Merge "Add Project Creator's Guide section"
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@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
:title: Project Creator's Guide
Project Creator's Guide
Before You Start
This is a long document. It's long because it has to be, not because
we want it to be. If you follow it, everything will be fine.
It is important that you perform all of the steps, in the order they
are given here. Don't skip any steps. Don't try to do things in
parallel. Don't jump around.
Choosing a Good Name for Your Project
It is important to choose a descriptive name that does not conflict
with other projects. There are several places you'll need to look to
ensure uniqueness and suitability of the name.
.. note::
If you encounter any issues establishing a valid unique name across
all of the tools we use, consult with the Release Manager before
going any further.
Character Set
We prefer to use names made up of lower case ASCII letters and the
``-`` punctuation symbol to avoid issues with various installation
git repository
The base name of the repository should be unique across all of the
namespace directories for git repositories under
|||| That is, it is not sufficient to have
``openstack/foo`` and ``openstack-dev/foo`` because that prevents us
from moving those two projects into the same namespace at some point.
It is preferred but not absolutely necessary for your project name on
|||| to be the same as your git repository name. Try
"python-" as a prefix if necessary (for example, "python-stevedore").
Python projects need to have a unique name on the Python Package Index
( so we can publish source distributions to be
installed via pip.
It is best to name the project and the top level Python package the
same when possible so that the name used to install the dist and the
name used to import the package in source files match. Try "python-"
as a prefix if necessary (for example, "python-stevedore").
Project Team Rules
Some OpenStack project teams have naming conventions that must be
followed. For example, the Oslo team has `instructions for choosing a
name`_ for new Oslo libraries.
.. _instructions for choosing a name:
Set up Launchpad
OpenStack uses for project management tasks such
as release planning and bug tracking. The first step to importing your
project is to make sure you have the right project management tools
.. (dhellmann) This section will need to be updated when we move fully
to storyboard.
Create a new Launchpad Project
Visit and fill in the details.
Name your project using the same name you plan to use for the git
repository, unless that is taken. Try "python-" as a prefix if
necessary (for example, "python-stevedore"). If that name is also
taken, consult with the Release Manager before going any further.
Put Your New Project in the Correct Project Group
From the Overview page of your project, select "Change Details" from
the right sidebar (e.g.,
Find the "Part of" field and set the value to "openstack" for
integrated projects and "oslo" for Oslo libraries.
Save your changes.
Create Bug Tracker
From the Overview page for your project, click the "Bugs" link at the
top of the page. Launchpad should suggest that you set up bug
Choose "In launchpad".
Check the box labeled "Expire 'Incomplete' bug reports when they
become inactive"
Check the box labeled "Search for possible duplicate bugs when a new
bug is filed"
Set the "Bug supervisor" field to "<projectname>-bugs" (for example,
.. note::
You may need to create the bug management team in Launchpad.
Save your changes.
Create Blueprint Tracker
If your project uses Launchpad blueprints to track new feature work,
you should set up the blueprint tracker now. Otherwise, skip this
From the Overview page for your project, click the "Blueprints" link
at the top of the page. Launchpad should suggest that you set up
blueprint tracking.
Choose "Launchpad".
Save your changes.
Set up Supervisors for your Project
From the Overview page for your project, click the pencil "edit" icon
next to the Maintainer field. Replace your name with the
<projectname>-drivers team (for example, "oslo-drivers").
.. note::
You may need to create the drivers team.
From the Overview page for your project, click the pencil "edit" icon
next to the Drivers field. Replace your name with the project drivers
.. note::
If either of these steps makes it so you cannot edit the project,
stop and ask someone in the drivers group to help you before
.. _register-pypi:
Give OpenStack Permission to Publish Releases
New projects without any releases need to be manually registered on
If you already have PyPI credentials, visit
|||| and fill in only
the required fields.
If you do not have PyPI credentials, you can either create them or ask
another dev who has them to handle this step for you.
Next your project needs to be updated so the "openstackci" user has
"Owner" permissions.
and add "openstackci" in the "User Name" field, set the role to "Owner",
and click "Add Role".
.. image:: images/pypi-role-maintenance.png
:height: 499
:width: 800
Add Project to the Governance Repository
Each project managed by an official program in OpenStack needs to be
listed in ``reference/programs.yaml`` in the ``openstack/governance``
repository to indicate who owns the project so we know where ATCs
voting rights extend.
If your project is under the ``stackforge`` section of the git
repository structure, you can skip this step.
Find the appropriate section in ``reference/programs.yaml`` and add
the new project to the list. For example, to add a new Oslo library
edit the "Common Libraries" section::
Common Libraries:
codename: Oslo
ptl: Doug Hellmann (dhellmann)
To produce a set of python libraries containing code shared by OpenStack
projects. The APIs provided by these libraries should be high quality,
stable, consistent, documented and generally applicable.
- openstack/oslo-incubator
- openstack/oslo.config
- openstack/oslo.messaging
- openstack/oslo.rootwrap
- openstack/oslo.sphinx
- openstack/oslo.version
- openstack-dev/cookiecutter
- openstack-dev/hacking
- openstack-dev/pbr
Adding the Repository to the CI System
To add a repository to the CI System, you need to modify some
infrastructure configuration files using git and the OpenStack gerrit
review server.
All of the changes described in this section should be submitted
together as one patchset to the ``openstack-infra/project-config``
Add the project to the master project list
Edit ``gerrit/projects.yaml`` to add a new section like::
- project: openstack/<projectname>
description: Latest and greatest cloud stuff.
Provide a very brief description of the library.
If you have an existing repository that you want to import (for
example, when graduating an Oslo library or bringing a project into
gerrit from github), set the "upstream" field to the URL of the
publicly reachable repository::
- project: openstack/<projectname>
description: Latest and greatest cloud stuff.
upstream: git://<projectname>.git
.. note::
If the git repository short name does not match the Launchpad project
name, you need to add a "groups" list to provide the mapping. The
groups list is also used by Storyboard to be able to present grouped
views of stories and tasks across multiple related projects.
For example, Oslo projects should use "oslo" to ensure that they
are associated with the project group
for tracking bugs and milestones::
- project: openstack/<projectname>
description: Latest and greatest cloud stuff.
upstream: git://<projectname>.git
- oslo
Add Gerrit permissions
Each project should have two gerrit groups. The first, "<projectname>-core", is
the normal core group, with permission to +2 changes. The second,
"<projectname>-release" is a small group of the primary maintainers
with permission to push tags to trigger releases.
Create ``gerrit/acls/openstack/<projectname>.config``::
[access "refs/heads/*"]
label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group <projectname>-core
label-Workflow = -1..+1 group <projectname>-core
abandon = group <projectname>-core
[access "refs/tags/*"]
pushSignedTag = group <projectname>-release
requireChangeId = true
requireContributorAgreement = true
mergeContent = true
See other files in the same directory for examples.
Add Basic Jenkins Jobs
Test jobs run through Jenkins, and the jobs are defined using
jenkins-job-builder configuration files.
.. note::
Different projects will need different jobs, depending on their
nature, implementation language, etc. This example shows how to set
up a new Python code project because that is our most common
case. If you are working on another type of project, you will want
to choose different jobs or job templates to include in the "jobs"
Edit ``jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml`` to add your project. There are
several sections, designated in comments, for different types of
projects. Find the right section and then add a new stanza like:
- project:
name: <projectname>
node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty'
- python-jobs
- openstack-publish-jobs
- pypi-jobs
Configure Zuul to Run Jobs
Zuul is the gate keeper. It watches for changes in gerrit to trigger
the appropriate jobs. To start, establish the rules for the jobs you
.. note::
Different projects will need different jobs, depending on their
nature, implementation language, etc. This example shows how to set
up the full set of gate jobs for a new Python code project because
that is our most common case. If you are working on another type of
project, you will want to choose different jobs or job templates to
include here.
Edit ``zuul/layout.yaml`` to add your project. There are several
sections, designated in comments, for different types of
projects. Find the right section and then add a new stanza like:
- name: openstack/<projectname>
- name: merge-check
- name: python-jobs
- name: openstack-server-publish-jobs
- name: check-requirements
- name: integrated-gate
- name: publish-to-pypi
- name: python3-jobs
- name: translation-jobs
You can find more info about job templates in the beginning of
``zuul/layout.yaml`` in the section starting with
.. note::
If you use ``pypi-jobs`` and ``publish-to-pypi``, please ensure
your project's namespace is registered on
as described in :ref:`register-pypi`. This will be required before
your patch is merged.
Configure GerritBot to Announce Changes
If you want changes proposed and merged to your project to be
announced on IRC, edit ``gerritbot/channels.yaml`` to add your new
repository to the list of projects. For example, to announce changes
related to an Oslo library in the ``#openstack-oslo`` channel, add it
to the ``openstack-oslo`` section::
- patchset-created
- x-vrif-minus-2
- openstack/cliff
- openstack/oslo.config
- openstack/oslo-incubator
- openstack/oslo.messaging
- openstack/oslo.rootwrap
- openstack/oslosphinx
- openstack/oslo-specs
- openstack/oslo.test
- openstack/oslo.version
- openstack/oslo.vmware
- openstack/stevedore
- openstack/taskflow
- openstack-dev/cookiecutter
- openstack-dev/hacking
- openstack-dev/oslo-cookiecutter
- openstack-dev/pbr
- master
Submitting Infra Change for Review
When submitting the change to openstack-infra/project-config for
review, use the "new-project" topic so it receives the appropriate
$ git review -t new-project
Wait Here
The rest of the process needs this initial import to finish, so
coordinate with the Infra team, and read ahead, but don't do any of
these other steps until the import is complete and the new repository
is configured.
Update the Gerrit Group Members
After the review is approved and groups are created, ask the Infra
team to add you to both groups in gerrit, and then you can add other
The project PTL, at least, should be added to "<projectname>-release",
and other developers who understand the release process can volunteer
to be added as well.
The ``devstack-gate`` tools let us install OpenStack projects in a
consistent way so they can all be tested with a common
configuration. If your project will not need to be installed for
devstack gate jobs, you can skip this step.
Check out ``openstack-infra/devstack-gate`` and edit
```` to add the new project::
PROJECTS="openstack/<projectname> $PROJECTS"
Keep the list in alphabetical order.
Add Project to the Requirements List
The global requirements repository (openstack/requirements) controls
which dependencies can be added to a project to ensure that all of
OpenStack can be installed together on a single system without
conflicts. It also automatically contributes updates to the
requirements lists for OpenStack projects when the global requirements
If your project is not going to participate in this requirements
management, you can skip this step.
Edit the ``projects.txt`` file to add the new library, adding
"openstack/<projectname>" in the appropriate place in alphabetical
Preparing a New Git Repository using cookiecutter
All OpenStack projects should use one of our cookiecutter_ templates
for creating an initial repository to hold the source for the project.
If you had an existing repository ready for import when you submitted
the change to project-config, you can skip this section.
Start by checking out a copy of the new repository for your project::
$ git clone git://<projectname>
.. _cookiecutter:
$ pip install cookiecutter
Choosing the Right cookiecutter Template
The template in ``openstack-dev/cookiecutter`` is suitable for
most projects.
$ cookiecutter
The template in ``openstack-dev/oslo-cookiecutter`` should be used for
Oslo libraries.
$ cookiecutter
Applying the Template
Running cookiecutter will prompt you for several settings, based on
the template's configuration. It will then update your project with a
project skeleton, ready to have your other project files added.
$ cd <projectname>
$ git review
If you configured all of the tests for the project when it was created
in the previous section, you will have to ensure that all of the tests
pass before the cookiecutter patch will merge. You can run most of the
tests locally using ``tox`` to verify that they pass.
Verify That Gerrit and the Test Jobs are Working
The next step is to verify that you can submit a change request for
the repository.
#. Check that ``git review`` submits the patch to the right project.
#. Verify that the tests run successfully for the new patch.
#. Ensure that you have permission to approve changes.
#. Test that the release process works by tagging a release.
Prepare an Initial Release
Make Your Project Useful
Before going any farther, make the project do something useful.
If you are importing an existing project with features, you can go
If you are creating a brand new project, add some code and tests to
provide some minimal functionality.
Provide Basic Developer Documentation
Update the ``README.rst`` file to include a paragraph describing the
new project.
Update the rest of the documentation under ``doc/source`` with
information about the public API, tips on adopting the tool,
instructions for running the tests, etc.
Tagging a Release
To verify that the release machinery works, push a signed tag to the
"gerrit" remote. Use the smallest version number possible. If this is
the first release, use "0.1.0". If other releases of the project
exist, choose an appropriate next version number.
.. note::
You must have GnuPG installed and an OpenPGP key configured for
this step.
$ git tag -s -m "descriptive message" $version
$ git push gerrit $version
Wait a little while for the pypi job to run and publish the release.
If you need to check the logs, you can use the `git-os-job`_ command::
$ git os-job $version
.. _git-os-job:
Allowing Other OpenStack Projects to Use Your Library
OpenStack projects share a common global requirements list so that all
components can be installed together on the same system. If you are
importing a new library project, you need to update that list to allow
other projects to use your library.
Update the Global Requirements List
Check out the ``openstack/requirements`` git repository and modify
``global-requirements.txt`` to:
#. add the new library
#. add any of the library's direct dependencies that are not already listed
Setting up Gate Testing
The devstack gate jobs install all OpenStack projects from source so
that the appropriate git revisions (head, or revisions in the merge
queue) are tested together. To include the new library in these tests,
it needs to be included in the list of projects in the devstack gate
wrapper script. For the same feature to work for developers outside of
the gate, the project needs to be added to the appropriate library
file of devstack.
Updating devstack
Check out ``openstack-dev/devstack``.
Edit the appropriate project file under ``lib`` to add a variable
defining where the source should go. For example, when adding a new
Oslo library add it to ``lib/oslo``::
Edit the installation function in the same file to add commands to
check out the repository. For example, when adding an Oslo library,
change :func:`install_oslo` in ``lib/oslo``.
When adding the new item, consider the installation
order. Dependencies installed from source need to be processed in
order so that the lower-level packages are installed first (this
avoids having a library installed from a package and then re-installed
from source as a dependency of something else)::
function install_oslo() {
_do_install_oslo_lib "<projectname>"
Edit ``stackrc`` to add the other variables needed for configuring the
new library::
# new-project
Add Link to Your Developer Documentation
Update the
page with a link to your documentation by checking out the
``openstack/openstack-manuals`` repository and editing
Skip this step if your project is under ``stackforge``.
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