Colleen Murphy 37318a742e Depend on helper gem for spec_helper_acceptance
Instead of keeping a local copy of spec_helper_acceptance.rb and
requiring updates to all modules for any change, we can move it into the
common helper gem and require it from there. This will make it easier to
create and review changes that affect all puppet modules. Also change
the Gemfile to look for the gem in the local workspace if running in a
zuul environment.

Change-Id: Ieb3cc87333ca243fa3d74e8afa573895dfaf604b
2017-08-18 10:41:43 +02:00

146 lines
5.4 KiB

require 'puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper/spec_helper_acceptance'
describe 'allinone', :if => os[:family] == 'ubuntu' && os[:release] != '16.04' do
fixtures_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures')
controller_path = File.join(fixtures_path, 'allinone_controller.pp')
compute_path = File.join(fixtures_path, 'allinone_compute.pp')
controller_pp = File.read(controller_path)
compute_pp = File.read(compute_path)
before :all do
# set up bridge
shell('apt-get install -y vlan bridge-utils')
shell('echo -e "auto eth0.2\niface eth0.2 inet manual\n" >> /etc/network/interfaces')
shell('modprobe 8021q')
shell('ifup eth0.2')
shell('brctl addbr br_infracloud')
shell('brctl addif br_infracloud eth0.2')
shell('ip addr add dev br_infracloud')
shell('ip link set dev br_infracloud up')
# set hostname
shell('echo infracloud.local infracloud >> /etc/hosts')
shell('echo infracloud > /etc/hostname')
shell('hostname infracloud')
# The controller and compute are meant to run on separate nodes, so
# applying them together gives duplicate definition errors. Otherwise
# they should be able to cohabitate a single node.
it 'should apply the controller with no errors' do
apply_manifest(controller_pp, catch_failures: true)
it 'should apply the compute with no errors' do
apply_manifest(compute_pp, catch_failures: true)
it 'should be idempotent' do
apply_manifest(controller_pp, catch_changes: true)
apply_manifest(compute_pp, catch_changes: true)
credentials = 'OS_USERNAME=admin'
credentials += ' OS_PASSWORD=XXX'
credentials += ' OS_PROJECT_NAME=openstack'
credentials += ' OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default'
credentials += ' OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=default'
credentials += ' OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3'
credentials += ' OS_AUTH_URL=https://infracloud.local:5000/v3'
it 'should have keystone projects' do
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack project list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/openstack/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should have keystone users' do
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack user list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/admin/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should have keystone services' do
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack service list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/identity/)
expect(result.stdout).to match(/compute/)
expect(result.stdout).to match(/network/)
expect(result.stdout).to match(/image/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should have keystone endpoints' do
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack endpoint list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/infracloud.local:5000/)
expect(result.stdout).to match(/infracloud.local:9696/)
expect(result.stdout).to match(/infracloud.local:9292/)
expect(result.stdout).to match(/infracloud.local:8774/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should have nova flavors' do
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack flavor list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/m1.tiny/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should have nova services running' do
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack compute service list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/conductor.*up/)
expect(result.stdout).to match(/scheduler.*up/)
expect(result.stdout).to match(/compute.*up/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should have a neutron network' do
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack network list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/public/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should have a neutron subnet' do
result = shell("#{credentials} neutron subnet-list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/provider-subnet-infracloud/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should be able to upload an image' do
command = 'OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION=1 openstack image create \
--copy-from http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.1/cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-disk.img \
--public \
--container-format bare \
--disk-format qcow2 \
result = shell("#{credentials} #{command}")
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
list_command = "#{credentials} openstack image list --long"
timeout = 60
end_time = Time.now + timeout
image_list = shell(list_command)
while image_list.stdout =~ /saving/ && Time.now() < end_time
image_list = shell(list_command)
expect(image_list.stdout).to match(/cirros.*active/)
expect(image_list.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should be able to upload a keypair' do
shell('ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""')
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub newkey")
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack keypair list")
expect(result.stdout).to match('newkey')
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
it 'should be able to boot a node' do
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack server create --flavor 1 --image cirros --key-name newkey testnode")
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)
sleep(8) # command returns immediately but node needs time to boot
result = shell("#{credentials} openstack server list")
expect(result.stdout).to match(/testnode.*ACTIVE/)
expect(result.exit_code).to eq(0)