Use v2.3.0 of nodejs. node.js 0.12 is EOL so update to the oldest LTS release which is 6.x. It automaticaly detects the symlink argument so this is not required. Depends-On: Ia7966fb9578d0d79f3a7f9480e3a956555737dc8 Depends-On: I9eb17646bd949c3bd84fa61f92881e9fac015de5 Change-Id: Ib925c87760d75fe22d3239bb2c5833183bc849e1
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57 lines
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# Install and maintain OpenStack Health.
# params:
# source_dir:
# The directory where the application will be running
class openstack_health::frontend(
$source_dir = '/opt/openstack-health',
) {
class { '::nodejs':
repo_url_suffix => '6.x',
package { 'node-gyp':
ensure => present,
provider => npm,
require => Class['::nodejs'],
package { 'gulp':
ensure => present,
provider => npm,
require => Class['::nodejs'],
exec { 'install-frontend-requirements':
command => 'npm install',
cwd => $source_dir,
path => ['/usr/local/bin/', '/usr/bin/', '/bin/'],
timeout => 900,
require => [
subscribe => Vcsrepo[$source_dir],
exec { 'build-static-files':
command => 'gulp prod',
cwd => $source_dir,
path => ['/usr/local/bin/', '/usr/bin/', '/bin/'],
require => Exec['install-frontend-requirements'],
subscribe => Vcsrepo[$source_dir],
file { "${source_dir}/build/config.json":
ensure => present,
owner => 'openstack_health',
group => 'openstack_health',
mode => '0755',
content => template('openstack_health/config.json.erb'),
require => Exec['build-static-files']