git-review ========== A git command for submitting branches to Gerrit git-review is a tool that helps submitting git branches to gerrit for review. Setup ----- git-review, by default, looks for a git remote called gerrit, and submits the current branch to HEAD:refs/for/master at that remote. If the "gerrit" remote does not exist, git-review looks for a file called .gitreview at the root of the repository with information about the gerrit remote. Assuming that file is present, git-review should be able to automatically configure your repository the first time it is run. Usage ----- Hack on some code, then:: git review If you want to submit that code to a branch other than "master", then:: git review branchname If you want to submit to a different remote:: git review -r my-remote If you want to supply a review topic:: git review -t topic/awesome-feature If you want to submit a branch for review and then remove the local branch:: git review -f If you want to skip the automatic "git rebase -i" step:: git review -R If you want to download change 781 from gerrit to review it:: git review -d 781 If you want to download patchset 4 for change 781 from gerrit to review it:: git review -d 781,4 If you want to compare patchset 4 with patchset 10 of change 781 from gerrit:: git review -m 781,4-10 If you just want to do the commit message and remote setup steps:: git review -s .gitreview file format ---------------------- Example .gitreview file (used to upload for git-review itself):: [gerrit] port=29418 project=openstack-infra/git-review.git defaultbranch=master Required values: host, project Optional values: port (default: 29418), defaultbranch (default: master) **Notes** * Username not required because it is requested on first run * Unlike git config files there cannot be any whitespace before the name of the variable. * git-review will create a gerrit remote upon first run Hooks ----- git-review has a custom hook mechanism to run a script before certain actions. This is done in the same spirit as the classic hooks in git. There are two types of hooks, a global one which is stored in ~/.config/git-review/hooks/ and one local to the repository stored in .git/hooks/ with the other git hook scripts. __The script needs be executable before getting executed__ The name of the script is $action-review where action can be : * pre - run at first before doing anything. * post - run at the end after the review was sent. * draft - run when in draft mode. if the script returns with an exit status different than zero, git-review will exit with the a custom shell exit code 71. Installation ------------ Install with pip install git-review For installation from source simply add git-review to your $PATH Contributing ------------ To get the latest code, see: Bugs are handled at: There is a mailing list at: Code reviews, as you might expect, are handled by gerrit at: Use ``git review`` to submit patches (after creating a gerrit account that links to your launchpad account). Example:: # Do your commits git review # Enter your username if promped