Spencer Krum b25bdb7d70 Modernize template syntax
Change-Id: I1ef305f1e1d4bcca7a47049882a06ea732700062
2015-03-26 13:38:25 -07:00

37 lines
1019 B

# -*- Mode: conf -*-
# only show certain projects (don't forget the openstack/ as start)
projects = <%= @projects.join(", ") %>
# The Json URL where is the gerrit system.
json_url = <%= @json_url %>
# Allow different mode to output to swift, by default 'combined' will
# combined all rss in one and 'multiple' will upload all the projects
# in each rss file.
output_mode = <%= @mode %>
# username to your swift cluster
# username/tenant for swift with 2.0 or just username with 1.0 (i.e:
# RAX).
username = <%= @swift_username %>
# password or api key
password = <%= @swift_password %>
# container to upload (probably want to be public)
container = <%= @container %>
# auth_url of the cluster, for Rackspace this is :
# https://auth.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0
# or Rackspace UK :
# https://lon.auth.api.rackspacecloud.com/v1.0
auth_url = <%= @swift_auth_url %>
# auth version (1.0 for Rackspace clouds, 2.0 for keystone backend clusters)
auth_version = <%= @auth_version %>
# vim: ft=dosini