project: Scientific Working Group
meeting_id: scientific_sig
  - time:       '2100'
    day:        Tuesday
    irc:        openstack-meeting
    frequency:  biweekly-even
    start_date: 20160517

  - time:       '1100'
    day:        Wednesday
    irc:        openstack-meeting
    frequency:  biweekly-odd
    start_date: 20170705
chair:  Blair Bethwaite (b1airo), Stig Telfer (oneswig), Martial Michel (martial)
description:  >
  The Scientific SIG is dedicated to representing and advancing the
  use-cases and needs of research and high-performance computing atop
  OpenStack, as well as providing a forum for cross-institutional
  collaboration. If you are (or would like to) run OpenStack to support
  researchers/scientists/academics and/or HPC/HTC, then please join!