Gerrit Code Review 98a726d404 Update notes for submitted changes
* Revert "Aggregate jenkins modules into one module."
* Aggregate jenkins modules into one module.
* Clean up post-apache move carnage.
* We need to stop nginx before we can start apache.
* Align all web server usage on apache module.
* Start working with module repos and releases.
* Move the vcsrepo module to openstack-ci.
* Add pep8, pyflakes job to jenkins-job-builder.
* New script needs python-yaml.
* ACTUALLY support changing remote urls.
* Support changing remote repo urls.
* Update to fixed version of vcsrepo.
* Changed git ref for node.js to use release tag.
* Add node definition for static.openstack.org.
* Fix typo in job builder git repo url.
* Collapse projcets into projects.yaml.
* Clean up some multi-line shell builders.
* Remove unused github project and throttle properties.
* Standardize ci-puppet merge job.
* Standardize gerritlib pypi job.
* Standardize redundant jobs.
* ini file is in jenkins_job_builder.
* Remove jenkins_jobs, add jenkins_job_builder.
* Fix two typos.
* Change the name of the pypi tarball job.
* Re-write of mirror script to read projects.yaml.
* Add in a parameter to help non-us devstack-gate.
* Add a requirement on server install.
* Use account_security to remove bogus accounts.
* Add new infra projects to gerribot channel config.
* Increase text contrast.
* Use puppetlabs-mysql module.
* Trimmed the slave dep list a bit.
* Install git from git-core ppa for oneiric.
* Remove use of sudo from install_jenkins_slave.sh.
* Remove junit post-build action.
* Don't create database every run.
* Don't re-install pip from pip every run.
* Prevent unnecessary git fetch calls.
* Don't try to include sources for jenkins apt repo.
* Switch "queue" to "pipeline" in zuul.
* Fix jenkins loop and zuul vcsrepo.
* Change 20 min timeouts to 30.
* Silence git cron-spam.
* Remove unneeded origin/ prefix.
* Remove vcsrepo from the module list.
* Install vcsrepo from git.
* Fix a typo in openstack_project::base.
* Add Clark's testing stuff to the tree.
* Replace use of local apt module with upstream.
* Replace manual git work with vcsrepo module.
* Fix gerritbot init status checking.
* Rename backup to bup.
* Removed unused drizzle_user file.
* Add openstack/requirements.
* Add timestamps/ansicolor to alll non-maven jobs.
* Add jobs to publish gerritbot tarballs/to pypi.
* Jenkins needs the origin/ prefix to run bitrot.
* Enable plugin sync for puppet.conf.
* Remove reference to non-existent group.
* Add jenkins-job-builder project.
* Add in final two steps for initial install.
* Add zuul.conf.
* Make gitweb a boolean option.
* Set timeouts for all jobs.
* Add periodic bitrot check jobs.
* Use oneiric for stable/diablo.
* Add openstack_project::server back.
* Fix zuul-docs being disabled.
* Add script for jenkins slave bootstrap.
* Have apache honor replicate_local.
* Add support for initial project creation.
* Document client lib tag permissions.
* Fix error in git bare repo init.
* Switch zuul to jenkins python jobs template.
* Added an option to toggle replication choices.
* Broke launchpad user sync into its own class.
* Set some parameters to more sensible defaults.
* Upgrade puppet for module command.
* Add natty entry for java_home.
* Fixed a template typo.
* Fix the zuul reloading on config changes.
* Remove uses of remove_cron.
* Add support for puppet dashboard.
* Modified gerrit to use MySQL and Apache modules.
* Run jenkins jobs script only after config update.
* Fix a typo.
* Remove bogus pre and post run commands.
* Move hiera calls into site.pp.
* Gate Horizon on Selenium tests.
* Run only selenium tests with run-selenium.sh.
* Collect Xunit results from horizon selenium tests.
* Add cinder to gate.
* Fix the update_users cron job.
* Set replication authGroup to Anonymous.
* Pull in cron, not in puppet.
* Upgrade production gerrit to include submitRecords.
* Make run-docs.sh handle stable branch changes.
* Fix hostname for review-dev.openstack.org.
* Upgrade gerrit-dev to include submitRecords.
* Add framework for selenium tests on test slaves.
* Add root hiera config for the puppetmaster.
* Put in the master's puppet config.
* Add support for install puppet modules.
* Add cgroup and ulimit limits to precise slaves.
* Fix all of the gerrit module problems.
* Ensure puppet.conf is set up properly.
* Fix errors found on dashboard for jenkins.
* Fixed a naming issue.
* Include openstack_project class to access members.
* Try to work around namespace issues.
* Removed unnecessary ::
* Fix some puppetmaster gotchas.
* Control admin lists from hiera.
* Fixed scoping problem for zuul module.
* Add in root level scoping.
* Fix naming github_user to github_username.
* Upgrade all of our hosts to latest puppet release.
* Move python-pip include to a class.
* Move OpenStack branding and launchpad integration.
* Split gerrit cron jobs out.
* Split github into its own module.
* Add packages needed for asciidoc jobs.
* Move comment link default values to openstack.
* Split gerrit remote fetcher into a module.
* Split gerritbot into its own module.
* Make an OpenStack Gerrit base class.
* Make a class for each type of server.
* Move OpenStack classes to openstack_project module
* Trim down some un-needed repetition.
* Backport the init script from precise for snmpd.
* Align the parameter names for etherpad.
* Fixed a typo on etherpad_lite.
* Fix naming mismatch.
* Apply dev key, not prod.
* Change database_password to mysql_password
* Add hiera params to gerrit-dev.
* Turn off cron and document hiera.
* Fix README file. It was WAY old.
* First pass at parameterizing secret infos.
* Change master cron job to support environments.
* Add 'hold-following-changes' to zuul config.
* Add wiki.openstack.org.
* Documenting recently introduced pyyaml dependency.
* Add PBR to top-level list.
* Add PBR to Jenkins/zuul.
* Add jenkins defaults file.
* Add .gitconfig for jenkins user.
* Update DocImpact notifier with new dest addr.
* Fix NODE_LABEL typo.
* Use devstack-oneiric for stable/diablo.
* Add documentation on adding a replica rep.
* Install tox and latest pip on all slaves.
* Collect tempest nosetests output files.
* Add jenkins:sshd to unlimited cgroup.
* Add gerritbot and gerritlib jobs.
* Put jenkins:java in the unlimited cgroup.
* Set pipefail when running `tox | tee`.
* Start gating on tempest.
* Add gerrit-verification-status-plugin jobs to jenkins.
* Oddly enough, our mirror doesn't have pip.
* Roll 2.4.2 out to review-dev.
* reconfigure gitweb to show the whole content of the commit and not only the changed filed
* Restrict replication to github.
* Add gerrit-verification-status-plugin project.
* Use apache to serve out http git repos.
* Tarballs site has moved.
* Make zuul restart graceful.
* Fix gerritbot init script
* Fix gerritbot projects
* Allow GerritBot to talk on multiple channels.
* Add redirect for lists.o.o.
* Mailman service has no status command.
* Changes for the maillist host switch.
* Add clarkb to base openstack host.
* Split jobs into multiple templates.
* Run gerrit-git-prep in docs/coverage jobs.
* Only build tarball once for client libs.
* Make Jenkins use Openstack instead of Stackforge
* Migrate Stackforge Jenkins/Gerrit to OpenStack
* No longer mark bug fixes in parent project
* Configure zuul to trigger jobs on special comments
* Log git fetch failures to syslog.
* Apply cgroups and ulimit to precise8.
* Add cgroup memory limits to jenkins_slave.
* Add httpd_maxwait parameter to gerrit module.
* Trigger docs and coverage via zuul.
* Publish a tarball on tag action as well.
* Set gerrit http maxwait.
* Enable the openstack-common jobs on jenkins.o.o.
* Add more backup excludes.
* Upload client lib tarballs to their own place.
* Install setuptools-git on the slaves.
* Run pypi uploads on a pypi slave.
* Create a file for the tip of each branch.
* Cleaned up some warnings found in testing.
* Don't hide stderr.
* Fix path for cron-based run.
* Make git fetching in gerrit-git-prep more robust.
* Stackforge Gerrit changes
* We need tox on the master for tarballs.
* Revert theme patch live
* Put Gerrit + Melody on review.openstack.org.
* Land latest Gerrit + Melody WAR on review-dev.
* Use zuul_post trigger instead of zuul trigger.
* Can't move a file to the same name.
* Let's not put in nulls.
* Do not fail in absence of versioninfo
* Add doc impact notifier to Gerrit.
* Add ulimit module.
* Make gerrit theme patch live
* Re-enable essex compatibility checks for ceilometer
* Disable authenticated builds globally.
* Remove Essex compatibility checks for ceilometer until the tests pass
* Add Jenkins jobs for openstack-common. Will gate.
* Remove disabled flag from python27-essex
* Enable Melody on review-dev.
* Fix spelling of ceilometer job names
* Add test build of Gerrit+Melody to review-dev
* First stab at auto-uploads.
* Add support for versioninfo file in the branch.
* Move client tarballs to main project.
* Discard old builds on more jobs.
* Remove buildWrappers from base xml.
* Go back to using self compiled node.js.
* Add color values
* changed the Google Analytics tracker code to better fit the multiple domains
* Switch review-dev to use row-colours branch
* Add devstack jobs to job builder.
* Allow more permissive ptrace.
* Make the merge in gerrit-git-prep like gerrit.
* Fix mailman typo.
* Minor tweaks to etherpad_lite module.
* Add etherpad-lite to etherpad.openstack.org
* Change mailman template destination.
* Add backups.
* Update production Gerrit WAR.
* Abate modules section.
* Include pep8 target with tox.
* Add Zuul module to job filler.
* Fix syntax errors in ceilometer.
* Changes to builders/publishers.
* Update review-dev with Gerrit 2.4.1 w/ our changes.
* Add zeromq library to build slaves.
* Install the slave scripts in the slave class.
* Fix unattended upgrades mail.
* Use the new Zuul start action.
* Add zuul status URL.
* Trigger tarball jobs.
* Try again to fix the close request script.
* Fix the close pull requests script.
* Fix the close pull requests script.
* Update doc FTP destination dir.
* Update Github request closer script to v3 of API.
* Add FTP doc publishing job.
* Removed vestigal references to .cache.bundle.
* Update production Gerrit WAR.
* Make review-dev use latest production gerrit.
* Remove melange related jobs.
* Add mailutils for unattended-upgrades.
* Update review-dev WAR.
* Fix tempest gating job.
* New war to test disallowing WIP of drafts.
* Add tox.ini
* Add gerrit to the openstack-ci bug projects.
* Switch pyflakes builder to use tox.
* Use newly build WAR on review-dev.
* Fix VRA columns in review-dev reviewable section.
* Run coverage xml to get xml coverage reports.
* Remove check jobs.
* Move the rest of the jobs to precise.
* Publish xunit test results for unittests jobs.
* Start moving to precise.
* Roll gerrit 2.4 into production.
* Move first few servers to puppet agent
* Generalize slave config.
* Add puppet master
* Change review-dev war to production version.
* Added custom HTML templates.
* Fix etherpad lite's use of git.
* Add clarkb to etherpad.openstack.org.
* Fix review-dev war.
* Install mailman apache config.
* Fix gerrit group permissions.
* Fix Etherpad Lite log rotations.
* Add tempest to job filler/zuul.
* Update gerrit to test new WIP ACL.
* Add py26-essex and py27-essex jobs to ceilometer
* Use unattended upgrades.
* Don't use 'latest' for jenkins.
* Put WIP and Reviewable changes on review-dev.
* Fix typo
* Sourceforge downloads have a ?download at the end.
* Add /usr/local/jenkins.
* Puppet ethpad-lite DB backups.
* Add slave scripts to master.
* Switch all jobs to Zuul.
* Revert "Temporarily disable OpenStack PyPi"
* Use pip cache instead of full mirror.
* Update gerrit war for review-dev.
* Switch openstack-ci-puppet to zuul.
* Really add openstack-ci-puppet.
* Add openstack-ci-puppet to job filler.
* Add gerrit logger to zuul
* Make review-dev use new war with Ready For Review.
* Install Zuul on stackforge
* Use meta-jobs.
* Add post-merge queue.
* Add first stab at pip-cache to pypi-mirror.
* Disable scm when gerrit-git-prep in use
* Make a pared-down slave for jclouds.
* Temporarily disable OpenStack PyPi
* Update eplite module for new version of eplite.
* Install Shrews' change on review-dev.
* Switch gerrit repo to zuul.
* Set up Zuul init scripts.
* Check latest 2.4 release war on review-dev.
* Add zuul logging config.
* Add pypi-mirror to jobs config.
* Update review-dev to use latest test build.
* Upgrade review-dev to 2.4 plus Clark's changes.
* Enable nose xunit.
* Allow check jobs to run in parallel.
* Fix typo in gerrit-git-prep.
* Add support for maven jobs.
* Update zuul job params
* Simplify dependent changes in gerrit-git-prep.
* Switch stackforge to oneiric
* Put the publisher info in the right section.
* Publish wars from unittests.
* Migrate the repo from hg to git.
* Change zuul endpoint port
* Add missing zuul parameters
* Do an initial fetch each time.
* Use our fork of pypi-mirror.
* Add some missing zuul bits.
* Switch stackforge jobs to precise builders
* Add Zuul jobs.
* Install Zuul on jenkins.
* More gerrit tuning.
* Upgrade ceilometer to have all common jobs
* Change gerrit jobs to use tools/release.sh
* Add the script from common-bump-milestone.
* Revert "Fix tarball jobs"
* Fix tarball jobs
* Update Jenkins Jobs docs
* Revert "Decode key returned from db into unicode."
* Fix name off-by-one
* Add support for jobs to build gerrit.
* Add horizon and melange.
* Finish removing ppa jobs.
* Decode key returned from db into unicode.
* Fix two typos in the remote fetch script.
* Added the rest of the openstack projects.
* Fix YAML parsing
* Add pyflakes to Jekins slaves
* Make all Python pass pyflakes
* Stackforge Jenkins Jobs changes
* Support dependent changes in  gerrit-git-prep.
* Disable ppa jobs.
* Update docs for Etherpad Lite Puppet module.
* Update series bugtasks status on stable/* changes
* Fix typo causing update_bug hook failure
* Include mailman domains in local domains.
* Fix is_job call
* Fix Jenkins Jobs for Heat
* Add upstart script to update puppet on boot.
* Remove leftover ppa line.
* Remove refreshonly - it's only for exec types.
* Remove python-pip from jenkins_jobs.
* Move to sync with heat-api/heat on github
* Switch to RBR for Gerrit's MySQL binlogs
* Remove existing .pydistutils.cfg until mirror.
* Change default to follow index pages as well.
* Make devstack nodes jenkins slaves.
* Restart gerritbot if we push new versions.
* Fix jenkins-dev hostname
* Fix key errors
* Check key exists before testing if it is true
* Don't use copy_bundle builder since it is now gone
* Fix Jenkins Jobs XML and missing package
* Remove venv jobs.
* Timed trigger and pollscm are different things.
* Add first openstack projects.
* Add merge-check to Ceilometer
* Port job_filler to python-jenkins.
* Import pkg_resources before launchpadlib.
* Skip fix committed for some projects.
* Add SSH key syncing to user sync
* Proposal for temporary mailman configuration.
* Add parameters for scripts that talk to Gerrit
* Add heat project to Stackforge
* Update gerritbot to respond to VRFY +2/-2.
* Add support for overriding verify votes.
* Jenkins Job Builder 2.2
* Remove the openstack-ci update.
* Use OpenStack PyPi mirror.
* Merge in docs from openstack-ci.
* Remove openstack-ci checkouts.
* Fix stupid quote typo
* Use template for Nginx in pypimirror module.
* Version 2.1 of Jenkins Jobs Builder
* Fix Jenkins Jobs puppet trigger
* Add pypimirror module.
* Add PyPi mirror site.
* Change expire messages
* Add restore messages to gerrit auto-expire script
* Jenkins Job builder 2.0
* Puppet Module to install etherpad-lite.
* Add initial mailman config.
* Adds support for tracking an upstream repos.
* force mysql to MyISAM
* attempt to enable mysql for jenkins unit testing
* Rotate puppet cron job log file.
* Added new logrotate puppet module.
* Handle empty requires lists.
* Removed now unused old venv scripts.
* We can't append distribute, it causes double-deps.
* Add ability to inject depends at invocation time.
* Add port 80 to lists firewall
* Add +1/-1 votes for pre-approval checks.
* Handle absent pip-requires files.
* Turned them back off.
* Fixed a syntax error.
* Add python-cinderclient support.
* Install gerritbot files from puppet.
* Compress database backups.
* Added support for pre-approval checks.
* Add plain gerrit trigger comment
* Jenkins Jobs bug fixes
* Fix mime types
* Move gerrit scripts to puppet.
* Fix Jenkins Job for Ceilometer
* Set log file mime type
* Fix meetbot logs
* Adds ccache to jenkins slaves.
* Add Ceilometer to Stackforge
* Add auto-restart to meetbot
* Close pll rqs fr cinder, python-openstackclient.
* Remove python-openstackclient jobs.
* Add python-openstackclient to jenkins.
* Temporarily stop managing exim on lists
* Add oubiwann/lists.o.o
* Use our meetbot branch
* Add puppet cron to meetbot server
* Add meetbot repo to gerrit
* Minor fixes to meetbot module
* Remove openstack jobs from puppet control.
* Rename meetbot site
* Add generic jenkins jobs
* Add Jenkins jobs for cinder.
* Upgrade openstack gerrit to gerrit-2.3-7-g1f029ab.
* Restore puppet cron.
* Make jenkins vhost config more like gerrit.
* Add missing params to jenkins-dev.
* Upgrade review-dev to gerrit-2.3-7-g1f029ab.
* Puts meetbot under control of puppet
* Change outdated color
* Fix gerrit config file permissions.
* Make Jenkins Jobs more modular
* Upgrade gerrit-dev to gerrit-2.3-6-g667798c.
* Update my (Soren's) ssh keys
* Add note about launchpadlib creds
* Add python-mysqldb to gerrit servers
* Add ServerName to apache vhost
* Install and manage more of Gerrit.
* Fix hidden hyperlink images in Gerrit
* Add asciidoc to slaves.
* Split the common top-level code into a file.
* Move email addresses of sysadmins to paramater.
* Notify the new exec job.
* Puppet wants paths to executables.
* Revert "Move gerrit scripts into puppet module"
* Revert "Fix issues with wrong paths."
* Revert "fix NameError in update"
* fix NameError in update
* Fix issues with wrong paths.
* Add review.openstack.org node alias.
* bugfix to gerrit-doc-properties.sh
* Add comment property to doc script
* Add script to determine doc publishing location.
* Move gerrit scripts into puppet module
* Use URL call to reload Jenkins
* Enable MySQL connection pooling
* Name gating jobs appropriately.
* Make slave scripts executable.
* Use recurse to send in the entire directory.
* Don't trigger on patchset uploaded.
* Added slave scripts to puppet.
* refactor tmpreaper to separate module
* Add warning about puppet job management.
* Add jenkins builders for python-glanceclient.
* Use slave_scripts rather than script text.
* Fix patch js hack for Chrome
* Revert "Add python-novaclient to jenkins master."
* Add python-novaclient to jenkins master.
* Change jenkins_slave module deps
* Fix puppet error on template hosts.
* Make Jenkins Jobs only use oneiric nodes
* Add python-glanceclient to the pull-request list.
* Fixes to Jenkins Job filler
* Remove popularity-contest
* Silence unknown escape sequence warning.
* Fixing bug/961697
* Refactor Dynamic tcp ports.
* Use improved StackForge logo
* Add stackforge/reddwarf
* Add Devananda to the sysadmin email spam train.
* Darken some Jenkins text.
* Make lodgeit module use our lodgeit git repo
* Add openstack-ci/lodgeit project
* Adding ssh access for myself (devananda)
* Better match openstack.org H1's
* Make the Search button a bit bigger
* Fix breadcrumbs in Jenkins
* Cleanup gerrit style
* Fix logo in gerrit
* Fix Puppet for Review site
* Add Openstack look to gerrit
* Remove jenkins-dev refernce.
* Add Jenkins job filler to puppet
* Adds tmpreaper to jenkins slave crontab.
* Modify puppet repo to work with stackforge
* Add jenkins user to template hosts
* Don't do anything special for template hosts.
* Make Jenkins look more like an Openstack site
* Remove trailing whitespaces in regular file
* Repack git repos weekly.
* Test commit
* Update jenkins master config.
* Test commit.
* Install jdk on jenkins slaves
* snmpd needs its config file to start.
* Adds packages needed for translations update job.
* Make sure byobu doesn't run system-wide.
* Fix iptables for paste and planet
* Add upstart script for versions information.
* Add bzr to iptables
* Poweroff a lost machine.
* Remove the default apache site.
* Add pip to jenkins master
* Add libcloud to jenkins master
* Fix jenkins apt list
* Added some todos for jenkins apache
* Add .list extension to jenkins apt source.
* Fix typos for jenkins master.
* Add linux-headers-virtual to devstack hosts.
* Add support for LP: #nnnnnn bug format
* Stop paste cronspam
* Cleanup puppet modules
* Fix cron on planet
* Add missing openstack_server to planet
* Fix git usage in the planet puppet module
* Add planet support
* Remove mercurial from oneiric slave def.
* Fix: Add hg to jenkins slaves
* Add hg to jenkins slaves
* Update Andrew's SSH key
* Fix lodgeit cron
* Increase sshd threads for gerrit.
* Add backups to lodgeit
* Fix lodgeit used in puppet
* Add pandoc to slaves.
* Add lodgeit to puppet
* Add tox to jenkins slave configs.
* Tune gerrit parameters.
* Adds expire_old_reviews.py to puppet
* Add glance config files for func testing.
* Add openstack-common and openstack-nose.
* jenkins_master - not jenkins_server
* Remove reference to form in fake CLA.
* Add jenkins master support.
* Add gem path to path and then use puppet from path
* Add Andrew Hutchings.
* Add CLA config to gerrit.
* test change
* Enable update_bug.py generic hook
* Don't run puppet from cron on template machines.
* Add libmysqlclient-dev and git-review to slaves.
* Revert "Add libmysqlclient-dev and git-review to slaves."
* Add libmysqlclient-dev and git-review to slaves.
* Close pull requests for melange and tempest.
* Close pull requests for some new projects.
* Add module to prime a devstack template host.
* We need the sqlite3. Duh.
* Added sqlite dev library for keystone venv.
* Install apache-libcloud on jenkins slaves.
* Only master merges set bugs to FixCommitted
* Added lxc and python-libxml2.
* Add MULTI_HOST=1 to localrc
* Open additional web ports on community.
* Close pull requests for quantum and horizon.
* Extend timeouts for exercise.sh
* Added a few depends that devstack needs.
* Add iscsitarget to bare metal preseed.
* Add syslog option to devstack localrc.
* expand dhcp range on baremetal hosts
* Remove natty specific sources.list.
* Expand deploy regex.
* Add .gitreview.
* Removed link from jenkins slave to orchestra.
* Catch up with devstack.
* Updates from new baremetal configuration.
* Include branch name in email notification subject
* Rework all of the slaves for virtualenv.
* Fix commentlink regex for blueprints.
* Use deb build depends on keystone slave.
* Close pull requests for nova.
* Use " and not ' in ssh-key text so we get newlines
* Add apt-get update so that we get latest packages.
* close pull requests from openstack-manuals
* Move virtual user include to correct location.
* Fix exim local delivery.
* Refactor user definitions.
* Increase gerrit session timeout to 24h.
* Close pull requests for api projects.
* Add SNMP configuration to puppet.
* Remove ensure absent pip commands.
* Install nosexcover from packages instead of PIP.
* Add default puppet node.
* Add community.openstack.org.
* Close pull requests for swift and others.
* Add an account for termie to the rackspace bare metal jenkins slave.
* openstack.org. not openstack.com.
* Added Peter and Carl since they are adding slaves.
* Added the new test driver machine.
* Add iptables module and rules to puppet.
* Add Gerrit configuration to puppet.
* Added dtest and unittest2 and keystone ppa.
* adding nova-core dependency and gflags dep to quantum build slave
* adding jenkins slave base to quantum build slave
* adding build slave configuration for quantum
* Added cdbs to the base jenkins slave package needs.
* Silence unneeded output.
* Add keystone dependencies to keystone jenkins slave.
* Added launchpad login info to bazaar.conf.
* Removed duplicate packages. Changed manifest in cron job.
* Added tarmac launchpad authentication info.
* Move all node configuration into site.pp, with node identifiers based on hostnames so that puppet self-identifies which node config to use.
* Fixed the nginx config.
* Added nginx config for doc server.
* Added virtualenv to the dashboard builder.
* Cleaned pep8.
* Moved to 4 space indent as per pep8.
* Added manifest for doc server.
* Turns out we _do_ need puppet installed.
* Added entry for dashboard.
* Added entry for building manuals.
* Added glance build-deps.
* We get puppet via rubygems and we need devscripts.
* Need proper paths for apt-get build-dep to work.
* Ensure that we actually pull from remote.
* Add in a dependency for ordering.
* Added module for builddep. Do nova and swift build-deps.
* Manage apt and gems path with puppet. Add tarmac.conf and key.
* Added a manifest for the openstack-ci test slave.
* Added ssh key and gpg key copying.
* Fix problem with jenkins known_hosts url.
* Add gerrit dev/prod servers to jenkins slave known_hosts.
* Add puppet module for ssh that installs an sshd_config that only allows login via keys.
2014-11-13 18:54:01 +00:00
5eb0ff279ac43033914f1e86713eb6635c47d2 Update notes for submitted changes 2014-11-13 18:54:01 +00:00
93b878d172332e0378646b1e73a4585caf9ed1 Update notes for submitted changes 2014-11-13 18:54:01 +00:00