch) cmd = "git remote update %s" % remote (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) if VERBOSE: print output if status != 0: print "Problem running '%s'" % cmd if not VERBOSE: print output return False cmd = "git rebase -i %s" % remote_branch (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd, env=dict(GIT_EDITOR='true')) if status != 0: print "Errors running %s" % cmd print output return False return True def get_branch_name(target_branch): global _branch_name if _branch_name is not None: return _branch_name _branch_name = None has_color = check_color_support() if has_color: color_never = "--color=never" else: color_never = "" for branch in run_command("git branch %s" % color_never).split("\n"): if branch.startswith('*'): _branch_name = branch.split()[1].strip() if _branch_name == "(no": _branch_name = target_branch return _branch_name def assert_one_change(remote, branch, yes, have_hook): branch_name = get_branch_name(branch) has_color = check_color_support() if has_color: color = git_config_get_value("color", "ui").lower() if(color == "" or color == "true"): color = "auto" elif color == "false": color = "never" elif color == "auto": # Python is not a tty, we have to force colors color = "always" use_color = "--color=%s" % color else: use_color = "" cmd = "git log %s --decorate --oneline %s --not remotes/%s/%s" % \ (use_color, branch_name, remote, branch) (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) if status != 0: print "Had trouble running %s" % cmd print output sys.exit(1) output_lines = len(output.split("\n")) if output_lines == 1 and not have_hook: print "Your change was committed before the commit hook was installed" print "Amending the commit to add a gerrit change id" run_command("git commit --amend", env=dict(GIT_EDITOR='true')) elif output_lines == 0: print "No changes between HEAD and %s/%s." % (remote, branch) print "Submitting for review would be pointless." sys.exit(1) elif output_lines > 1: if not yes: print "You have more than one commit that you are about to submit." print "The outstanding commits are:\n\n%s\n" % output print "Is this really what you meant to do?" yes_no = raw_input("Type 'yes' to confirm: ") if yes_no.lower().strip() != "yes": print "Aborting." print "Please rebase/squash your changes and try again" sys.exit(1) def get_topic(target_branch): branch_name = get_branch_name(target_branch) branch_parts = branch_name.split("/") if len(branch_parts) >= 3 and branch_parts[0] == "review": return "/".join(branch_parts[2:]) log_output = run_command("git log HEAD^1..HEAD") bug_re = r'\b([Bb]ug|[Ll][Pp])\s*[#:]?\s*(\d+)' match = re.search(bug_re, log_output) if match is not None: return "bug/%s" % match.group(2) bp_re = r'\b([Bb]lue[Pp]rint|[Bb][Pp])\s*[#:]?\s*([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+)' match = re.search(bp_re, log_output) if match is not None: return "bp/%s" % match.group(2) return branch_name def download_review(review, masterbranch): (hostname, team, username, port, project_name) = \ parse_git_show("gerrit", "Push") ssh_cmds = ["ssh"] if port is not None: ssh_cmds.extend(["-p", port]) if username is not None: ssh_cmds.extend(["-l", username]) ssh_cmd = " ".join(ssh_cmds) query_string = "--format=JSON --current-patch-set change:%s" % review review_info = None (status, output) = run_command_status("%s %s gerrit query %s" % (ssh_cmd, hostname, query_string)) if status != 0: print "Could not fetch review information from gerrit" print output return status try: review_info = json.loads(output.split("\n")[0]) except: if VERBOSE: print output print "Could not find a gerrit review with id: %s" % review return 1 try: topic = review_info['topic'] if topic == masterbranch: topic = review except KeyError: topic = review author = re.sub('\W+', '_', review_info['owner']['name']).lower() branch_name = "review/%s/%s" % (author, topic) revision = review_info['currentPatchSet']['revision'] refspec = review_info['currentPatchSet']['ref'] print "Downloading %s from gerrit into %s" % (refspec, branch_name) (status, output) = run_command_status("git fetch gerrit %s" % refspec) if status != 0: print output return status checkout_cmd = "git checkout -b %s FETCH_HEAD" % branch_name (status, output) = run_command_status(checkout_cmd) if status != 0: if output.endswith("already exists"): print "Branch already exists - reusing" checkout_cmd = "git checkout %s" % branch_name (status, output) = run_command_status(checkout_cmd) if status != 0: print output return status reset_cmd = "git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD" (status, output) = run_command_status(reset_cmd) if status != 0: print output return status else: print output return status print "Switched to branch '%s'" % branch_name return 0 def finish_branch(target_branch): local_branch = get_branch_name(target_branch) if VERBOSE: print "Switching back to %s and deleting %s" % (target_branch, local_branch) checkout_cmd = "git checkout %s" % target_branch (status, output) = run_command_status(checkout_cmd) if status != 0: print output return status print "Switched to branch '%s'" % target_branch close_cmd = "git branch -D %s" % local_branch (status, output) = run_command_status(close_cmd) if status != 0: print output return status print "Deleted branch '%s'" % local_branch return 0 def print_exit_message(status, needs_update): if needs_update: print """ *********************************************************** A new version of git-review is availble on PyPI. Please update your copy with: pip install -U git-review to ensure proper behavior with gerrit. Thanks! *********************************************************** """ sys.exit(status) def main(): config = get_config() usage = "git review [OPTIONS] ... [BRANCH]" import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage, description=COPYRIGHT) parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic", dest="topic", help="Topic to submit branch to") parser.add_argument("-D", "--draft", dest="draft", action="store_true", help="Submit review as a draft") parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dry", action="store_true", help="Don't actually submit the branch for review") parser.add_argument("-r", "--remote", dest="remote", help="git remote to use for gerrit") parser.add_argument("-R", "--no-rebase", dest="rebase", action="store_false", help="Don't rebase changes before submitting.") parser.add_argument("-d", "--download", dest="download", help="Download the contents of an existing gerrit " "review into a branch") parser.add_argument("-u", "--update", dest="update", action="store_true", help="Force updates from remote locations") parser.add_argument("-s", "--setup", dest="setup", action="store_true", help="Just run the repo setup commands but don't " "submit anything") parser.add_argument("-f", "--finish", dest="finish", action="store_true", help="Close down this branch and switch back to " "master on successful submission") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", dest="yes", action="store_true", help="Indicate that you do, in fact, understand if " "you are submitting more than one patch") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Output more information about what's going on") parser.add_argument("--license", dest="license", action="store_true", help="Print the license and exit") parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version='%s version %s' % \ (os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1], version)) parser.add_argument("branch", nargs="?", default=config['defaultbranch']) parser.set_defaults(dry=False, draft=False, rebase=True, verbose=False, update=False, setup=False, yes=False, remote="gerrit") options = parser.parse_args() if options.license: print COPYRIGHT sys.exit(0) branch = options.branch global VERBOSE global UPDATE VERBOSE = options.verbose UPDATE = options.update remote = options.remote yes = options.yes status = 0 needs_update = latest_is_newer() check_remote(branch, remote, config['hostname'], config['port'], config['project']) if options.download is not None: print_exit_message(download_review(options.download, branch), needs_update) else: topic = options.topic if topic is None: topic = get_topic(branch) if VERBOSE: print "Found topic '%s' from parsing changes." % topic hook_file = get_hooks_target_file() have_hook = os.path.exists(hook_file) and os.access(hook_file, os.X_OK) if not have_hook: if not set_hooks_commit_msg(remote, hook_file): print_exit_message(1, needs_update) if not options.setup: if options.rebase: if not rebase_changes(branch, remote): print_exit_message(1, needs_update) assert_one_change(remote, branch, yes, have_hook) # NOTE (kiall): Change to "publish" after 2.2.2 is deployed, # before refs/for/ is deprecated ref = "for" if options.draft: ref = "draft" cmd = "git push %s HEAD:refs/%s/%s/%s" % (remote, ref, branch, topic) if options.dry: print "Please use the following command " \ "to send your commits to review:\n" print "\t%s\n" % cmd else: (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) print output if options.finish and not options.dry and status == 0: status = finish_branch(branch) print_exit_message(status, needs_update) if __name__ == "__main__": main()