diff --git a/doc/source/afs.rst b/doc/source/afs.rst
index cdc69437f4..26b5455054 100644
--- a/doc/source/afs.rst
+++ b/doc/source/afs.rst
@@ -286,10 +286,16 @@ It is worth evaluating these settings periodically
 Updating Settings
-If you wish to update the settings for an existing server, you can
-stop and remove the existing ``bnode`` (the collection of processes
-the overseer is monitoring, created via ``bos create`` above) and
-recreate it.
+The helper script :git_file:`tools/afs-server-restart.sh` is a helper
+script to restart AFS servers, and optionally enable audit logging on
+the servers which is sometimes useful for debugging afs clients.  You
+can edit settings in the script and run ``afs-server-restart.sh
+restart`` (or ``restart-auditing``).
+If you wish to update the settings for an existing server manually,
+you can stop and remove the existing ``bnode`` (the collection of
+processes the overseer is monitoring, created via ``bos create``
+above) and recreate it.
 For example ::
diff --git a/tools/afs-server-restart.sh b/tools/afs-server-restart.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..d5394fb28f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/afs-server-restart.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Start/stop AFS servers
+# Usage:
+#   1) run this authenticated with admin account
+#      (mirror-update.opendev.org is one choice with everything setup,
+#      but can do locally)
+#       $ kinit $username/admin
+#       $ aklog
+#   2) afs-service-restart.sh <restart|restart-auditing|start|start-auditing|stop>
+#   3) If enabled, audit logs will be in a timestampped /opt file
+SERVERS=(afs01.dfw.openstack.org afs02.dfw.openstack.org afs01.ord.openstack.org)
+# See AFS system-config documentation for discussion of parameters
+-L -p 242 -busyat 600 -rxpck 700
+-s 1200 -l 1200 -cb 2000000 -b 240 -vc 1200
+-udpsize 131071 -sendsize 131071"
+TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s)
+function stop_server {
+    local afs_host=$1
+    echo "Stopping server $afs_host"
+    bos stop -server $afs_host -instance dafs -wait
+    sleep 5
+    bos delete -server $afs_host -instance dafs
+    sleep 5
+    echo "Done"
+function start_server {
+    local afs_host=$1
+    local audit_log=$2
+    local opts=$DAFILESERVER_OPTS
+    local with_log=""
+    if [[ $audit_log == "true" ]]; then
+        opts+=" -auditlog /opt/dafileserver.audit.$TIMESTAMP.log"
+        with_log=" (with audit logging) "
+    fi
+    echo "Enable server $afs_host $with_log"
+    bos create -server $afs_host -instance dafs -type dafs \
+        -cmd "/usr/lib/openafs/dafileserver ${opts}" \
+        -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/davolserver \
+        -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/salvageserver \
+        -cmd /usr/lib/openafs/dasalvager
+if [[ $1 == "start" ]]; then
+    for server in ${SERVERS[@]}; do
+        start_server $server false
+    done
+elif [[ $1 == "start-auditing" ]]; then
+    for server in ${SERVERS[@]}; do
+        start_server $server true
+    done
+elif [[ $1 == "restart" ]]; then
+    for server in ${SERVERS[@]}; do
+        stop_server $server
+        sleep 2
+        start_server $server false
+    done
+elif [[ $1 == "restart-auditing" ]]; then
+    for server in ${SERVERS[@]}; do
+        stop_server $server
+        sleep 2
+        start_server $server true
+    done
+elif [[ $1 == "stop" ]]; then
+    echo "It may be better to restart so the servers aren't all offline"
+    echo "I will wait 10 seconds, ctrl-c to cancel now"
+    sleep 10
+    for server in ${SERVERS[@]}; do
+        stop_server $server
+    done
+    echo "*** usage: <restart|restart-auditing|start|start-auditing|stop>"
+    exit 1