[DEFAULT] # Default log level is INFO # verbose and debug has the same result. # One of them will set DEBUG log level output # debug = False # verbose = False # Where to store lock files lock_path = $state_path/lock # Storyboard's working directory. Please ensure that the storyboard user has # read/write access to this directory. # working_directory = ~/.storyboard # log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)8s [%(name)s] %(message)s # log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S # use_syslog -> syslog # log_file and log_dir -> log_dir/log_file # (not log_file) and log_dir -> log_dir/{binary_name}.log # use_stderr -> stderr # (not user_stderr) and (not log_file) -> stdout # publish_errors -> notification system # use_syslog = False # syslog_log_facility = LOG_USER # use_stderr = True # log_file = # log_dir = # publish_errors = False # Address to bind the API server # bind_host = # Port the bind the API server to # bind_port = 8080 # Enable notifications. This feature drives deferred processing, reporting, # and subscriptions. # enable_notifications = True # Enable editing/deletion of comments. When enabled, users can edit their own # comments and admins can delete comments. # enable_editable_comments = True [oauth] # StoryBoard's oauth configuration. # OpenId Authentication endpoint # openid_url = https://login.launchpad.net/+openid # Time in seconds before an authorization code expires. # authorization_code_ttl = 300 # Time in seconds before an access_token expires # access_token_ttl = 3600 # Time in seconds before an refresh_token expires # refresh_token_ttl = 604800 # A list of valid client id's that may connect to StoryBoard. # valid_oauth_clients = ^.*\.openstack\.org, localhost [scheduler] # Storyboard's scheduled task management configuration # Enable or disable scheduling (Default disabled) # enable = true [cors] # W3C CORS configuration. For more information, see http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/ # List of permitted CORS domains. # allowed_origins = ^https://.*\.openstack\.org, http://localhost:9000 # CORS browser options cache max age (in seconds) # max_age=3600 [notifications] # Host of the rabbitmq server. # rabbit_host=localhost # The RabbitMQ login method # rabbit_login_method = AMQPLAIN # The RabbitMQ userid. # rabbit_userid = storyboard # The RabbitMQ password. # rabbit_password = storyboard # The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used. # rabbit_port = 5672 # The virtual host within which our queues and exchanges live. # rabbit_virtual_host = / # Application name that binds to rabbit. # rabbit_application_name=storyboard # The name of the topic exchange to which storyboard will broadcast its events. # rabbit_exchange_name=storyboard # The name of the queue that will be created for API events. # rabbit_event_queue_name=storyboard_events # The number of connection attempts before giving-up # rabbit_connection_attempts = 6 # The interval between connection attempts (in seconds) # rabbit_retry_delay = 10 [database] # This line MUST be changed to actually run storyboard # Example: # connection = mysql+pymysql://root:pass@ # Replace above with the IP address of the database used by the # main storyboard server. (Leave it as is if the database runs on this host.) # connection=sqlite:// # The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the slave database # slave_connection = # Database reconnection retry times - in event connectivity is lost # set to -1 implies an infinite retry count # max_retries = 10 # Database reconnection interval in seconds - if the initial connection to the # database fails # retry_interval = 10 # Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool # min_pool_size = 1 # Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool # max_pool_size = 10 # Timeout in seconds before idle sql connections are reaped # idle_timeout = 3600 # If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy # max_overflow = 20 # Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None, 100=Everything # connection_debug = 0 # Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings # connection_trace = False # If set, use this value for pool_timeout with sqlalchemy # pool_timeout = 10 [plugin_token_cleaner] # Enable/Disable the periodic token cleaner plugin. This requires scheduled # management to be enabled. # enable = True [plugin_email] # Enable, or disable, the notification email plugin. # enable = True # The email address from which storyboard will send its messages. # sender = StoryBoard (Do Not Reply) # The email address of the Reply-To header (optional). # reply_to = # The default url base to use in emails, if Referer is not set. # default_url = https://storyboard.openstack.org/ # The SMTP server to use. # smtp_host = localhost # The SMTP Server Port to connect to (default 25). # smtp_port = 25 # The SMTP socket timeout, in seconds # smtp_timeout = 10 # The FQDN of the sending host when identifying itself to the SMTP server # (optional). # smtp_local_hostname = # Path to the SSL Keyfile, when using ESMTP. Please make sure the storyboard # client can read this file. # smtp_ssl_keyfile = # Path to the SSL Certificate, when using ESMTP. Please make sure the # storyboard client can read this file. # smtp_ssl_certfile = # Username/login for the SMTP server. # smtp_user = # Password for the SMTP server. # smtp_password = [attachments] # Whether or not to enable attachment support. Requires a supported # attachment storage backend to be available and configured. Disabled # by default. # enable_attachments = True # The type of storage backend to use for attachments. Currently only # `swift` is a valid value. # storage_backend = swift # Settings in this section are used when storage_backend is set to # `swift`. Default values are set to work out of the box with a # Swift all-in-one instance accessible at [swift] # Name of the cloud in clouds.yaml which provides the object storage # to use. If this is set then `auth_type`, `auth_url`, `user`, and # `password` are ignored in favour of the auth configuration in your # clouds.yaml file. This should be used in most cases, the other # options are for supporting Swift legacy auth. # cloud = # Authentication type to use for connecting to Swift. For legacy auth, # this should be `v1password`. For all other auth, the `clouds.yaml` # approach should be used instead. # auth_type = v1password # Authentication endpoint for the Swift backend. # auth_url = # User to authenticate with Swift as. # user = test:tester # Password for the configured Swift user. # password = testing # Swift container to store attachments in. This will be created if it # doesn't already exist. # container = storyboard # The value to set X-Container-Meta-Temp-URL-Key to if the container # needs to be created by StoryBoard. If your container already exists, # you should ensure it has this metadata set separately. # temp_url_key = secret_key # The time in seconds that generated Temp URL signatures are valid for. # temp_url_timeout = 60