# Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # class infracloud::bifrost ( $gateway_ip, $ipmi_passwords, $ironic_db_password, $ironic_inventory, $mysql_password, $ssh_private_key, $ssh_public_key, $vlan, $bridge_name = 'br-vlan2551', $default_network_interface = 'eth2', $dhcp_pool_start = '', $dhcp_pool_end = '', $network_interface = 'eth2', $ipv4_gateway = '', $ipv4_nameserver = '', $ipv4_subnet_mask = '', $dib_dev_user_password = undef, ) { include ::infracloud::params # The configdrive bifrost task defaults to copying the user's local public # ssh key. Let's make sure it's there so that bifrost doesn't error and so we # can log in to nodes from the baremetal host. file { '/root/.ssh/id_rsa': ensure => present, mode => '0600', content => $ssh_private_key, before => Exec['install bifrost'], } file { '/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub': ensure => present, mode => '0644', content => $ssh_public_key, before => Exec['install bifrost'], } ensure_packages($::infracloud::params::bifrost_req_packages) class { '::ansible': ansible_version => '', require => Package[$::infracloud::params::bifrost_req_packages], } class { '::mysql::server': root_password => $mysql_password, } vcsrepo { '/opt/stack/bifrost': ensure => 'latest', provider => 'git', revision => 'master', source => 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/bifrost', } file { '/etc/bifrost': ensure => directory, } file { '/etc/bifrost/bifrost_global_vars': ensure => present, content => template('infracloud/bifrost/bifrost_global_vars.erb'), } file { '/opt/stack/baremetal.json': ensure => file, content => template('infracloud/bifrost/inventory.json.erb'), require => Vcsrepo['/opt/stack/bifrost'], } exec { 'install bifrost dependencies': command => 'pip install -U -r /opt/stack/bifrost/requirements.txt', path => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin', refreshonly => true, subscribe => Vcsrepo['/opt/stack/bifrost'], } file { '/opt/stack/elements': ensure => directory, recurse => true, source => 'puppet:///modules/infracloud/elements', before => Exec['install bifrost'], } file { '/opt/stack/elements/infra-cloud-bridge/static/opt/create_bridge.py': ensure => present, content => template('infracloud/bifrost/create_bridge.py.erb'), require => File['/opt/stack/elements'], before => Exec['install bifrost'], } exec { 'install bifrost': environment => ['BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=/opt/stack/baremetal.json', 'HOME=/root'], command => "ansible-playbook -e @/etc/bifrost/bifrost_global_vars -vvvv \ -i /opt/stack/bifrost/playbooks/inventory/bifrost_inventory.py \ /opt/stack/bifrost/playbooks/install.yaml \ && touch /var/run/bifrost_install_succeeded", path => '/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin', creates => '/var/run/bifrost_install_succeeded', timeout => 1500, require => [ Exec['install bifrost dependencies'], File['/etc/bifrost/bifrost_global_vars'], Vcsrepo['/opt/stack/bifrost'], Package[$::infracloud::params::bifrost_req_packages], Class['::mysql::server'], ], } }