project: Large Contributing OpenStack Operators (LCOO) meeting_id: lcoo agenda_url: schedule: - time: '1300' day: Thursday irc: openstack-uc frequency: biweekly-even start_date: 20171130 - time: '1400' day: Thursday irc: openstack-uc frequency: biweekly-even start_date: 20171130 chair: Jamey McCabe (jamemcc) description: > The LCOO (Large Contributing OpenStack Operators) working group is a group of organizations merging our requirements and upstream community teams. Typically we are operating openstack for our own internal business needs in a distributed/multi-cloud arrangement. Join us to introduce and investigte collaboration. Meetings are typically every 2 weeks and may be for 1 or 2 hours. Check schedule at link above. The LCOO holds meeting's simultaneously in IRC and Webex.