Make management of firewalls configurable for vhosts

Previously, it was necessary to configure a firewall
entry for every port associated with a vhost.

This commit makes the confuration of firewalls for vhosts
configurable. This configuration option has been added to spare
users from having to configure firewalls if they do not wish
This commit is contained in:
Dan Bode 2012-02-21 13:04:17 -08:00
parent c3b7dccd5d
commit d7516c7662
1 changed files with 21 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# - The $port to configure the host on
# - The $docroot provides the DocumentationRoot variable
# - The $ssl option is set true or false to enable SSL for this Virtual Host
# - The $configure_firewall option is set to true or false to specify if
# a firewall should be configured.
# - The $template option specifies whether to use the default template or override
# - The $priority of the site
# - The $serveraliases of the site
@ -28,16 +30,17 @@
define apache::vhost(
$ssl = $apache::params::ssl,
$template = $apache::params::template,
$priority = $apache::params::priority,
$servername = $apache::params::servername,
$serveraliases = $apache::params::serveraliases,
$auth = $apache::params::auth,
$redirect_ssl = $apache::params::redirect_ssl,
$options = $apache::params::options,
$apache_name = $apache::params::apache_name,
$vhost_name = $apache::params::vhost_name
$configure_firewall = true,
$ssl = $apache::params::ssl,
$template = $apache::params::template,
$priority = $apache::params::priority,
$servername = $apache::params::servername,
$serveraliases = $apache::params::serveraliases,
$auth = $apache::params::auth,
$redirect_ssl = $apache::params::redirect_ssl,
$options = $apache::params::options,
$apache_name = $apache::params::apache_name,
$vhost_name = $apache::params::vhost_name
) {
include apache
@ -72,12 +75,14 @@ define apache::vhost(
notify => Service['httpd'],
if ! defined(Firewall["0100-INPUT ACCEPT $port"]) {
@firewall {
"0100-INPUT ACCEPT $port":
action => 'accept',
dport => "$port",
proto => 'tcp'
if $configure_firewall {
if ! defined(Firewall["0100-INPUT ACCEPT $port"]) {
@firewall {
"0100-INPUT ACCEPT $port":
action => 'accept',
dport => "$port",
proto => 'tcp'