![Yolanda Robla Mota](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
When running on CentOS, that problem still persists: when trying to access files under a vhost, apache was failing with Access denied because search permissions are missing. So running chcon on the docroot for each vhost Please note that this change was reverted before. That was caused by puppet-cgit sending a dummy location "MEANINGLESS ARGUMENT" to docroot argument of vhost. To avoid that failure, execute only the chcon call if docroot exists and is a directory. Change-Id: I4ab7d4cc6d2115bd8f980be7f14a6a4557ffeb87
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# Definition: httpd::vhost
# This class installs Apache Virtual Hosts
# Parameters:
# - The $port to configure the host on
# - The $docroot provides the DocumentationRoot variable
# - The $ssl option is set true or false to enable SSL for this Virtual Host
# - The $configure_firewall option is set to true or false to specify if
# a firewall should be configured.
# - The $template option specifies whether to use the default template or
# override
# - The $priority of the site
# - The $serveraliases of the site
# - The $options for the given vhost
# - The $vhost_name for name based virtualhosting, defaulting to *
# Actions:
# - Install Apache Virtual Hosts
# Requires:
# - The httpd class
# Sample Usage:
# httpd::vhost { 'site.name.fqdn':
# priority => '20',
# port => '80',
# docroot => '/path/to/docroot',
# }
define httpd::vhost(
$apache_name = $httpd::params::apache_name,
$auth = $httpd::params::auth,
$configure_firewall = true,
$options = $httpd::params::options,
$priority = $httpd::params::priority,
$redirect_ssl = $httpd::params::redirect_ssl,
$serveraliases = $httpd::params::serveraliases,
$servername = $httpd::params::servername,
$ssl = $httpd::params::ssl,
$template = $httpd::params::template,
$vhost_name = $httpd::params::vhost_name,
) {
include ::httpd
if $servername == undef {
$srvname = $name
} else {
$srvname = $servername
if $ssl == true {
include ::httpd::ssl
# Since the template will use auth, redirect to https requires mod_rewrite
if $redirect_ssl == true {
case $::operatingsystem {
'debian','ubuntu': {
Httpd_mod <| title == 'rewrite' |>
default: { }
# The Apache mod_version module only needs to be enabled on Ubuntu 12.04
# as it comes compiled and enabled by default on newer OS, including CentOS
if !defined(Httpd::Mod['version']) and $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' and $::operatingsystemrelease == '12.04' {
httpd::mod { 'version': ensure => present }
# selinux may deny directory listing and access to subdirectories
# so update context to allow it
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {
if ! defined(Exec["update_context_${docroot}"]) {
exec { "update_context_${docroot}":
command => "chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t ${docroot}/",
unless => "ls -lZ ${docroot} | grep httpd_sys_content_t",
onlyif => "test -d ${docroot}",
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin',
require => Package['httpd'],
notify => Service['httpd'],
file { "${priority}-${name}.conf":
path => "${httpd::params::vdir}/${priority}-${name}.conf",
content => template($template),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => Package['httpd'],
notify => Service['httpd'],
if $configure_firewall {
if ! defined(Firewall["0100-INPUT ACCEPT ${port}"]) {
@firewall {
"0100-INPUT ACCEPT ${port}":
action => 'accept',
dport => '$port',
proto => 'tcp'