{ "comments": [ { "key": { "uuid": "ff346bd7_05e52edc", "filename": "statusbot/bot.py", "patchSetId": 4 }, "lineNbr": 149, "author": { "id": 7118 }, "writtenOn": "2017-07-27T01:10:01Z", "side": 1, "message": "I\u0027m pretty sure I\u0027ve convinced myself this is wrong?\n\nThe parent class WikiPage.save() saves to \"self.pageid\", which is extracted from the configuration key [\u0027wiki\u0027][\u0027pageid\u0027]\n\nIn thd old code, SuccessPage.__init__() sets self.pageid to the value of [\u0027wiki\u0027][\u0027successpageid\u0027]\n\nThus this should be setting self.pageid \u003d [\u0027wiki\u0027][\u0027thankspageid\u0027]?", "revId": "3891f4eacfaa9e7ff67d373ed31c3f649478d237", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": false }, { "key": { "uuid": "ff346bd7_21fa5cbc", "filename": "statusbot/bot.py", "patchSetId": 4 }, "lineNbr": 149, "author": { "id": 308 }, "writtenOn": "2017-07-27T07:26:50Z", "side": 1, "message": "Yes, I think you are right. The two other self.thankspageid below should also be changed", "parentUuid": "ff346bd7_05e52edc", "revId": "3891f4eacfaa9e7ff67d373ed31c3f649478d237", "serverId": "4a232e18-c5a9-48ee-94c0-e04e7cca6543", "unresolved": false } ] }