# Richard Darst, June 2009 ### # Copyright (c) 2009, Richard Darst # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import os import re import time from . import writers #from writers import html, rst import itertools def inbase(i, chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', place=0): """Converts an integer into a postfix in base 26 using ascii chars. This is used to make a unique postfix for ReStructured Text URL references, which must be unique. (Yes, this is over-engineering, but keeps it short and nicely arranged, and I want practice writing recursive functions.) """ div, mod = divmod(i, len(chars)**(place+1)) if div == 0: return chars[mod] else: return inbase2(div, chars=chars, place=place+1)+chars[mod] # # These are objects which we can add to the meeting minutes. Mainly # they exist to aid in HTML-formatting. # class _BaseItem(object): itemtype = None starthtml = '' endhtml = '' startrst = '' endrst = '' starttext = '' endtext = '' startmw = '' endmw = '' def get_replacements(self, M, escapewith): replacements = { } for name in dir(self): if name[0] == "_": continue replacements[name] = getattr(self, name) replacements['nick'] = escapewith(replacements['nick']) replacements['link'] = self.logURL(M) for key in ('line', 'prefix', 'suffix', 'topic'): if key in replacements: replacements[key] = escapewith(replacements[key]) if 'url' in replacements: replacements['url_quoteescaped'] = \ escapewith(self.url.replace('"', "%22")) return replacements def template(self, M, escapewith): template = { } for k,v in self.get_replacements(M, escapewith).items(): if k not in ('itemtype', 'line', 'topic', 'url', 'url_quoteescaped', 'nick', 'time', 'link', 'anchor'): continue template[k] = v return template def makeRSTref(self, M): if self.nick[-1] == '_': rstref = rstref_orig = "%s%s"%(self.nick, self.time) else: rstref = rstref_orig = "%s-%s"%(self.nick, self.time) count = 0 while rstref in M.rst_refs: rstref = rstref_orig + inbase(count) count += 1 link = self.logURL(M) M.rst_urls.append(".. _%s: %s"%(rstref, link+"#"+self.anchor)) M.rst_refs[rstref] = True return rstref @property def anchor(self): return 'l-'+str(self.linenum) def logURL(self, M): return M.config.basename+'.log.html' class Topic(_BaseItem): itemtype = 'TOPIC' html_template = """%(time)s %(starthtml)sTopic: %(topic)s%(endhtml)s """ #html2_template = ("""%(starthtml)s%(topic)s%(endhtml)s """ # """(%(nick)s, %(time)s)""") html2_template = ("""%(starthtml)s%(topic)s%(endhtml)s """ """""" """(%(nick)s, """ """%(time)s)""" """""") rst_template = """%(startrst)s%(topic)s%(endrst)s (%(rstref)s_)""" text_template = """%(starttext)s%(topic)s%(endtext)s (%(nick)s, %(time)s)""" mw_template = """%(startmw)s%(topic)s%(endmw)s (%(nick)s, %(time)s)""" startrst = '**' endrst = '**' startmw = "'''" endmw = "'''" starthtml = '' endhtml = '' def __init__(self, nick, line, linenum, time_): self.nick = nick ; self.topic = line ; self.linenum = linenum self.time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time_) def _htmlrepl(self, M): repl = self.get_replacements(M, escapewith=writers.html) repl['link'] = self.logURL(M) return repl def html(self, M): return self.html_template%self._htmlrepl(M) def html2(self, M): return self.html2_template%self._htmlrepl(M) def rst(self, M): self.rstref = self.makeRSTref(M) repl = self.get_replacements(M, escapewith=writers.rst) if repl['topic']=='': repl['topic']=' ' repl['link'] = self.logURL(M) return self.rst_template%repl def text(self, M): repl = self.get_replacements(M, escapewith=writers.text) repl['link'] = self.logURL(M) return self.text_template%repl def mw(self, M): repl = self.get_replacements(M, escapewith=writers.mw) return self.mw_template%repl def __str__(self): return "#topic %s" % self.topic class GenericItem(_BaseItem): itemtype = '' html_template = """%(time)s %(itemtype)s%(nick)s%(starthtml)s%(line)s%(endhtml)s """ #html2_template = ("""%(itemtype)s: %(starthtml)s%(line)s%(endhtml)s """ # """(%(nick)s, %(time)s)""") html2_template = ("""%(itemtype)s: """ """""" """%(starthtml)s%(line)s%(endhtml)s """ """""" """(%(nick)s, """ """%(time)s)""" """""") rst_template = """*%(itemtype)s*: %(startrst)s%(line)s%(endrst)s (%(rstref)s_)""" text_template = """%(itemtype)s: %(starttext)s%(line)s%(endtext)s (%(nick)s, %(time)s)""" mw_template = """''%(itemtype)s:'' %(startmw)s%(line)s%(endmw)s (%(nick)s, %(time)s)""" def __init__(self, nick, line, linenum, time_): self.nick = nick ; self.line = line ; self.linenum = linenum self.time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time_) def _htmlrepl(self, M): repl = self.get_replacements(M, escapewith=writers.html) repl['link'] = self.logURL(M) return repl def html(self, M): return self.html_template%self._htmlrepl(M) def html2(self, M): return self.html2_template%self._htmlrepl(M) def rst(self, M): self.rstref = self.makeRSTref(M) repl = self.get_replacements(M, escapewith=writers.rst) repl['link'] = self.logURL(M) return self.rst_template%repl def text(self, M): repl = self.get_replacements(M, escapewith=writers.text) repl['link'] = self.logURL(M) return self.text_template%repl def mw(self, M): repl = self.get_replacements(M, escapewith=writers.mw) return self.mw_template%repl def __str__(self): return "#{} {}".format(self.itemtype.lower(), self.line) class Info(GenericItem): itemtype = 'INFO' html2_template = ("""""" """%(starthtml)s%(line)s%(endhtml)s """ """""" """(%(nick)s, """ """%(time)s)""" """""") rst_template = """%(startrst)s%(line)s%(endrst)s (%(rstref)s_)""" text_template = """%(starttext)s%(line)s%(endtext)s (%(nick)s, %(time)s)""" mw_template = """%(startmw)s%(line)s%(endmw)s (%(nick)s, %(time)s)""" class Idea(GenericItem): itemtype = 'IDEA' class Agreed(GenericItem): itemtype = 'AGREED' class Action(GenericItem): itemtype = 'ACTION' class Help(GenericItem): itemtype = 'HELP' class Accepted(GenericItem): itemtype = 'ACCEPTED' starthtml = '' endhtml = '' class Rejected(GenericItem): itemtype = 'REJECTED' starthtml = '' endhtml = '' class Link(_BaseItem): itemtype = 'LINK' html_template = """%(time)s %(itemtype)s%(nick)s%(starthtml)s%(prefix)s%(url_readable)s%(suffix)s%(endhtml)s """ html2_template = ("""%(starthtml)s%(prefix)s%(url_readable)s%(suffix)s%(endhtml)s """ """""" """(%(nick)s, """ """%(time)s)""" """""") rst_template = """*%(itemtype)s*: %(startrst)s%(prefix)s%(url)s%(suffix)s%(endrst)s (%(rstref)s_)""" text_template = """%(itemtype)s: %(starttext)s%(prefix)s%(url)s%(suffix)s%(endtext)s (%(nick)s, %(time)s)""" mw_template = """''%(itemtype)s:'' %(startmw)s%(prefix)s%(url)s%(suffix)s%(endmw)s (%(nick)s, %(time)s)""" def __init__(self, nick, line, linenum, time_, M): self.nick = nick ; self.linenum = linenum self.time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time_) self.line = line protocols = M.config.UrlProtocols protocols = '|'.join(re.escape(p) for p in protocols) protocols = '(?:'+protocols+')' # This is gross. # (.*?) - any prefix, non-greedy # (%s//[^\s]+ - protocol://... until the next space # (?