We need to instruct the Laravel Framework how to determine which environment it is running in. The default environment
is always production. However, you may setup other environments within the *bootstrap/start.php* file at the root of
your installation.
It is include on folder bootstrap a file called bootstrap/environment.php.tpl
you must make a copy and rename it to bootstrap/environment.php
In this file you will find an **$app->detectEnvironment** call. The array passed to this method is
used to determine the current environment. You may add other environments and machine names to the array as needed.
..code:: php
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
'local' => array('your-machine-name'),
Database Configuration
It is often helpful to have different configuration values based on the environment the application is running in. For example, you may wish to use a different database configuration on your development machine than on the production server. It is easy to accomplish this using environment based configuration.
Simply create a folder within the config directory that matches your environment name, such as **dev**. Next, create the configuration files you wish to override and specify the options for that environment. For example, to override the database configuration for the local environment, you would create a database.php file in app/config/dev.
OpenstackId server makes use of two database connections:
* openstackid
* os_members
**openstackid** is its own OpenstackId Server DB, where stores all related configuration to openid/oauth2 protocol.
**os_members** is SS DB (http://www.openstack.org/).
both configuration are living on config file **database.php**, which could be a set per environment as forementioned