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<h1>OpenStack Continuous Integration Testing on Cloud Servers</h1>
James E. Blair
&lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;<br />
<div class="slide">
<p>Is open source software for building private and public clouds.</p>
<img src="images/openstack-software-diagram.png"/>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<div class="slide">
<li>nova (compute)</li>
<li>swift (object storge)</li>
<li>glance (image service)</li>
<li>keystone (identity service)</li>
<li>quantum (network service)</li>
<li>horizon (dashboard)</li>
<li>cinder (volume service)</li>
<li>ceilometer (instrumentation)</li>
<div class="slide">
<li>Individual Contributors</li>
<li>Commercial Entities</li>
<li>Number, quality, and area of contributions can change daily</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Gated Trunk</h1>
<li>Ensures Code Quality</li>
<li>Protects developers<ul>
<li>Devs always start from working code</li>
</ul><li>Protects tree<ul>
<li>Bad code doesn't land</li>
<li>Process is the same for everyone</li>
<li>Process is transparent</li>
<li>Process is automated</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Everything Is Automated</h1>
<img src="images/jenkins-gate.png" />
<div class="slide">
<li>Developed by Google for Android</li>
<li>Stand-alone patch review system</li>
<li>Integration points: hooks, JSON queries, event-stream</li>
<li>Extensible review categories, default: Verified, Code-Review</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Process Flow</h1>
<li>Code is written and locally tested in a virtualenv</li>
<li>Code is submitted for code review to gerrit</li>
<li>Code is run through patch-uploaded automated checks</li>
<li>Code is peer-reviewed</li>
<li>Code is accepted or rejected by core team</li>
<li>Code is run through pre-merge automated checks</li>
<li>Code is merged or rejected</li>
<li>Code is run through post-merge analysis</li>
<div class="slide">
<p> Types of jobs: <p>
<li> Check / Gate
<ul><li> unit tests </li></ul>
<ul><li> integraton tests </li></ul>
<ul><li> code style </li></ul>
<li> Post
<ul><li> docs </li></ul>
<ul><li> tarballs </li></ul>
<ul><li> pypi </li></ul>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Types of Tests</h1>
<li> Unit tests </li>
<li> Integration tests
<li> May be able to run on virtual servers, should run on real servers </li>
<li> Difficult or impossible for a developer to run </li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Specific Challenges/Solutions</h1>
<li>Testing effect of merging change</li>
<li>Using cloud builders</li>
<li>Large numbers of similar projects</li>
<li>Disparate hardware configurations</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Gerrit Git Prep</h1>
<li>Test the result of the change, not the change</li>
<li>For each gerrit change:
<li>grabs target branch</li>
<li>cleans tree</li>
<li>merges change to be tested</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Interrelated Integration Testing</h1>
<li>Spin up fresh node</li>
<li>Run devstack</li>
<li>Run integration tests</li>
<li>Gate proposed change against current state of other projects</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Devstack-Gate Problems</h1>
<li>Tests are slow</li>
<li>Clouds are unreliable</li>
<li>Github is unreliable</li>
<li>Pypi is unreliable</li>
<li>Distro mirrors are unreliable</li>
<li><b><em>ALL NETWORK ACCESS IS FAILURE</em></b></li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Devstack-Gate Solutions</h1>
<li>Create a new node</li>
<li>Pre-fetch all needed packages, repos</li>
<li>Snapshot to cloud image</li>
<li>Maintain a pool of cloud nodes</li>
<li>Slave can only be used for one test run</li>
<li>Set of python and shell scripts triggered by jenkins</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Alternate Caching Idea</h1>
<li>Create a volume</li>
<li>Pre-fetch all needed packages, repos</li>
<li>Attatch to test node</li>
<li>Detach when complete</li>
<li>Re-use on next test node</li>
<div class="slide">
<li>OpenStack tests currently run on 2 zones from 2 providers each</li>
<li>Maintain up to date images for each base OS</li>
<li>Set min/max targets for number of servers from each zone</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Launching Nodes</h1>
<li>Periodically check if new nodes need to be launched</li>
<li>Launch them, wait for them to come on-line</li>
<li>Timeout waiting after 10 minutes</li>
<li>Test that the node really works (ssh connectivity)</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Node Pooling</h1>
<li>Add to Jenkins as a slave (avoid exhaustion errors)</li>
<li>Give the node a label (e.g., devstack-precise)</li>
<li>Keep a database of which nodes in which state
<li>TODO: periodically test that new nodes are still viable</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Devstack Nodes</h1>
<img src="images/devstack-nodes.png"/>
<div class="slide">
<li>Mark node as used in the database (inprogress job)</li>
<li>Change the label to prevent re-use by Jenkins (e.g., devstack-used)</li>
<li>Run the tests</li>
<li>Test timeout</li>
<li>Mark node for deletion in database (complete job)</li>
<div class="slide">
<li>Identify all nodes that are in deleted or error state</li>
<li>If node exists: delete it</li>
<li>If node no longer exists: remove from database</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Devstack Jobs</h1>
<img src="images/devstack-jobs.png"/>
<div class="slide">
<li>EC2 plugin useless to us (sorry)</li>
<li>Adrian Cole and Cloudsoft wrote jclouds-plugin</li>
<li>Provisions on any provider via jclouds</li>
<li>Image pre-creation and pooling features</li>
<li>Single use slaves</li>
<li>Slave provisioning as build step</li>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Jclouds Configuration</h1>
<img src="images/jclouds-config.png"/>
<div class="slide">
<h1>Jclouds Configuration</h1>
<img src="images/jclouds-instance.png"/>
<div class="slide">
<p><img src="images/stack-o-pancakes-150x150.png"/>
These slides available at: <a href=""></a>