Clark Boylan 411f392c14 Put /usr/local/bin at front of path
If things get installed by something other than the system package
manager they often end up in /usr/local/bin and they often shadow things
that the system package manager may have installed. By putting this at
the end of the path we don't get the benefit of that shadowing and
instead get whatever the system package manager installed.

This is particularly unhelpful when attempting to use an npm updated by
npm itself which ends up in the local dir.

Change-Id: Ifb58c98162f0064a2ae70868921eea507306ad7e
2016-11-14 18:46:21 -08:00

157 lines
4.0 KiB

# == Class: etherpad_lite
# Class to install etherpad lite. Puppet acts a lot like a package manager
# through this class.
# To use etherpad lite you will want the following includes:
# include etherpad_lite
# include etherpad_lite::mysql # necessary to use mysql as the backend
# include etherpad_lite::site # configures etherpad lite instance
# include etherpad_lite::apache # will add reverse proxy on localhost
# The defaults for all the classes should just work (tm)
class etherpad_lite (
$base_install_dir = '/opt/etherpad-lite',
$base_log_dir = '/var/log',
$ep_ensure = 'present',
$ep_user = 'eplite',
$eplite_version = 'develop',
# If set to system will install system package.
$nodejs_version = 'v0.10.21',
) {
# where the modules are, needed to easily install modules later
$modules_dir = "${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite/node_modules"
$path = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite"
user { $ep_user:
shell => '/usr/sbin/nologin',
home => "${base_log_dir}/${ep_user}",
system => true,
gid => $ep_user,
require => Group[$ep_user],
group { $ep_user:
ensure => present,
# Below is what happens when you treat puppet as a package manager.
# This is probably bad, but it works and you don't need to roll .debs.
file { $base_install_dir:
ensure => directory,
group => $ep_user,
mode => '0664',
package { 'abiword':
ensure => present,
package { 'curl':
ensure => present,
if ($nodejs_version != 'system') {
vcsrepo { "${base_install_dir}/nodejs":
ensure => present,
provider => git,
source => '',
revision => $nodejs_version,
require => [
package { [
ensure => present,
package { ['nodejs', 'npm']:
ensure => purged,
buildsource { "${base_install_dir}/nodejs":
timeout => 900, # 15 minutes
creates => '/usr/local/bin/node',
require => [
before => Anchor['nodejs-anchor'],
} else {
package { ['nodejs', 'npm']:
ensure => present,
before => Anchor['nodejs-anchor'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/node':
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/nodejs',
before => Anchor['nodejs-anchor'],
require => Package['nodejs'],
anchor { 'nodejs-anchor': }
vcsrepo { "${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite":
ensure => $ep_ensure,
provider => git,
source => '',
owner => $ep_user,
revision => $eplite_version,
require => [
exec { 'install_etherpad_dependencies':
command => './bin/',
path => $path,
user => $ep_user,
cwd => "${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite",
environment => "HOME=${base_log_dir}/${ep_user}",
require => [
before => File["${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite/settings.json"],
creates => "${base_install_dir}/etherpad-lite/node_modules",
file { '/etc/init/etherpad-lite.conf':
ensure => present,
content => template('etherpad_lite/upstart.erb'),
replace => true,
owner => 'root',
file { '/etc/init.d/etherpad-lite':
ensure => link,
target => '/lib/init/upstart-job',
file { "${base_log_dir}/${ep_user}":
ensure => directory,
owner => $ep_user,
# end package management ugliness