# Class: dashboard::passenger # # This class configures parameters for the puppet-dashboard module. # # Parameters: # [*dashboard_site*] # - The ServerName setting for Apache # # [*dashboard_port*] # - The port on which puppet-dashboard should run # # [*dashboard_config*] # - The Dashboard configuration file # # [*dashboard_root*] # - The path to the Puppet Dashboard library # # Actions: # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # class dashboard::passenger ( $dashboard_site, $dashboard_port, $dashboard_config, $dashboard_root ) inherits dashboard { include apache include passenger file { '/etc/init.d/puppet-dashboard': ensure => absent, } file { 'dashboard_config': ensure => absent, path => $dashboard_config, } apache::vhost { $dashboard_site: port => $dashboard_port, priority => '50', docroot => "${dashboard_root}/public", template => 'dashboard/passenger-vhost.erb', } }