
Add a xenial nodeset and update the spec helper to install puppet 3 from the Ubuntu repos instead of from puppetlabs. Also fix linter errors. Change-Id: I5b4650de814a23a0ef25ee8cd73ca3591b6df44e
273 lines
7.5 KiB
273 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: storyboard::application
# This module installs the storyboard webclient and the api onto the current
# host. If storyboard::cert is defined, it will use a https vhost, otherwise
# it'll just use http.
class storyboard::application (
# Required parameters
# Installation parameters
$src_root_api = '/opt/storyboard',
$src_root_webclient = '/opt/storyboard-webclient',
$install_root = '/var/lib/storyboard',
$www_root = '/var/lib/storyboard/www',
$working_root = '/var/lib/storyboard/spool',
$server_admin = undef,
$hostname = $::fqdn,
$cors_allowed_origins = undef,
$cors_max_age = 3600,
# storyboard.conf parameters
$authorization_code_ttl = 300,
$access_token_ttl = 3600,
$refresh_token_ttl = 604800,
$valid_oauth_clients = [$::fqdn],
$enable_token_cleanup = 'True',
$mysql_host = 'localhost',
$mysql_port = 3306,
$mysql_database = 'storyboard',
$mysql_user = 'storyboard',
$rabbitmq_host = 'localhost',
$rabbitmq_port = 5672,
$rabbitmq_vhost = '/',
$rabbitmq_user = 'storyboard',
$enable_notifications = 'True',
$enable_cron = 'True',
$enable_email = 'True',
$sender_email_address = 'no-reply@storyboard.openstack.org',
$smtp_host = 'localhost',
$smtp_port = 25,
) {
# Variables
$webclient_filename = 'storyboard-webclient-latest.tar.gz'
$webclient_url = "http://tarballs.openstack.org/storyboard-webclient/${webclient_filename}"
if $cors_allowed_origins {
$cors_allowed_origins_string = join($cors_allowed_origins, ',')
} else {
$cors_allowed_origins_string = undef
# Dependencies
require ::storyboard::params
include ::httpd
include ::httpd::mod::wsgi
class { '::python':
pip => true,
dev => true,
include ::python::install
if !defined(Package['git']) {
package { 'git':
ensure => present
if !defined(Package['curl']) {
package { 'curl':
ensure => present
# Create the storyboard configuration directory.
file { '/etc/storyboard':
ensure => directory,
owner => $storyboard::params::user,
group => $storyboard::params::group,
mode => '0700',
# Configure the StoryBoard API
file { '/etc/storyboard/storyboard.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => $storyboard::params::user,
group => $storyboard::params::group,
mode => '0400',
content => template('storyboard/storyboard.conf.erb'),
notify => Service['httpd'],
require => [
# Download the latest StoryBoard Source
vcsrepo { $src_root_api:
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'master',
source => 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/storyboard/',
require => Package['git']
# Run pip
exec { 'install-storyboard' :
command => "pip install ${src_root_api}",
path => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin/',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Vcsrepo[$src_root_api],
notify => Service['httpd'],
require => [
# Install launchpad migration dependencies
if !defined(Package['python-launchpadlib']) {
package { 'python-launchpadlib':
ensure => present
if !defined(Package['python-simplejson']) {
package { 'python-simplejson':
ensure => present
# Create the root dir
file { $install_root:
ensure => directory,
owner => $storyboard::params::user,
group => $storyboard::params::group,
# Create the working dir
file { $working_root:
ensure => directory,
owner => $storyboard::params::user,
group => $storyboard::params::group,
# Create the log dir
file { '/var/log/storyboard':
ensure => directory,
owner => $storyboard::params::user,
group => $storyboard::params::group,
# Install the wsgi app
file { "${install_root}/storyboard.wsgi":
source => "${src_root_api}/storyboard/api/app.wsgi",
owner => $storyboard::params::user,
group => $storyboard::params::group,
require => [
notify => Service['httpd'],
# Migrate the database
exec { 'migrate-storyboard-db':
command => 'storyboard-db-manage --config-file /etc/storyboard/storyboard.conf upgrade head',
path => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin/',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => [
require => [
notify => Service['httpd'],
file { $src_root_webclient:
ensure => directory,
owner => $storyboard::params::user,
group => $storyboard::params::group,
# Download the latest storyboard-webclient
exec { 'get-webclient':
command => "curl ${webclient_url} -z ./${webclient_filename} -o ${webclient_filename}",
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
cwd => $src_root_webclient,
require => File[$src_root_webclient],
onlyif => "curl -I ${webclient_url} -z ./${webclient_filename} | grep '200 OK'",
# Unpack storyboard-webclient
exec { 'unpack-webclient':
command => "tar -xzf ./${webclient_filename}",
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
refreshonly => true,
cwd => $src_root_webclient,
require => Exec['get-webclient'],
subscribe => Exec['get-webclient'],
# Create config.json
file { "${src_root_webclient}/dist/config.json":
ensure => file,
content => '{}',
require => Exec['unpack-webclient'],
# Copy the downloaded source into the configured www_root
file { $www_root:
ensure => directory,
owner => $storyboard::params::user,
group => $storyboard::params::group,
require => File["${src_root_webclient}/dist/config.json"],
source => "${src_root_webclient}/dist",
recurse => true,
purge => true,
force => true,
notify => Service['httpd'],
# Check vhost permission set.
$new_vhost_perms = (versioncmp($::storyboard::params::apache_version, '2.4') >= 0)
# Are we setting up TLS or non-TLS?
if defined(Class['storyboard::cert']) {
# Set up storyboard as HTTPS
::httpd::vhost { $hostname:
port => 443,
docroot => $www_root,
priority => '50',
template => 'storyboard/storyboard_https.vhost.erb',
ssl => true,
} else {
# Set up storyboard as HTTPS
::httpd::vhost { $hostname:
port => 80,
docroot => $www_root,
priority => '50',
template => 'storyboard/storyboard_http.vhost.erb',
ssl => false,