# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import hashlib import os import shutil import stat import struct import sys import fixtures import requests import testtools from testtools import content from git_review.tests import utils if sys.version < '3': import urllib import urlparse urlparse = urlparse.urlparse else: import urllib.parse import urllib.request urlparse = urllib.parse.urlparse WAR_URL = 'http://tarballs.openstack.org/' \ 'ci/gerrit/gerrit-v2.11.4.13.cb9800e.war' # Update GOLDEN_SITE_VER for every change altering golden site, including # WAR_URL changes. Set new value to something unique (just +1 it for example) GOLDEN_SITE_VER = '4' # NOTE(yorik-sar): This function needs to be a perfect hash function for # existing test IDs. This is verified by running check_test_id_hashes script # prior to running tests. Note that this doesn't imply any cryptographic # requirements for underlying algorithm, so we can use weak hash here. # Range of results for this function is limited by port numbers selection # in _pick_gerrit_port_and_dir method (it can't be greater than 10000 now). def _hash_test_id(test_id): if not isinstance(test_id, bytes): test_id = test_id.encode('utf-8') hash_ = hashlib.md5(test_id).digest() num = struct.unpack("=I", hash_[:4])[0] return num % 10000 class DirHelpers(object): def _dir(self, base, *args): """Creates directory name from base name and other parameters.""" return os.path.join(getattr(self, base + '_dir'), *args) class IsoEnvDir(DirHelpers, fixtures.Fixture): """Created isolated env and associated directories""" def __init__(self, base_dir=None): super(IsoEnvDir, self).setUp() # set up directories for isolation if base_dir: self.base_dir = base_dir self.temp_dir = self._dir('base', 'tmp') if not os.path.exists(self.temp_dir): os.mkdir(self.temp_dir) self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.temp_dir) else: self.temp_dir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()).path self.work_dir = self._dir('temp', 'work') self.home_dir = self._dir('temp', 'home') self.xdg_config_dir = self._dir('home', '.xdgconfig') for path in [self.home_dir, self.xdg_config_dir, self.work_dir]: if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) # ensure user proxy conf doesn't interfere with tests self.useFixture(fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('no_proxy', '*')) self.useFixture(fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('NO_PROXY', '*')) # isolate tests from user and system git configuration self.useFixture(fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('HOME', self.home_dir)) self.useFixture( fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', self.xdg_config_dir)) self.useFixture( fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM', "1")) self.useFixture( fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('EMAIL', "you@example.com")) self.useFixture( fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('GIT_AUTHOR_NAME', "gitreview tester")) self.useFixture( fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('GIT_COMMITTER_NAME', "gitreview tester")) class GerritHelpers(DirHelpers): def init_dirs(self): self.primary_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) self.gerrit_dir = self._dir('primary', '.gerrit') self.gsite_dir = self._dir('gerrit', 'golden_site') self.gerrit_war = self._dir('gerrit', WAR_URL.split('/')[-1]) def ensure_gerrit_war(self): # check if gerrit.war file exists in .gerrit directory if not os.path.exists(self.gerrit_dir): os.mkdir(self.gerrit_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.gerrit_war): print("Downloading Gerrit binary from %s..." % WAR_URL) resp = requests.get(WAR_URL) if resp.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError("Problem requesting Gerrit war") utils.write_to_file(self.gerrit_war, resp.content) print("Saved to %s" % self.gerrit_war) def init_gerrit(self): """Run Gerrit from the war file and configure it.""" golden_ver_file = self._dir('gsite', 'golden_ver') if os.path.exists(self.gsite_dir): if not os.path.exists(golden_ver_file): golden_ver = '0' else: with open(golden_ver_file) as f: golden_ver = f.read().strip() if GOLDEN_SITE_VER != golden_ver: print("Existing golden site has version %s, removing..." % golden_ver) shutil.rmtree(self.gsite_dir) else: print("Golden site of version %s already exists" % GOLDEN_SITE_VER) return # We write out the ssh host key for gerrit's ssh server which # for undocumented reasons forces gerrit init to download the # bouncy castle libs which we need for ssh that works on # newer distros like ubuntu xenial. os.makedirs(self._dir('gsite', 'etc')) # create SSH host key host_key_file = self._dir('gsite', 'etc', 'ssh_host_rsa_key') utils.run_cmd('ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '4096', '-m', 'PEM', '-f', host_key_file, '-N', '') print("Creating a new golden site of version " + GOLDEN_SITE_VER) # initialize Gerrit utils.run_cmd('java', '-jar', self.gerrit_war, 'init', '-d', self.gsite_dir, '--batch', '--no-auto-start', '--install-plugin', 'download-commands') utils.run_cmd('java', '-jar', self.gerrit_war, 'reindex', '-d', self.gsite_dir) with open(golden_ver_file, 'w') as f: f.write(GOLDEN_SITE_VER) # create SSH public key key_file = self._dir('gsite', 'test_ssh_key') utils.run_cmd('ssh-keygen', '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '4096', '-m', 'PEM', '-f', key_file, '-N', '') with open(key_file + '.pub', 'rb') as pub_key_file: pub_key = pub_key_file.read() # create admin user in Gerrit database sql_query = """INSERT INTO ACCOUNTS (REGISTERED_ON) VALUES (NOW()); INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_GROUP_MEMBERS (ACCOUNT_ID, GROUP_ID) \ VALUES (0, 1); INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_EXTERNAL_IDS (ACCOUNT_ID, EXTERNAL_ID, PASSWORD) \ VALUES (0, 'username:test_user', 'test_pass'); INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_SSH_KEYS (SSH_PUBLIC_KEY, VALID) \ VALUES ('%s', 'Y')""" % pub_key.decode() utils.run_cmd('java', '-jar', self._dir('gsite', 'bin', 'gerrit.war'), 'gsql', '-d', self.gsite_dir, '-c', sql_query) def _run_gerrit_cli(self, command, *args): """SSH to gerrit Gerrit server and run command there.""" return utils.run_cmd('ssh', '-p', str(self.gerrit_port), 'test_user@' + self.gerrit_host, 'gerrit', command, *args) def _run_git_review(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run git-review utility from source.""" git_review = utils.run_cmd('which', 'git-review') kwargs.setdefault('chdir', self.test_dir) return utils.run_cmd(git_review, *args, **kwargs) class BaseGitReviewTestCase(testtools.TestCase, GerritHelpers): """Base class for the git-review tests.""" _remote = 'gerrit' @property def project_uri(self): return self.project_ssh_uri def setUp(self): """Configure testing environment. Prepare directory for the testing and clone test Git repository. Require Gerrit war file in the .gerrit directory to run Gerrit local. """ super(BaseGitReviewTestCase, self).setUp() self.useFixture(fixtures.Timeout(2 * 60, True)) # ensures git-review command runs in local mode (for functional tests) self.useFixture( fixtures.EnvironmentVariable('GITREVIEW_LOCAL_MODE', '')) self.init_dirs() ssh_addr, ssh_port, http_addr, http_port, self.site_dir = \ self._pick_gerrit_port_and_dir() self.gerrit_host, self.gerrit_port = ssh_addr, ssh_port self.test_dir = self._dir('site', 'tmp', 'test_project') self.ssh_dir = self._dir('site', 'tmp', 'ssh') self.project_ssh_uri = ( 'ssh://test_user@%s:%s/test/test_project.git' % ( ssh_addr, ssh_port)) self.project_http_uri = ( 'http://test_user:test_pass@%s:%s/test/test_project.git' % ( http_addr, http_port)) self._run_gerrit(ssh_addr, ssh_port, http_addr, http_port) self._configure_ssh(ssh_addr, ssh_port) # create Gerrit empty project self._run_gerrit_cli('create-project', '--empty-commit', '--name', 'test/test_project') # setup isolated area to work under self.useFixture(IsoEnvDir(self.site_dir)) # prepare repository for the testing self._run_git('clone', self.project_uri) utils.write_to_file(self._dir('test', 'test_file.txt'), 'test file created'.encode()) self._create_gitreview_file() # push changes to the Gerrit self._run_git('add', '--all') self._run_git('commit', '-m', 'Test file and .gitreview added.') self._run_git('push', 'origin', 'master') # push a branch to gerrit self._run_git('checkout', '-b', 'testbranch') utils.write_to_file(self._dir('test', 'test_file.txt'), 'test file branched'.encode()) self._create_gitreview_file(defaultbranch='testbranch') self._run_git('add', '--all') self._run_git('commit', '-m', 'Branched.') self._run_git('push', 'origin', 'testbranch') # cleanup shutil.rmtree(self.test_dir) # go to the just cloned test Git repository self._run_git('clone', self.project_uri) self.configure_gerrit_remote() self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.test_dir) # ensure user is configured for all tests self._configure_gitreview_username() def set_remote(self, uri): self._run_git('remote', 'set-url', self._remote, uri) def reset_remote(self): self._run_git('remote', 'rm', self._remote) def attach_on_exception(self, filename): @self.addOnException def attach_file(exc_info): if os.path.exists(filename): content.attach_file(self, filename) else: self.addDetail(os.path.basename(filename), content.text_content('Not found')) def _run_git(self, command, *args): """Run git command using test git directory.""" if command == 'clone': return utils.run_git(command, args[0], self._dir('test')) return utils.run_git('--git-dir=' + self._dir('test', '.git'), '--work-tree=' + self._dir('test'), command, *args) def _run_gerrit(self, ssh_addr, ssh_port, http_addr, http_port): # create a copy of site dir shutil.copytree(self.gsite_dir, self.site_dir) self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.site_dir) # write config with open(self._dir('site', 'etc', 'gerrit.config'), 'w') as _conf: new_conf = utils.get_gerrit_conf( ssh_addr, ssh_port, http_addr, http_port) _conf.write(new_conf) # If test fails, attach Gerrit config and logs to the result self.attach_on_exception(self._dir('site', 'etc', 'gerrit.config')) for name in ['error_log', 'sshd_log', 'httpd_log']: self.attach_on_exception(self._dir('site', 'logs', name)) # start Gerrit gerrit_sh = self._dir('site', 'bin', 'gerrit.sh') utils.run_cmd(gerrit_sh, 'start') self.addCleanup(utils.run_cmd, gerrit_sh, 'stop') def _simple_change(self, change_text, commit_message, file_=None): """Helper method to create small changes and commit them.""" if file_ is None: file_ = self._dir('test', 'test_file.txt') utils.write_to_file(file_, change_text.encode()) self._run_git('add', file_) self._run_git('commit', '-m', commit_message) def _simple_amend(self, change_text, file_=None): """Helper method to amend existing commit with change.""" if file_ is None: file_ = self._dir('test', 'test_file_new.txt') utils.write_to_file(file_, change_text.encode()) self._run_git('add', file_) # cannot use --no-edit because it does not exist in older git message = self._run_git('log', '-1', '--format=%s\n\n%b') self._run_git('commit', '--amend', '-m', message) def _configure_ssh(self, ssh_addr, ssh_port): """Setup ssh and scp to run with special options.""" os.mkdir(self.ssh_dir) ssh_key = utils.run_cmd('ssh-keyscan', '-p', str(ssh_port), ssh_addr) utils.write_to_file(self._dir('ssh', 'known_hosts'), ssh_key.encode()) self.addCleanup(os.remove, self._dir('ssh', 'known_hosts')) # Attach known_hosts to test results if anything fails self.attach_on_exception(self._dir('ssh', 'known_hosts')) for cmd in ('ssh', 'scp'): cmd_file = self._dir('ssh', cmd) s = '#!/bin/sh\n' \ '/usr/bin/%s -i %s -o UserKnownHostsFile=%s ' \ '-o IdentitiesOnly=yes ' \ '-o PasswordAuthentication=no $@' % \ (cmd, self._dir('gsite', 'test_ssh_key'), self._dir('ssh', 'known_hosts')) utils.write_to_file(cmd_file, s.encode()) os.chmod(cmd_file, os.stat(cmd_file).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) os.environ['PATH'] = self.ssh_dir + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH'] os.environ['GIT_SSH'] = self._dir('ssh', 'ssh') def configure_gerrit_remote(self): self._run_git('remote', 'add', self._remote, self.project_uri) def _configure_gitreview_username(self): self._run_git('config', 'gitreview.username', 'test_user') def _pick_gerrit_port_and_dir(self): hash_ = _hash_test_id(self.id()) host = '' return ( host, 12000 + hash_, # avoid 11211 that is memcached port on CI host, 22000 + hash_, # avoid ephemeral ports at 32678+ self._dir('gerrit', 'site-' + str(hash_)), ) def _create_gitreview_file(self, **kwargs): cfg = ('[gerrit]\n' 'scheme=%s\n' 'host=%s\n' 'port=%s\n' 'project=test/test_project.git\n' '%s') parsed = urlparse(self.project_uri) host_port = parsed.netloc.rpartition('@')[-1] host, __, port = host_port.partition(':') extra = '\n'.join('%s=%s' % kv for kv in kwargs.items()) cfg %= parsed.scheme, host, port, extra utils.write_to_file(self._dir('test', '.gitreview'), cfg.encode()) class HttpMixin(object): """HTTP remote_url mixin.""" @property def project_uri(self): return self.project_http_uri def _configure_gitreview_username(self): # trick to set http password self._run_git('config', 'gitreview.username', 'test_user:test_pass')