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# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
# == Class: single_node_ci
# This class will setup a typical 3rd party CI system using Jenkins
# Zuul, Nodepool, Jenkins Job Builder, onto a single host. It requires
# a 'project-config' data repository to configure these services.
# Zuul status page will be available on port 80
# Jenkins UI will be available on port 8080
# === Parameters
# [*vhost_name*]
# This is the FQDN of the host running the CI system managed by this class.
# If you don't have one that resolves correctly, use the host's IP address.
# [*project_config_repo*]
# This is the git URL to the project-config repo that contains all the
# jenkins jobs, nodepool configurations, and zuul configurations.
# [*serveradmin*]
# The e-mail address of the owner of the CI system
# [*jenkins_vhost_name*]
# This is the alternative hostname or FQDN to use by Jenkins.
# Don't use $vhost_name as it conflicts with zuul
# [*jenkins_username*]
# If you have Jenkins secured, this is the username Jenkins Job Builder
# will use to manage all Jenkins jobs. Otherwise the value is ignored.
# [*jenkins_password*]
# If you have Jenkins secured, this is the password associated with the
# jenkins_username. Otherwise the value is ignored.
# [*jenkins_ssh_private_key*]
# This is the private key the Jenkins master will use to login to
# Jenkins slaves.
# [*jenkins_ssh_public_key*]
# This is the public key associated with jenkins_ssh_private_key.
# The public key should not have any white space. Omit the 'ssh-rsa' prefix
# and comment section / e-mail address suffix.
# [*java_args_override*]
# These are the arguments to pass to Java:
# "-Xloggc:/var/log/jenkins/gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xmx12g -Dorg.kohsuke.stapler.compression.CompressionFilter.disabled=true -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/jenkins/logger.conf -Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true"
# Set this parameter through hieradata.
# To work around the security restrictions that result from upgrading to version > 1.651.2
# Add the Java system parameter:
# "-Dhudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters=true"
# Please note that adding this parameter is not secure and it exposes a potential jenkins security vulnerability.
# [*jenkins_version*]
# This is a Jenkins version, such as '1.651', 'present' (to install
# the most recent, and never upgrade), or latest' (to install the most
# recent version, and upgrade if a more recent version is published).
# [*gerrit_server*]
# This is the host name of the gerrit server this CI system will be
# listening for events.
# [*gerrit_user*]
# This is the username to access the gerrit server's event stream.
# You can look up the gerrit username from the gerrit server, under
# 'settings', in the 'profile' section.
# [*gerrit_user_ssh_public_key*]
# This is the public key registered for the gerrit_user's gerrit account.
# The public key should not have any white space. Omit the 'ssh-rsa' prefix
# and comment section / e-mail address suffix.
# [*gerrit_user_ssh_private_key*]
# This is the private key associated with the gerrit_user_ssh_public_key.
# [*gerrit_ssh_host_key*]
# This is the host key of the gerrit server.
# [*git_email*]
# The e-mail address for zuul to use for internal git commits.
# [*git_name*]
# The name for zuul to use for internal git commits.
# [*log_server*]
# This is the FQDN/IP address of the log server where log files are uploaded
# after a job finishes. Jenkins will use its jenkins_ssh_private_key to scp
# job log files files to it.
# [*smtp_host*]
# The smtp hostname to use for zuul to send notification e-mails
# if configured to do so in project-config/zuul/layout/layout.yaml
# [*smtp_default_from*]
# The default 'from' e-mail address zuul will use when it sends
# notification e-mails.
# [*smtp_default_to*]
# The default 'to' e-mail address zuul will use when it sends
# notification e-mails.
# [*zuulv2*]
# Set to true to deploy zuul v2 (incompatible with zuul v3).
# [*zuul_revision*]
# The branch name used to install zuul.
# [*zuul_git_source_repo*]
# The zuul git source repository to install zuul.
# [*oscc_file_contents*]
# The multi-line contents of os-client-config.
# This allows the nodepool.yaml file provided to not contain any sensitive
# provider passwords. See configuration guide for more details:
# https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/os-client-config/tree/README.rst
# [*mysql_root_password*]
# This is the root mysql password. If mysql is not yet installed,
# this will be the password. Otherwise, if mysql is already installed,
# this is the root password needed to setup the nodepool mysql user and
# database.
# [*mysql_nodepool_password*]
# This is the nodepool user's mysql password.
# [*nodepool_jenkins_target*]
# This is the name of the Jenkins target found in the
# project-config/nodepool/nodepool.yaml file.
# [*jenkins_api_key*]
# If Jenkins is secured, this the Jenkins API Token need to access the Jenkins API.
# It is provided in Jenkins UI --> Manage Jenkins --> Manage Users --> 'jenkins user'
# --> Configure --> Show API Token. Otherwise it is ignored.
# [*jenkins_credentials_id*]
# If Jenkins is secured, this parameter needs to match the id field of this element:
# <com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey plugin="ssh-credentials@1.6">
# inside this file: /var/lib/jenkins/credentials.xml
# and associated with this this key 'jenkins_ssh_private_key'. Otherwise it is ignored.
# [*nodepool_revision*]
# The branch name used to install nodepool.
# [*nodepool_git_source_repo*]
# The nodepool git source repository to install nodepool.
class openstackci::single_node_ci (
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
$project_config_repo = undef,
# Jenkins Configurations
$jenkins_vhost_name = 'jenkins',
$serveradmin = "webmaster@${vhost_name}",
$jenkins_username = 'jenkins',
$jenkins_password = undef,
$jenkins_ssh_private_key = undef,
$jenkins_ssh_public_key = undef,
$java_args_override = undef,
$jenkins_version = 'present',
$jjb_git_revision = 'master',
$jjb_git_url = 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder',
# Zuul Configurations
$gerrit_server = 'review.openstack.org',
$gerrit_user = undef,
$gerrit_user_ssh_public_key = undef,
$gerrit_user_ssh_private_key = undef,
$gerrit_ssh_host_key = '[review.openstack.org]:29418,[]:29418,[2001:4800:7819:103:be76:4eff:fe05:8525]:29418 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCfsIj/jqpI+2CFdjCL6kOiqdORWvxQ2sQbCzSzzmLXic8yVhCCbwarkvEpfUOHG4eyB0vqVZfMffxf0Yy3qjURrsroBCiuJ8GdiAcGdfYwHNfBI0cR6kydBZL537YDasIk0Z3ILzhwf7474LmkVzS7V2tMTb4ZiBS/jUeiHsVp88FZhIBkyhlb/awAGcUxT5U4QBXCAmerYXeB47FPuz9JFOVyF08LzH9JRe9tfXtqaCNhlSdRe/2pPRvn2EIhn5uHWwATACG9MBdrK8xv8LqPOik2w1JkgLWyBj11vDd5I3IjrmREGw8dqImqp0r6MD8rxqADlc1elfDIXYsy+TVH',
$git_email = undef,
$git_name = undef,
$log_server = undef,
$smtp_host = 'localhost',
$smtp_default_from = "zuul@${vhost_name}",
$smtp_default_to = "zuul.reports@${vhost_name}",
$zuulv2 = true,
$zuul_revision = undef,
$zuul_git_source_repo = 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/zuul',
# Nodepool configurations
$oscc_file_contents = undef,
$mysql_root_password = undef,
$mysql_nodepool_password = undef,
$nodepool_jenkins_target = undef,
$jenkins_api_key = undef,
$jenkins_credentials_id = undef,
$nodepool_revision = undef,
$nodepool_git_source_repo = 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/nodepool',
) {
if $zuulv2 {
if $nodepool_revision == undef {
$nodepool_revision_ = '0.5.0'
} else {
$nodepool_revision_ = $nodepool_revision
if $zuul_revision == undef {
$zuul_revision_ = '2.6.0'
} else {
$zuul_revision_ = $zuul_revision
class { '::openstackci::jenkins_master':
vhost_name => $jenkins_vhost_name,
serveradmin => $serveradmin,
jenkins_ssh_private_key => $jenkins_ssh_private_key,
jenkins_ssh_public_key => $jenkins_ssh_public_key,
jenkins_version => $jenkins_version,
manage_jenkins_jobs => true,
jenkins_url => '',
jenkins_username => $jenkins_username,
jenkins_password => $jenkins_password,
project_config_repo => $project_config_repo,
log_server => $log_server,
java_args_override => $java_args_override,
jjb_git_revision => $jjb_git_revision,
jjb_git_url => $jjb_git_url,
class { '::openstackci::zuul_merger':
vhost_name => $vhost_name,
gearman_server => 'localhost',
gerrit_server => $gerrit_server,
gerrit_user => $gerrit_user,
# known_hosts_content is set by openstackci::zuul_scheduler
known_hosts_content => '',
zuul_ssh_private_key => $gerrit_user_ssh_private_key,
zuul_url => "http://${vhost_name}/p/",
git_email => $git_email,
git_name => $git_name,
manage_common_zuul => false,
revision => $zuul_revision_,
git_source_repo => $zuul_git_source_repo,
class { '::openstackci::zuul_scheduler':
vhost_name => $vhost_name,
gearman_server => 'localhost',
gerrit_server => $gerrit_server,
gerrit_user => $gerrit_user,
known_hosts_content => $gerrit_ssh_host_key,
zuul_ssh_private_key => $gerrit_user_ssh_private_key,
url_pattern => "http://${log_server}/{build.parameters[LOG_PATH]}",
zuul_url => "http://${vhost_name}/p/",
job_name_in_report => true,
status_url => "http://${vhost_name}",
project_config_repo => $project_config_repo,
git_email => $git_email,
git_name => $git_name,
smtp_host => $smtp_host,
smtp_default_from => $smtp_default_from,
smtp_default_to => $smtp_default_to,
revision => $zuul_revision_,
class { '::openstackci::nodepool':
mysql_root_password => $mysql_root_password,
mysql_password => $mysql_nodepool_password,
nodepool_ssh_private_key => $jenkins_ssh_private_key,
revision => $nodepool_revision_,
git_source_repo => $nodepool_git_source_repo,
oscc_file_contents => $oscc_file_contents,
environment => {
# Set up the key in /etc/default/nodepool, used by the service.
'NODEPOOL_SSH_KEY' => $jenkins_ssh_public_key
project_config_repo => $project_config_repo,
# Disable nodepool image logs as it conflicts with the zuul status page
enable_image_log_via_http => false,
jenkins_masters => [
{ name => $nodepool_jenkins_target,
url => 'http://localhost:8080/',
user => $jenkins_username,
apikey => $jenkins_api_key,
credentials => $jenkins_credentials_id,
} else {
# Zuul V3
if $nodepool_revision == undef {
$nodepool_revision_ = 'master'
} else {
$nodepool_revision_ = $nodepool_revision
if $zuul_revision == undef {
$zuul_revision_ = 'master'
} else {
$zuul_revision_ = $zuul_revision
# TODO v3 all in one
fail('zuul v3 all in one deployment is not supported')