Get rid of cloud-init on single-use-slaves

nova metadata service is too flaky. Instead of using it for anything,
bake the ssh key into the images.

Change-Id: I7c02da1ed6f5c5c3f5a2437f606fc0aab3d3dd3f
This commit is contained in:
Monty Taylor 2015-03-19 12:02:12 -04:00
parent f22e31a366
commit 325ec8d572

View File

@ -53,4 +53,38 @@ class openstack_project::single_use_slave (
} }
} }
package { 'cloud-init':
ensure => 'absent',
case $::operatingsystem {
'Fedora': {
$ssh_user = 'fedora'
$ssh_dir = '/home/fedora/.ssh'
'Ubuntu': {
$ssh_user = 'ubuntu'
$ssh_dir = '/home/ubuntu/.ssh'
'CentOS': {
$ssh_user = 'root'
$ssh_dir = '/root/.ssh'
if ! defined(File[$ssh_dir]) {
file { $ssh_dir:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0700',
ssh_authorized_key { 'nodepool-static-2015-03-19':
ensure => present,
user => $ssh_user,
type => 'ssh-rsa',
key => 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC6WutNHfM+YdnjeNFeaIpvxqt+9aDn95Ykpmc+fASSjlDZJtOrueH3ch/v08wkE4WQKg03i+t8VonqEwMGmApYA3VzFsURUQbxzlSz5kHlBQSqgz5JTwUmnt1RH5sePL5pkuJ6JgqJ8PxJod6fiD7YDjaKJW/wBzXGnGg2EkgqrkBQXYL4hyaPuSwsQF0Gdwg3QFqXl+R/GrM6FscUkkJzbjqGKI2GhLT8mf2BIMEAiMFhF5Wl4FFrbvhTfPfW+9VdcsiMxCXaxp00n1x1+Y7OqR5AZ/id0Lkz9ZoFVGS901OB/L4xXrvUtI2y+kIYeF6hxfmAl/zhY0eWzwo9lDPz',
require => File[$ssh_dir],
} }