#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function COPYRIGHT = """\ Copyright (C) 2011-2012 OpenStack LLC. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.""" import datetime import json import os import pkg_resources import re import shlex import subprocess import sys import textwrap import requests if sys.version < '3': import ConfigParser import urllib import urlparse urlencode = urllib.urlencode urljoin = urlparse.urljoin urlparse = urlparse.urlparse do_input = raw_input else: import configparser as ConfigParser import urllib.parse import urllib.request urlencode = urllib.parse.urlencode urljoin = urllib.parse.urljoin urlparse = urllib.parse.urlparse do_input = input VERBOSE = False UPDATE = False CONFIGDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/git-review") GLOBAL_CONFIG = "/etc/git-review/git-review.conf" USER_CONFIG = os.path.join(CONFIGDIR, "git-review.conf") PYPI_URL = "http://pypi.python.org/pypi/git-review/json" PYPI_CACHE_TIME = 60 * 60 * 24 # 24 hours DEFAULTS = dict(scheme='ssh', hostname=False, port=None, project=False, defaultbranch='master', defaultremote="gerrit", defaultrebase="1") _branch_name = None _has_color = None _orig_head = None class colors: yellow = '\033[33m' green = '\033[92m' reset = '\033[0m' class GitReviewException(Exception): pass class CommandFailed(GitReviewException): def __init__(self, *args): Exception.__init__(self, *args) (self.rc, self.output, self.argv, self.envp) = args self.quickmsg = dict([ ("argv", " ".join(self.argv)), ("rc", self.rc), ("output", self.output)]) def __str__(self): return self.__doc__ + """ The following command failed with exit code %(rc)d "%(argv)s" ----------------------- %(output)s -----------------------""" % self.quickmsg class ChangeSetException(GitReviewException): def __init__(self, e): GitReviewException.__init__(self) self.e = str(e) def __str__(self): return self.__doc__ % self.e def printwrap(unwrapped): print('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(unwrapped))) def parse_review_number(review): parts = review.split(',') if len(parts) < 2: parts.append(None) return parts def build_review_number(review, patchset): if patchset is not None: return '%s,%s' % (review, patchset) return review def run_command_status(*argv, **env): if VERBOSE: print(datetime.datetime.now(), "Running:", " ".join(argv)) if len(argv) == 1: # for python2 compatibility with shlex if sys.version_info < (3,) and isinstance(argv[0], unicode): argv = shlex.split(argv[0].encode('utf-8')) else: argv = shlex.split(str(argv[0])) newenv = os.environ.copy() newenv.update(env) p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=newenv) (out, nothing) = p.communicate() out = out.decode('utf-8', 'replace') return (p.returncode, out.strip()) def run_command(*argv, **env): (rc, output) = run_command_status(*argv, **env) return output def run_command_exc(klazz, *argv, **env): """Run command *argv, on failure raise klazz klazz should be derived from CommandFailed """ (rc, output) = run_command_status(*argv, **env) if rc != 0: raise klazz(rc, output, argv, env) return output def run_http_exc(klazz, url, **env): """Run http GET request url, on failure raise klazz klazz should be derived from CommandFailed """ if url.startswith("https://") and "verify" not in env: if "GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY" in os.environ: env["verify"] = False else: verify = git_config_get_value("http", "sslVerify", as_bool=True) env["verify"] = verify != 'false' try: res = requests.get(url, **env) if not 200 <= res.status_code < 300: code = (res.status_code - 301) % 255 + 1 raise klazz(code, res.text, ('GET', url), env) return res except Exception as err: raise klazz(255, str(err), ('GET', url), env) def get_version(): requirement = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse('git-review') provider = pkg_resources.get_provider(requirement) return provider.version def git_directories(): """Determine (absolute git work directory path, .git subdirectory path).""" cmd = ("git", "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel", "--git-dir") out = run_command_exc(GitDirectoriesException, *cmd) try: return out.splitlines() except ValueError: raise GitDirectoriesException(0, out, cmd, {}) class GitDirectoriesException(CommandFailed): "Cannot determine where .git directory is." EXIT_CODE = 70 class CustomScriptException(CommandFailed): """Custom script execution failed.""" EXIT_CODE = 71 def run_custom_script(action): """Get status and output of .git/hooks/$action-review or/and ~/.config/hooks/$action-review if existing. """ returns = [] script_file = "%s-review" % (action) (top_dir, git_dir) = git_directories() paths = [os.path.join(CONFIGDIR, "hooks", script_file), os.path.join(git_dir, "hooks", script_file)] for fpath in paths: if os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK): status, output = run_command_status(fpath) returns.append((status, output, fpath)) for (status, output, path) in returns: if status is not None and status != 0: raise CustomScriptException(status, output, [path], {}) elif output and VERBOSE: print("script %s output is:" % (path)) print(output) def git_config_get_value(section, option, default=None, as_bool=False): """Get config value for section/option.""" cmd = ["git", "config", "--get", "%s.%s" % (section, option)] if as_bool: cmd.insert(2, "--bool") try: return run_command_exc(GitConfigException, *cmd).strip() except GitConfigException as exc: if exc.rc == 1: return default raise class GitConfigException(CommandFailed): """Git config value retrieval failed.""" EXIT_CODE = 128 class CannotInstallHook(CommandFailed): "Problems encountered installing commit-msg hook" EXIT_CODE = 2 def set_hooks_commit_msg(remote, target_file): """Install the commit message hook if needed.""" # Create the hooks directory if it's not there already hooks_dir = os.path.dirname(target_file) if not os.path.isdir(hooks_dir): os.mkdir(hooks_dir) if not os.path.exists(target_file) or UPDATE: remote_url = get_remote_url(remote) if (remote_url.startswith('http://') or remote_url.startswith('https://')): hook_url = urljoin(remote_url, '/tools/hooks/commit-msg') if VERBOSE: print("Fetching commit hook from: %s" % hook_url) res = run_http_exc(CannotInstallHook, hook_url, stream=True) with open(target_file, 'wb') as f: for x in res.iter_content(1024): f.write(x) else: (hostname, username, port, project_name) = \ parse_gerrit_ssh_params_from_git_url(remote_url) if username is None: userhost = hostname else: userhost = "%s@%s" % (username, hostname) cmd = ["scp", userhost + ":hooks/commit-msg", target_file] if port is not None: cmd.insert(1, "-P%s" % port) if VERBOSE: hook_url = 'scp://%s%s/hooks/commit-msg' \ % (userhost, (":%s" % port) if port else "") print("Fetching commit hook from: %s" % hook_url) run_command_exc(CannotInstallHook, *cmd) if not os.access(target_file, os.X_OK): os.chmod(target_file, os.path.stat.S_IREAD | os.path.stat.S_IEXEC) def test_remote_url(remote_url): """Tests that a possible gerrit remote url works.""" status, __ = run_command_status("git", "push", "--dry-run", remote_url, "--all") if status != 128: if VERBOSE: print("%s worked." % remote_url) return True else: if VERBOSE: print("%s did not work." % remote_url) return False def make_remote_url(scheme, username, hostname, port, project): """Builds a gerrit remote URL.""" if port is None and scheme == 'ssh': port = 29418 hostport = '%s:%s' % (hostname, port) if port else hostname if username is None: return "%s://%s/%s" % (scheme, hostport, project) else: return "%s://%s@%s/%s" % (scheme, username, hostport, project) def add_remote(scheme, hostname, port, project, remote): """Adds a gerrit remote.""" asked_for_username = False username = git_config_get_value("gitreview", "username") if not username: username = os.getenv("USERNAME") if not username: username = os.getenv("USER") remote_url = make_remote_url(scheme, username, hostname, port, project) if VERBOSE: print("No remote set, testing %s" % remote_url) if not test_remote_url(remote_url): print("Could not connect to gerrit.") username = do_input("Enter your gerrit username: ") remote_url = make_remote_url(scheme, username, hostname, port, project) print("Trying again with %s" % remote_url) if not test_remote_url(remote_url): raise Exception("Could not connect to gerrit at %s" % remote_url) asked_for_username = True print("Creating a git remote called \"%s\" that maps to:" % remote) print("\t%s" % remote_url) cmd = "git remote add -f %s %s" % (remote, remote_url) (status, remote_output) = run_command_status(cmd) if status != 0: raise Exception("Error running %s" % cmd) if asked_for_username: print() printwrap("This repository is now set up for use with git-review. " "You can set the default username for future repositories " "with:") print(' git config --global --add gitreview.username "%s"' % username) print() def get_remote_url(remote): url = git_config_get_value('remote.%s' % remote, 'url', '') push_url = git_config_get_value('remote.%s' % remote, 'pushurl', url) if VERBOSE: print("Found origin Push URL:", push_url) return push_url def parse_gerrit_ssh_params_from_git_url(git_url): """Parse a given Git "URL" into Gerrit parameters. Git "URLs" are either real URLs or SCP-style addresses. """ # The exact code for this in Git itself is a bit obtuse, so just do # something sensible and pythonic here instead of copying the exact # minutiae from Git. # Handle real(ish) URLs if "://" in git_url: parsed_url = urlparse(git_url) path = parsed_url.path hostname = parsed_url.netloc username = None port = parsed_url.port # Workaround bug in urlparse on OSX if parsed_url.scheme == "ssh" and parsed_url.path[:2] == "//": hostname = parsed_url.path[2:].split("/")[0] if "@" in hostname: (username, hostname) = hostname.split("@") if ":" in hostname: (hostname, port) = hostname.split(":") if port is not None: port = str(port) # Handle SCP-style addresses else: username = None port = None (hostname, path) = git_url.split(":", 1) if "@" in hostname: (username, hostname) = hostname.split("@", 1) # Strip leading slash and trailing .git from the path to form the project # name. project_name = re.sub(r"^/|(\.git$)", "", path) return (hostname, username, port, project_name) def query_reviews(remote_url, change=None, current_patch_set=True, exception=CommandFailed, parse_exc=Exception): if remote_url.startswith('http://') or remote_url.startswith('https://'): query = query_reviews_over_http else: query = query_reviews_over_ssh return query(remote_url, change=change, current_patch_set=current_patch_set, exception=exception, parse_exc=parse_exc) def query_reviews_over_http(remote_url, change=None, current_patch_set=True, exception=CommandFailed, parse_exc=Exception): url = urljoin(remote_url, '/changes/') if change: if current_patch_set: url += '?q=%s&o=CURRENT_REVISION' % change else: url += '?q=%s&o=ALL_REVISIONS' % change else: project_name = re.sub(r"^/|(\.git$)", "", urlparse(remote_url).path) params = urlencode({'q': 'project:%s status:open' % project_name}) url += '?' + params if VERBOSE: print("Query gerrit %s" % url) request = run_http_exc(exception, url) if VERBOSE: print(request.text) reviews = json.loads(request.text[4:]) # Reformat output to match ssh output try: for review in reviews: review["number"] = str(review.pop("_number")) if "revisions" not in review: continue patchsets = {} for key, revision in review["revisions"].items(): fetch_value = list(revision["fetch"].values())[0] patchset = {"number": str(revision["_number"]), "ref": fetch_value["ref"]} patchsets[key] = patchset review["patchSets"] = patchsets.values() review["currentPatchSet"] = patchsets[review["current_revision"]] except Exception as err: raise parse_exc(err) return reviews def query_reviews_over_ssh(remote_url, change=None, current_patch_set=True, exception=CommandFailed, parse_exc=Exception): (hostname, username, port, project_name) = \ parse_gerrit_ssh_params_from_git_url(remote_url) if change: if current_patch_set: query = "--current-patch-set change:%s" % change else: query = "--patch-sets change:%s" % change else: query = "project:%s status:open" % project_name port_data = "p%s" % port if port is not None else "" if username is None: userhost = hostname else: userhost = "%s@%s" % (username, hostname) if VERBOSE: print("Query gerrit %s %s" % (remote_url, query)) output = run_command_exc( exception, "ssh", "-x" + port_data, userhost, "gerrit", "query", "--format=JSON %s" % query) if VERBOSE: print(output) changes = [] try: for line in output.split("\n"): if line[0] == "{": try: data = json.loads(line) if "type" not in data: changes.append(data) except Exception: if VERBOSE: print(output) except Exception as err: raise parse_exc(err) return changes def check_color_support(): global _has_color if _has_color is None: test_command = "git log --color=never --oneline HEAD^1..HEAD" (status, output) = run_command_status(test_command) if status == 0: _has_color = True else: _has_color = False return _has_color def get_config(config_file=None): """Generate the configuration map by starting with some built-in defaults and then loading GLOBAL_CONFIG, USER_CONFIG, and a repository-specific .gitreview file, if they exist. In case of conflict, the configuration file with the narrowest scope wins. """ config = DEFAULTS.copy() for filename in (GLOBAL_CONFIG, USER_CONFIG, config_file): if filename is not None and os.path.exists(filename): config.update(load_config_file(filename)) return config def load_config_file(config_file): """Load configuration options from a file.""" configParser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() configParser.read(config_file) options = { 'scheme': 'scheme', 'hostname': 'host', 'port': 'port', 'project': 'project', 'defaultbranch': 'defaultbranch', 'defaultremote': 'defaultremote', 'defaultrebase': 'defaultrebase', } config = {} for config_key, option_name in options.items(): if configParser.has_option('gerrit', option_name): config[config_key] = configParser.get('gerrit', option_name) return config def update_remote(remote): cmd = "git remote update %s" % remote (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) if VERBOSE: print(output) if status != 0: print("Problem running '%s'" % cmd) if not VERBOSE: print(output) return False return True def check_remote(branch, remote, scheme, hostname, port, project): """Check that a Gerrit Git remote repo exists, if not, set one.""" has_color = check_color_support() if has_color: color_never = "--color=never" else: color_never = "" if remote in run_command("git remote").split("\n"): remotes = run_command("git branch -a %s" % color_never).split("\n") for current_remote in remotes: if (current_remote.strip() == "remotes/%s/%s" % (remote, branch) and not UPDATE): return # We have the remote, but aren't set up to fetch. Fix it if VERBOSE: print("Setting up gerrit branch tracking for better rebasing") update_remote(remote) return if hostname is False or project is False: # This means there was no .gitreview file printwrap("No '.gitreview' file found in this repository. We don't " "know where your gerrit is. Please manually create a remote " "named \"%s\" and try again." % remote) sys.exit(1) # Gerrit remote not present, try to add it try: add_remote(scheme, hostname, port, project, remote) except Exception: print(sys.exc_info()[2]) printwrap("We don't know where your gerrit is. Please manually create " "a remote named \"%s\" and try again." % remote) raise def rebase_changes(branch, remote, interactive=True): global _orig_head remote_branch = "remotes/%s/%s" % (remote, branch) if not update_remote(remote): return False # since the value of ORIG_HEAD may not be set by rebase as expected # for use in undo_rebase, make sure to save it explicitly cmd = "git rev-parse HEAD" (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) if status != 0: print("Errors running %s" % cmd) if interactive: print(output) return False _orig_head = output cmd = "git show-ref --quiet --verify refs/%s" % remote_branch (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) if status != 0: printwrap("The branch '%s' does not exist on the given remote '%s'. " "If these changes are intended to start a new branch, " "re-run with the '-R' option enabled." % (branch, remote)) sys.exit(1) if interactive: cmd = "git rebase -p -i %s" % remote_branch else: cmd = "git rebase -p %s" % remote_branch (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd, GIT_EDITOR='true') if status != 0: print("Errors running %s" % cmd) if interactive: print(output) return False return True def undo_rebase(): global _orig_head if not _orig_head: return True cmd = "git reset --hard %s" % _orig_head (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) if status != 0: print("Errors running %s" % cmd) print(output) return False return True def get_branch_name(target_branch): global _branch_name if _branch_name is not None: return _branch_name _branch_name = None cmd = "git branch" has_color = check_color_support() if has_color: cmd += " --color=never" for branch in run_command(cmd, LANG='C').split("\n"): if branch.startswith('*'): _branch_name = branch.split()[1].strip() break if _branch_name == "(no" or _branch_name == "(detached": _branch_name = target_branch return _branch_name def assert_one_change(remote, branch, yes, have_hook): has_color = check_color_support() if has_color: color = git_config_get_value("color", "ui") if color is None: color = "auto" else: color = color.lower() if (color == "" or color == "true"): color = "auto" elif color == "false": color = "never" elif color == "auto": # Python is not a tty, we have to force colors color = "always" use_color = "--color=%s" % color else: use_color = "" cmd = ("git log %s --decorate --oneline HEAD --not --remotes=%s" % ( use_color, remote)) (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) if status != 0: print("Had trouble running %s" % cmd) print(output) sys.exit(1) filtered = filter(None, output.split("\n")) output_lines = sum(1 for s in filtered) if output_lines == 1 and not have_hook: printwrap("Your change was committed before the commit hook was " "installed. Amending the commit to add a gerrit change id.") run_command("git commit --amend", GIT_EDITOR='true') elif output_lines == 0: printwrap("No changes between HEAD and %s/%s. Submitting for review " "would be pointless." % (remote, branch)) sys.exit(1) elif output_lines > 1: if not yes: printwrap("You are about to submit multiple commits. This is " "expected if you are submitting a commit that is " "dependent on one or more in-review commits. Otherwise " "you should consider squashing your changes into one " "commit before submitting.") print("\nThe outstanding commits are:\n\n%s\n\n" "Do you really want to submit the above commits?" % output) yes_no = do_input("Type 'yes' to confirm, other to cancel: ") if yes_no.lower().strip() != "yes": print("Aborting.") sys.exit(1) def use_topic(why, topic): """Inform the user about why a particular topic has been selected.""" if VERBOSE: print(why % ('"%s"' % topic,)) return topic def get_topic(target_branch): branch_name = get_branch_name(target_branch) branch_parts = branch_name.split("/") if len(branch_parts) >= 3 and branch_parts[0] == "review": return use_topic("Using change number %s " "for the topic of the change submitted", "/".join(branch_parts[2:])) log_output = run_command("git log HEAD^1..HEAD") bug_re = r'''(?x) # verbose regexp \b([Bb]ug|[Ll][Pp]) # bug or lp [ \t\f\v]* # don't want to match newline [:]? # separator if needed [ \t\f\v]* # don't want to match newline [#]? # if needed [ \t\f\v]* # don't want to match newline (\d+) # bug number''' match = re.search(bug_re, log_output) if match is not None: return use_topic("Using bug number %s " "for the topic of the change submitted", "bug/%s" % match.group(2)) bp_re = r'''(?x) # verbose regexp \b([Bb]lue[Pp]rint|[Bb][Pp]) # a blueprint or bp [ \t\f\v]* # don't want to match newline [#:]? # separator if needed [ \t\f\v]* # don't want to match newline ([0-9a-zA-Z-_]+) # any identifier or number''' match = re.search(bp_re, log_output) if match is not None: return use_topic("Using blueprint number %s " "for the topic of the change submitted", "bp/%s" % match.group(2)) return use_topic("Using local branch name %s " "for the topic of the change submitted", branch_name) class CannotQueryOpenChangesets(CommandFailed): "Cannot fetch review information from gerrit" EXIT_CODE = 32 class CannotParseOpenChangesets(ChangeSetException): "Cannot parse JSON review information from gerrit" EXIT_CODE = 33 def list_reviews(remote): remote_url = get_remote_url(remote) reviews = query_reviews(remote_url, exception=CannotQueryOpenChangesets, parse_exc=CannotParseOpenChangesets) REVIEW_FIELDS = ('number', 'branch', 'subject') FIELDS = range(len(REVIEW_FIELDS)) if check_color_support(): review_field_color = (colors.yellow, colors.green, "") color_reset = colors.reset else: review_field_color = ("", "", "") color_reset = "" review_field_format = ["%*s", "%*s", "%*s"] review_field_justify = [+1, +1, -1] # -1 is justify to right review_list = [[r[f] for f in REVIEW_FIELDS] for r in reviews] review_field_width = dict() for i in FIELDS: review_field_width[i] = max(len(r[i]) for r in review_list) review_field_format = " ".join([ review_field_color[i] + review_field_format[i] + color_reset for i in FIELDS]) review_field_width = [ review_field_width[i] * review_field_justify[i] for i in FIELDS] for review_value in review_list: # At this point we have review_field_format # like "%*s %*s %*s" and we need to supply # (width1, value1, width2, value2, ...) tuple to print # It's easy to zip() widths with actual values, # but we need to flatten the resulting # ((width1, value1), (width2, value2), ...) map. formatted_fields = [] for (width, value) in zip(review_field_width, review_value): formatted_fields.extend([width, value]) print(review_field_format % tuple(formatted_fields)) print("Found %d items for review" % len(reviews)) return 0 class CannotQueryPatchSet(CommandFailed): "Cannot query patchset information" EXIT_CODE = 34 class ReviewInformationNotFound(ChangeSetException): "Could not fetch review information for change %s" EXIT_CODE = 35 class ReviewNotFound(ChangeSetException): "Gerrit review %s not found" EXIT_CODE = 36 class PatchSetGitFetchFailed(CommandFailed): """Cannot fetch patchset contents Does specified change number belong to this project? """ EXIT_CODE = 37 class PatchSetNotFound(ChangeSetException): "Review patchset %s not found" EXIT_CODE = 38 class CheckoutNewBranchFailed(CommandFailed): "Cannot checkout to new branch" EXIT_CODE = 64 class CheckoutExistingBranchFailed(CommandFailed): "Cannot checkout existing branch" EXIT_CODE = 65 class ResetHardFailed(CommandFailed): "Failed to hard reset downloaded branch" EXIT_CODE = 66 def fetch_review(review, masterbranch, remote): remote_url = get_remote_url(remote) review_arg = review review, patchset_number = parse_review_number(review) current_patch_set = patchset_number is None review_infos = query_reviews(remote_url, change=review, current_patch_set=current_patch_set, exception=CannotQueryPatchSet, parse_exc=ReviewInformationNotFound) if not len(review_infos): raise ReviewInformationNotFound(review) review_info = review_infos[0] try: if patchset_number is None: refspec = review_info['currentPatchSet']['ref'] else: refspec = [ps for ps in review_info['patchSets'] if ps['number'] == patchset_number][0]['ref'] except IndexError: raise PatchSetNotFound(review_arg) except KeyError: raise ReviewNotFound(review) try: topic = review_info['topic'] if topic == masterbranch: topic = review except KeyError: topic = review try: author = re.sub('\W+', '_', review_info['owner']['name']).lower() except KeyError: author = 'unknown' if patchset_number is None: branch_name = "review/%s/%s" % (author, topic) else: branch_name = "review/%s/%s-patch%s" % (author, topic, patchset_number) print("Downloading %s from gerrit" % refspec) run_command_exc(PatchSetGitFetchFailed, "git", "fetch", remote, refspec) return branch_name def checkout_review(branch_name): """Checkout a newly fetched (FETCH_HEAD) change into a branch """ try: run_command_exc(CheckoutNewBranchFailed, "git", "checkout", "-b", branch_name, "FETCH_HEAD") except CheckoutNewBranchFailed as e: if re.search("already exists\.?", e.output): print("Branch already exists - reusing") run_command_exc(CheckoutExistingBranchFailed, "git", "checkout", branch_name) run_command_exc(ResetHardFailed, "git", "reset", "--hard", "FETCH_HEAD") else: raise print("Switched to branch \"%s\"" % branch_name) class PatchSetGitCherrypickFailed(CommandFailed): "There was a problem applying changeset contents to the current branch." EXIT_CODE = 69 def cherrypick_review(option=None): cmd = ["git", "cherry-pick"] if option: cmd.append(option) cmd.append("FETCH_HEAD") print(run_command_exc(PatchSetGitCherrypickFailed, *cmd)) class CheckoutBackExistingBranchFailed(CommandFailed): "Cannot switch back to existing branch" EXIT_CODE = 67 class DeleteBranchFailed(CommandFailed): "Failed to delete branch" EXIT_CODE = 68 class InvalidPatchsetsToCompare(GitReviewException): def __init__(self, patchsetA, patchsetB): Exception.__init__( self, "Invalid patchsets for comparison specified (old=%s,new=%s)" % ( patchsetA, patchsetB)) EXIT_CODE = 39 def compare_review(review_spec, branch, remote, rebase=False): new_ps = None # none means latest if '-' in review_spec: review_spec, new_ps = review_spec.split('-') review, old_ps = parse_review_number(review_spec) if old_ps is None or old_ps == new_ps: raise InvalidPatchsetsToCompare(old_ps, new_ps) old_review = build_review_number(review, old_ps) new_review = build_review_number(review, new_ps) old_branch = fetch_review(old_review, branch, remote) checkout_review(old_branch) if rebase: print('Rebasing %s' % old_branch) rebase = rebase_changes(branch, remote, False) if not rebase: print('Skipping rebase because of conflicts') run_command_exc(CommandFailed, 'git', 'rebase', '--abort') new_branch = fetch_review(new_review, branch, remote) checkout_review(new_branch) if rebase: print('Rebasing also %s' % new_branch) if not rebase_changes(branch, remote, False): print("Rebasing of the new branch failed, " "diff can be messed up (use -R to not rebase at all)!") run_command_exc(CommandFailed, 'git', 'rebase', '--abort') subprocess.check_call(['git', 'diff', old_branch]) def finish_branch(target_branch): local_branch = get_branch_name(target_branch) if VERBOSE: print("Switching back to '%s' and deleting '%s'" % (target_branch, local_branch)) run_command_exc(CheckoutBackExistingBranchFailed, "git", "checkout", target_branch) print("Switched to branch '%s'" % target_branch) run_command_exc(DeleteBranchFailed, "git", "branch", "-D", local_branch) print("Deleted branch '%s'" % local_branch) def convert_bool(one_or_zero): "Return a bool on a one or zero string." return one_or_zero in ["1", "true", "True"] def main(): usage = "git review [OPTIONS] ... [BRANCH]" import argparse class DownloadFlag(argparse.Action): """Additional option parsing: store value in 'dest', but at the same time set one of the flag options to True """ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) setattr(namespace, self.const, True) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage, description=COPYRIGHT) parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic", dest="topic", help="Topic to submit branch to") parser.add_argument("-D", "--draft", dest="draft", action="store_true", help="Submit review as a draft") parser.add_argument("-c", "--compatible", dest="compatible", action="store_true", help="Push change to refs/for/* for compatibility " "with Gerrit versions < 2.3. Ignored if " "-D/--draft is used.") parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dry", action="store_true", help="Don't actually submit the branch for review") parser.add_argument("-i", "--new-changeid", dest="regenerate", action="store_true", help="Regenerate Change-id before submitting") parser.add_argument("-r", "--remote", dest="remote", help="git remote to use for gerrit") parser.add_argument("-R", "--no-rebase", dest="rebase", action="store_false", help="Don't rebase changes before submitting.") parser.add_argument("-F", "--force-rebase", dest="force_rebase", action="store_true", help="Force rebase even when not needed.") fetch = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() fetch.set_defaults(download=False, compare=False, cherrypickcommit=False, cherrypickindicate=False, cherrypickonly=False) fetch.add_argument("-d", "--download", dest="changeidentifier", action=DownloadFlag, metavar="CHANGE", const="download", help="Download the contents of an existing gerrit " "review into a branch") fetch.add_argument("-x", "--cherrypick", dest="changeidentifier", action=DownloadFlag, metavar="CHANGE", const="cherrypickcommit", help="Apply the contents of an existing gerrit " "review onto the current branch and commit " "(cherry pick; not recommended in most " "situations)") fetch.add_argument("-X", "--cherrypickindicate", dest="changeidentifier", action=DownloadFlag, metavar="CHANGE", const="cherrypickindicate", help="Apply the contents of an existing gerrit " "review onto the current branch and commit, " "indicating its origin") fetch.add_argument("-N", "--cherrypickonly", dest="changeidentifier", action=DownloadFlag, metavar="CHANGE", const="cherrypickonly", help="Apply the contents of an existing gerrit " "review to the working directory and prepare " "for commit") fetch.add_argument("-m", "--compare", dest="changeidentifier", action=DownloadFlag, metavar="CHANGE,PS[-NEW_PS]", const="compare", help="Download specified and latest (or NEW_PS) " "patchsets of an existing gerrit review into " "a branches, rebase on master " "(skipped on conflicts or when -R is specified) " "and show their differences") parser.add_argument("-u", "--update", dest="update", action="store_true", help="Force updates from remote locations") parser.add_argument("-s", "--setup", dest="setup", action="store_true", help="Just run the repo setup commands but don't " "submit anything") parser.add_argument("-f", "--finish", dest="finish", action="store_true", help="Close down this branch and switch back to " "master on successful submission") parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", dest="list", action="store_true", help="List available reviews for the current project") parser.add_argument("-y", "--yes", dest="yes", action="store_true", help="Indicate that you do, in fact, understand if " "you are submitting more than one patch") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Output more information about what's going on") parser.add_argument("--no-custom-script", dest="custom_script", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not run custom scripts.") parser.add_argument("--license", dest="license", action="store_true", help="Print the license and exit") parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version='%s version %s' % (os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1], get_version())) parser.add_argument("branch", nargs="?") parser.set_defaults(dry=False, draft=False, verbose=False, update=False, setup=False, list=False, yes=False) try: (top_dir, git_dir) = git_directories() except GitDirectoriesException as no_git_dir: pass else: no_git_dir = False config = get_config(os.path.join(top_dir, ".gitreview")) defaultrebase = convert_bool( git_config_get_value("gitreview", "rebase", default=str(config['defaultrebase']))) parser.set_defaults(rebase=defaultrebase, branch=config['defaultbranch'], remote=config['defaultremote']) options = parser.parse_args() if no_git_dir: raise no_git_dir if options.license: print(COPYRIGHT) sys.exit(0) branch = options.branch global VERBOSE global UPDATE VERBOSE = options.verbose UPDATE = options.update remote = options.remote yes = options.yes status = 0 check_remote(branch, remote, config['scheme'], config['hostname'], config['port'], config['project']) if options.changeidentifier: if options.compare: compare_review(options.changeidentifier, branch, remote, options.rebase) return local_branch = fetch_review(options.changeidentifier, branch, remote) if options.download: checkout_review(local_branch) else: if options.cherrypickcommit: cherrypick_review() elif options.cherrypickonly: cherrypick_review("-n") if options.cherrypickindicate: cherrypick_review("-x") return elif options.list: list_reviews(remote) return if options.custom_script: run_custom_script("pre") hook_file = os.path.join(git_dir, "hooks", "commit-msg") have_hook = os.path.exists(hook_file) and os.access(hook_file, os.X_OK) if not have_hook: set_hooks_commit_msg(remote, hook_file) if options.setup: if options.finish and not options.dry: finish_branch(branch) return if options.rebase: if not rebase_changes(branch, remote): sys.exit(1) if not options.force_rebase and not undo_rebase(): sys.exit(1) assert_one_change(remote, branch, yes, have_hook) ref = "publish" if options.draft: ref = "drafts" if options.custom_script: run_custom_script("draft") elif options.compatible: ref = "for" cmd = "git push %s HEAD:refs/%s/%s" % (remote, ref, branch) topic = options.topic or get_topic(branch) if topic != branch: cmd += "/%s" % topic if options.regenerate: print("Amending the commit to regenerate the change id\n") regenerate_cmd = "git commit --amend" if options.dry: print("\tGIT_EDITOR=\"sed -i -e '/^Change-Id:/d'\" %s\n" % regenerate_cmd) else: run_command(regenerate_cmd, GIT_EDITOR="sed -i -e " "'/^Change-Id:/d'") if options.dry: print("Please use the following command " "to send your commits to review:\n") print("\t%s\n" % cmd) else: (status, output) = run_command_status(cmd) print(output) if options.finish and not options.dry and status == 0: finish_branch(branch) return if options.custom_script: run_custom_script("post") sys.exit(status) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except GitReviewException as e: # If one does unguarded print(e) here, in certain locales the implicit # str(e) blows up with familiar "UnicodeEncodeError ... ordinal not in # range(128)". See rhbz#1058167. try: u = unicode(e) except NameError: # Python 3, we're home free. print(e) else: print(u.encode('utf-8')) sys.exit(e.EXIT_CODE)