robustify htmlifier for logs

The 404 handler that previously existed didn't actually handle the
file not found case, because we hit it too late in the generator,
so all control was over in Apache. In order to deal with this
instead try to open and close the file early, to trigger the
exception before we get to the generator. This opens us up to a
small race, which we should never see on a real system. And also
let's us keep the generator approach which we need from a memory
perspective on the server.

Also ensure that we are only handling the non-query string part
of path info when we are trying to find a file, otherwise query
strings make everything 404.

And lastly, give us an out if we want to make a web browser get
the text version instead of the html version via passing
?content-type=text/plain on the query string. Some logs like
nova-api are so large (35MB of html) that some browsers on some
OSes completely fall over dealing with them. This will let those
users get around it if it's a problem.

Change-Id: I7383deb95dcbc097aa6c1053dc9bb5a8de04cf26
This commit is contained in:
Sean Dague 2013-08-12 14:07:39 -04:00
parent 495853a2f7
commit 19db47c242

@ -85,12 +85,31 @@ def passthrough_filter(fname):
yield line
def does_file_exist(fname):
"""Figure out if we'll be able to read this file.
Because we are handling the file streams as generators, we actually raise
an exception too late for us to be able to handle it before apache has
completely control. This attempts to do the same open outside of the
generator to trigger the IOError early enough for us to catch it, without
completely changing the logic flow, as we really want the generator
pipeline for performance reasons.
This does open us up to a small chance for a race where the file comes
or goes between this call and the next, however that is a vanishingly
small possibility.
f = open(fname)
def html_filter(fname):
"""Generator to read logs and output html in a stream.
This produces a stream of the htmlified logs which lets us return
data quickly to the user, and use minimal memory in the process.
yield _css_preamble()
for line in fileinput.input(fname, openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed):
newline = escape_html(line)
@ -118,7 +137,7 @@ def safe_path(root, environ):
remains under the root path. If not, we return None to indicate
that we are very sad.
path = wsgiref.util.request_uri(environ)
path = wsgiref.util.request_uri(environ, include_query=0)
match ='htmlify/(.*)', path)
raw = match.groups(1)[0]
newpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, raw))
@ -129,8 +148,26 @@ def safe_path(root, environ):
def should_be_html(environ):
"""Simple content negotiation."""
return 'HTTP_ACCEPT' in environ and 'text/html' in environ['HTTP_ACCEPT']
"""Simple content negotiation.
If the client supports content negotiation, and asks for text/html,
we give it to them, unless they also specifically want to override
by passing ?content-type=text/plain in the query.
This should be able to handle the case of dumb clients defaulting to
html, but also let devs override the text format when 35 MB html
log files kill their browser (as per a nova-api log).
text_override = False
accepts_html = ('HTTP_ACCEPT' in environ and
'text/html' in environ['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
parameters = cgi.parse_qs(environ.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
if 'content-type' in parameters:
ct = cgi.escape(parameters['content-type'][0])
if ct == 'text/plain':
text_override = True
return accepts_html and not text_override
def application(environ, start_response):
@ -146,11 +183,13 @@ def application(environ, start_response):
if should_be_html(environ):
response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
generator = html_filter(logpath)
start_response(status, response_headers)
return generator
response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]
generator = passthrough_filter(logpath)
start_response(status, response_headers)
return generator