#Must use full paths [ircbot] nick=<%= @recheck_bot_nick %> pass=<%= @recheck_bot_passwd %> server=irc.freenode.net port=6667 channel_config=/etc/elastic-recheck/recheckwatchbot.yaml log_config=/etc/elastic-recheck/logging.config [gerrit] host=<%= @gerrit_host %> user=<%= @recheck_gerrit_user %> query_file=/etc/elastic-recheck/queries key=/home/recheck/.ssh/id_rsa [data_source] es_url=<%= @elastic_search_url %> ls_url=<%= @logstash_url %> db_uri=<%= @subunit2sql_db_uri %> [recheckwatch] # TODO(mriedem): With zuul v3 there is a wild west of job names so this # regex is table stakes, but there are clearly things missing from this like # the various nova-* jobs (nova-multiattach, nova-live-migration, nova-next). jobs_re=(dsvm|tripleo|devstack|tempest|grenade)