Install newer versions of Zanata

This installs newer versions of zanata by unpacking published zip files
over the top of the wildfly install instead of manually injecting
specific war files.

Do this because the zip file includes the other dependencies that we
need like hibernate and the mysql connector.

Change-Id: I7632bbb30c8e3780836df65a47d35ca42b0b3f3c
This commit is contained in:
Clark Boylan 2017-01-27 09:53:44 -08:00
parent 7db140f1f4
commit f07a5492d3
2 changed files with 89 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -22,12 +22,20 @@ class zanata(
$zanata_db_username = 'zanata',
# For wildfly < 10 the zanata_url below is expected to be a url to a built
# war for wildfly >=10 the expectation is that it is the url to one of the
# published zipfiles that can be overlaid atop the wildfly installation
# dir.
$zanata_wildfly_version = '9.0.1',
$zanata_wildfly_install_url = '',
$zanata_hibernate_url = '',
$zanata_mojarra_url = '',
# The default here is to a war file and can be used with wildfly < 10.
# If using wildfly >= 10 an example url would be:
$zanata_url = '',
# This should be a sha1 of whatever file is hosted at the url above.
$zanata_checksum = '59f1ac35cce46ba4e46b06a239cd7ab4e10b5528',
@ -46,65 +54,70 @@ class zanata(
$zanata_smtp_ssl = '',
) {
zanata::validate_listener { $zanata_listeners: }
$zanata_file = inline_template('<%= File.basename(@zanata_url) %>')
$zanata_ext = inline_template('<%= File.extname(@zanata_url) %>')
$wildfly_file = inline_template('<%= File.basename(@zanata_wildfly_install_url) %>')
$zanata_hibernate_file = inline_template('<%= File.basename(@zanata_hibernate_url) %>')
$zanata_mojarra_file = inline_template('<%= File.basename(@zanata_mojarra_url) %>')
zanata::validate_listener { $zanata_listeners:
class { '::zanata::wildfly':
wildfly_version => $zanata_wildfly_version,
wildfly_install_source => $zanata_wildfly_install_url,
package { [
ensure => present,
file { $zanata_storage_dir:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'wildfly',
group => 'wildfly'
package { 'unzip':
ensure => present,
include '::archive'
archive { '/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war':
ensure => present,
user => 'wildfly',
source => $zanata_url,
checksum_type => 'sha1',
checksum => $zanata_checksum,
require => [
if ($zanata_ext == '.war') {
# This implies the old wildfly <10 install method of installing wildfly
# then manually injecting deps and the war into the wildfly install.
# You need to make sure you provide a .war file url for zanata when
# using wildfly < 10.
package { 'libmysql-java':
ensure => present,
# The mysql driver name differs based on the version of the package. Ensure
# we set it correctly when writing the standalone.xml config file below.
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') and ($::operatingsystemrelease >= '16.04') {
$mysql_driver_name = 'mysql-connector-java.jar_com.mysql.jdbc.Driver_5_1'
else {
$mysql_driver_name = 'mysql-connector-java.jar'
# The mysql driver name differs based on the version of the package. Ensure
# we set it correctly when writing the standalone.xml config file below.
# Note that this isn't the name used by files on disk, rather it is some
# java class lookup name used in the standalone.xml configuration file.
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') and ($::operatingsystemrelease >= '16.04') {
$mysql_driver_name = 'mysql-connector-java.jar_com.mysql.jdbc.Driver_5_1'
else {
$mysql_driver_name = 'mysql-connector-java.jar'
file { '/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/mysql-connector-java.jar':
ensure => 'link',
target => '/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar',
require => [
file { '/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/mysql-connector-java.jar':
ensure => 'link',
target => '/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar',
require => [
archive { '/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war':
ensure => present,
user => 'wildfly',
source => $zanata_url,
checksum_type => 'sha1',
checksum => $zanata_checksum,
require => [
if (versioncmp($zanata_wildfly_version, '10.0.0') < 0) {
archive { "/home/wildfly/${zanata_hibernate_file}":
ensure => present,
user => 'wildfly',
@ -136,7 +149,39 @@ class zanata(
} else {
elsif ($zanata_ext == '.zip') {
# This implies the newer wildfly >= 10 install method where we install
# wildfly, then unpack the zanata zip file into that install dir which
# gives us all of our deps. You need to make sure you provide a .zip file
# url for zanata when using wildfly >= 10.
archive { "/tmp/${zanata_file}":
ensure => present,
user => 'wildfly',
source => $zanata_url,
extract => true,
extract_path => '/opt/wildfly',
checksum_type => 'sha1',
checksum => $zanata_checksum,
require => [
file { '/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/zanata.war.skipdeploy':
# we don't want to serve at /zanata we want to serve at / so we skip
# deploying with zanata.war and set up ROOT.war below.
ensure => present,
require => Archive["/tmp/${zanata_file}"],
file { '/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/wildfly/standalone/deployments/zanata.war',
require => Archive["/tmp/${zanata_file}"],
# TODO make this handle wildfly >= 10.
file { '/opt/wildfly/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml':
ensure => present,
notify => Service['wildfly'],
@ -145,11 +190,14 @@ class zanata(
content => template('zanata/wildfly-10-standalone.xml.erb'),
require => [
else {
fail('zanata_url must be for a .war or .zip file.')
# == Define: zanata::validate_listener

View File

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
<datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/zanataDatasource" pool-name="zanataDatasource" enabled="true" use-ccm="true">
<connection-url>jdbc:mysql://<%= @mysql_host %>:<%= @mysql_port %>/zanata?characterEncoding=UTF-8</connection-url>
<driver><%= @mysql_driver_name %></driver>