# Define: httpd::vhost::redirect # # This class will create a vhost that does nothing more than redirect to a # given location # # Parameters: # $port: # Which port to list on # $dest: # Where to redirect to # - $vhost_name # # Actions: # Installs apache and creates a vhost # # Requires: # # Sample Usage: # define httpd::vhost::redirect ( $port, $dest, $priority = '10', $serveraliases = undef, $template = 'httpd/vhost-redirect.conf.erb', $vhost_name = '*' ) { include httpd $srvname = $name file { "${priority}-${name}": ensure => absent, path => "${httpd::params::vdir}/${priority}-${name}", } file { "${priority}-${name}.conf": path => "${httpd::params::vdir}/${priority}-${name}.conf", content => template($template), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', require => Package['httpd'], notify => Service['httpd'], } if ! defined(Firewall["0100-INPUT ACCEPT ${port}"]) { @firewall { "0100-INPUT ACCEPT ${port}": jump => 'ACCEPT', dport => '$port', proto => 'tcp' } } }