Will give a stream with an output like this (line breaks and indentation added
in this document for readability, the read JSON will be all one line per event):
..code-block:: javascript
{"project":"openstack/keystone","branch":"stable/essex","topic":"bug/969088","id":"I18ae38af62b4c2b2423e20e436611fc30f844ae1","number":"7385","subject":"Make import_nova_auth only create roles which don\u0027t already exist","owner":
"comment":"Hmm, I actually thought this was in Essex already.\n\nIt\u0027s a pretty annoying little issue for folks migrating for nova auth. Fix is small and pretty safe. Good choice for backporting"}
For most purposes you will want to trigger on ``patchset-created`` for when a
new patchset has been uploaded.
Further documentation on how to use the events stream can be found in `Gerrit's stream event documentation page <http://gerrit-documentation.googlecode.com/svn/Documentation/2.3/cmd-stream-events.html>`_.
Posting Result To Gerrit
External testing systems can give non-gating votes to Gerrit by means of a -1/+1
verify vote. OpenStack Jenkins has extra permissions to give a +2/-2 verify
vote which is gating. Comments should also be provided to explain what kind of
test failed.. We do also ask that the comments contain public links to the
failure so that the developer can see what caused the failure.
In this example ``c0ff33`` is the commit ID for the review. You can set the
verified to either `-1` or `+1` depending on whether or not it passed the tests.
Further documentation on the `review` command in Gerrit can be found in the `Gerrit review documentation page <http://gerrit-documentation.googlecode.com/svn/Documentation/2.3/cmd-review.html>`_.
We do suggest cautious testing of these systems and have a development Gerrit
setup to test on if required. In SmokeStack's case all failures are manually
reviewed before getting pushed to OpenStack, whilst this may no scale it is
There is a Gerrit Trigger plugin for Jenkins which automates all of the
processes described in this document. So if your testing system is Jenkins
based you can use it to simplify things. You will still need an account to do
this as described in the :ref:`request-account-label` section above.
The OpenStack version of the Gerrit Trigger plugin for Jenkins can be found on
`the Jenkins packaging job <https://jenkins.openstack.org/view/All/job/gerrit-trigger-plugin-package/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/gerrithudsontrigger/target/gerrit-trigger.hpi>`_ for it. You can install it using the Advanced tab in the
Jenkins Plugin Manager.
Once installed Jenkins will have a new `Gerrit Trigger` option in the `Manage
Jenkins` menu. This should be given the following options::