2012-07-23 10:21:29 -05:00
class github (
$projects = []
) {
2012-07-23 11:54:48 -05:00
include pip
2012-07-23 10:21:29 -05:00
package { "PyGithub":
ensure => latest, # okay to use latest for pip
provider => pip,
2012-07-23 11:54:48 -05:00
require => Class[pip]
2012-07-23 10:21:29 -05:00
2012-10-12 14:48:56 -07:00
# A lot of things need yaml, be conservative requiring this package to avoid
# conflicts with other modules.
if ! defined(Package['python-yaml']) {
package { 'python-yaml':
ensure => present,
2012-07-23 10:21:29 -05:00
group { "github":
ensure => present
user { "github":
ensure => present,
comment => "Github API User",
shell => "/bin/bash",
gid => "github",
require => Group["github"]
file { '/etc/github':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 755,
ensure => 'directory',
file { '/etc/github/github.config':
2012-07-29 12:54:27 -05:00
ensure => absent
2012-07-23 10:21:29 -05:00
file { '/etc/github/github.secure.config':
owner => 'root',
group => 'github',
mode => 440,
ensure => 'present',
2012-07-23 20:09:17 -05:00
content => template('github/github.secure.config.erb'),
2012-07-23 10:21:29 -05:00
replace => 'true',
require => [Group['github'], File['/etc/github']],
file { '/usr/local/github':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 755,
ensure => 'directory',
file { '/usr/local/github/scripts':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 755,
ensure => 'directory',
recurse => true,
require => File['/usr/local/github'],
source => [
cron { "githubclosepull":
user => github,
minute => "*/5",
command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60+90)) && python /usr/local/github/scripts/close_pull_requests.py',
2012-10-12 14:48:56 -07:00
require => [
2012-07-23 10:21:29 -05:00