Puppet module to deploy storyboard
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Clark Boylan 8cb841cb64 Fix second ServerAdmin conditional
There are two ServerAdmin entries in the https vhost erb template. One
for port 80 and one for port 443. The previous change only fixed the
issue for port 80. Fix this for port 443 too.

Additionally fix the ssl chain file variable which has the same problem.

Change-Id: Id3a36d1a3088f9ae08761f51f4073f388e2eedf8
2018-09-12 16:01:15 -07:00
manifests Clean the webclient unpack dir safely. 2018-05-30 11:02:10 -07:00
spec/acceptance/nodesets Depend on helper gem for spec_helper_acceptance 2017-08-18 10:41:44 +02:00
templates Fix second ServerAdmin conditional 2018-09-12 16:01:15 -07:00
.gitignore Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks 2015-08-14 10:06:32 -07:00
.gitreview Added .gitreview 2014-05-21 23:50:38 +00:00
Gemfile Update Gemfile for Zuulv3 2018-07-12 09:57:46 +02:00
LICENSE Add missing LICENSE file 2015-01-29 22:59:59 +00:00
Modulefile Use git.openstack.org everywhere 2015-12-29 21:43:36 +01:00
README.md Clean up OpenStack-isms 2018-04-18 20:39:17 +00:00
Rakefile Adding Rakefile 2014-06-17 11:09:52 -07:00
Vagrantfile Added a Vagrant module and manifest for easier development. 2015-02-23 12:14:09 -08:00
metadata.json Migrate to puppet-httpd module 2015-07-16 15:47:33 -04:00
vagrant.pp Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks 2015-08-14 10:06:32 -07:00
vagrant.sh Rename openstackci to openstackinfra 2015-04-20 13:50:55 -07:00


OpenStack StoryBoard Module

Michael Krotscheck krotscheck@gmail.com

This module manages and installs OpenStack StoryBoard. It can be installed either as a standalone instance with all dependencies included, or buffet-style per component.

Quick Start

To install StoryBoard and configure it with sane defaults, include the following in your site.pp file:

node default {
    class { 'storyboard':
        mysql_user_password    => 'changeme',
        rabbitmq_user_password => 'changemetoo'


The StoryBoard puppet module is separated into individual components which StoryBoard needs to run. These can either be installed independently with their own configurations, or with the centralized configuration provided by the storyboard module. For specific configuration options, please see the appropriate section.


A module that installs a standalone instance of StoryBoard.

The standalone StoryBoard module will install a fully functional, independent instance of StoryBoard on your node. It includes a local instance of mysql, RabbitMQ, an HTTPS vhost using the apache snakeoil certificates, and an automatic redirect from http://$hostname to https://$hostname/.

node default {
    class { 'storyboard':
        mysql_database         => 'storyboard',
        mysql_user             => 'storyboard',
        mysql_user_password    => 'changeme',

        rabbitmq_user          => 'storyboard',
        rabbitmq_user_password => 'changemetoo',

        hostname               => ::fqdn,
        openid_url             => 'https://login.launchpad.net/+openid',
        ssl_cert_content       => undef,
        ssl_cert               => '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem',
        ssl_key_content        => undef,
        ssl_key                => '/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key',
        ssl_ca_content         => undef
        ssl_ca                 => undef,

NOTE: If you don't want an SSL host, set all of the ssl_* parameters to undef.


A module that installs a local mysql database for StoryBoard

This module installs a standalone mysql instance with a StoryBoard database and a user that is able to access. It is used by the ::storyboard to provide the database, and may be used for minor customizations of a standalone-like install.

node default {
    class { 'storyboard::mysql':
      mysql_database      => 'storyboard',
      mysql_user          => 'storyboard',
      mysql_user_password => 'changeme'


A module that installs an ssl certificate chain for StoryBoard

This module can be used if you want to add SSL/TLS support to the apache instance that is hosting StoryBoard. Simply tell it where it should read the contents of the various certificates and keys from, and it will move them into the correct place for StoryBoard.

Note that this module supports both string content certificates or file references. To pick one over the other, make sure that the undesired method is set to undef. You can also customize where the certificate will be saved, however that's not strictly necessary.

node default {
    class { 'storyboard::cert':
        $ssl_cert_content = undef,
        $ssl_cert         = '/etc/ssl/certs/storyboard.example.org.pem',

        $ssl_key_content  = undef,
        $ssl_key          = '/etc/ssl/private/storyboard.example.org.key',

        $ssl_ca_content   = undef,
        $ssl_ca           = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem'


A module that installs the storyboard webclient and API.

This module can be used if you want to provide your own database, and only want the API, webclient, and storyboard configuration managed on your node. It will automatically detect the existence of storyboard::cert, and adjust the apache vhost accordingly.

node default {
    class { 'storyboard::application':
        # Installation parameters
        www_root            => '/var/lib/storyboard/www',
        server_admin        => undef,
        hostname            => ::fqdn,

        # storyboard.conf parameters
        access_token_ttl       => 3600,
        refresh_token_ttl      => 604800,
        openid_url             => 'https://login.launchpad.net/+openid',
        mysql_host             => 'localhost',
        mysql_port             => 3306,
        mysql_database         => 'storyboard',
        mysql_user             => 'storyboard',
        mysql_user_password    => 'changeme',

        rabbitmq_host          => 'localhost',
        rabbitmq_port          => 5672,
        rabbitmq_vhost         => '/',
        rabbitmq_user          => 'storyboard',
        rabbitmq_user_password => 'changemetoo'


This module installs StoryBoard's RabbitMQ instance.

In order to handle subscriptions, emails, and reporting, storyboard uses rabbitmq for deferred processing. This module installs a standalone, local instance of rabbit.

node default {
    class { 'storyboard::rabbit':
        rabbitmq_user          => 'storyboard',
        rabbitmq_user_password => 'changeme'


This module installs StoryBoard's deferred processing threads.

In order to process deferred requests within StoryBoard, you may run a configurable number of threads that process tasks from the deferred worker queue configured in storyboard::rabbit.

node default {
    class { '::storyboard::workers':
        worker_count => 5


A module that seeds the database with a predefined list of projects.

This module will maintain the list of projects in the storyboard database, and keep it up to date with the content of the provided configuration file. Projects not found in the file will be deleted, projects not found in the database will be added. Note that the 'use-storyboard' flag MUST be set.

node default {
    class { 'storyboard::load_projects':
        source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/projects.yaml'

File content format:

- project: openstack/storyboard
  description: The StoryBoard API
  use-storyboard: true
- project: openstack/storyboard-webclient
  description: The StoryBoard HTTP client
  use-storyboard: true


A module that maintains the list of superusers.

This module will maintain the list of superusers (administrators) in the storyboard database, and keep it up to date with the content of the provided configuration file. Users are referenced by openID and keyed by email address, however all other information will be persisted from the OpenID provider.

node default {
    class { 'storyboard::load_superusers':
        source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/superusers.yaml'

File content format:

- openid: https://login.launchpad.net/+id/some_openid
  email: your_email@some_email_host.com
- openid: https://login.launchpad.net/+id/some_other_id
  email: admin_email@some_email_host.com