Additional puppet-lint reformatting

Change-Id: I49e63755b8b5bf60673cf37b62371b3f299e3bbe
Signed-off-by: Paul Belanger <>
Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <>
Approved: Clark Boylan <>
Reviewed-by: Clark Boylan <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
This commit is contained in:
Paul Belanger 2012-10-29 11:09:34 -04:00 committed by Jenkins
parent df9583aaf4
commit 57d13bacfd
3 changed files with 82 additions and 83 deletions

@ -1,41 +1,39 @@
# A machine ready to run devstack # A machine ready to run devstack
class devstack_host { class devstack_host {
package { 'linux-headers-virtual':
ensure => present,
package { "linux-headers-virtual": package { 'mysql-server':
ensure => present, ensure => present,
} }
package { "mysql-server": package { 'rabbitmq-server':
ensure => present, ensure => present,
} require => File['/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf'],
package { "rabbitmq-server": file { '/etc/rabbitmq':
ensure => present, ensure => directory,
require => File['rabbitmq-env.conf'], }
file { "/etc/rabbitmq": file { '/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf':
ensure => "directory", ensure => present,
} group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
file { 'rabbitmq-env.conf': owner => 'root',
name => '/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf', require => File['/etc/rabbitmq'],
owner => 'root', source => 'puppet:///modules/devstack_host/rabbitmq-env.conf',
group => 'root', }
mode => 444,
ensure => 'present',
source => [
require => File['/etc/rabbitmq'],
exec { "Set MySQL server root password":
subscribe => [ Package["mysql-server"]],
refreshonly => true,
unless => "mysqladmin -uroot -psecret status",
path => "/bin:/usr/bin",
command => "mysqladmin -uroot password secret",
# TODO: We should be using existing mysql functions do this.
exec { 'Set MySQL server root password':
command => 'mysqladmin -uroot password secret',
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Package['mysql-server'],
unless => 'mysqladmin -uroot -psecret status',
} }
# vim:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab:textwidth=79

@ -5,13 +5,12 @@ class gerritbot(
$user, $user,
$vhost_name $vhost_name
) { ) {
include pip include pip
package { 'gerritbot': package { 'gerritbot':
ensure => present, # Pip upgrade is not working ensure => present, # Pip upgrade is not working
provider => pip, provider => pip,
require => Class[pip] require => Class['pip']
} }
file { '/etc/init.d/gerritbot': file { '/etc/init.d/gerritbot':
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ class gerritbot(
} }
file { '/etc/gerritbot': file { '/etc/gerritbot':
ensure => directory ensure => directory,
} }
file { '/var/log/gerritbot': file { '/var/log/gerritbot':
@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ class gerritbot(
mode => '0440', mode => '0440',
owner => 'root', owner => 'root',
replace => true, replace => true,
require => User['gerrit2'] require => User['gerrit2'],
} }
} }

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
class github ( class github(
$username, $username,
$oauth_token, $oauth_token,
$projects = [] $projects = []
) { ) {
include pip include pip
package { "PyGithub": package { 'PyGithub':
ensure => latest, # okay to use latest for pip ensure => latest, # okay to use latest for pip
provider => pip, provider => pip,
require => Class[pip] require => Class['pip'],
} }
# A lot of things need yaml, be conservative requiring this package to avoid # A lot of things need yaml, be conservative requiring this package to avoid
@ -20,66 +19,69 @@ class github (
} }
} }
group { "github": group { 'github':
ensure => present ensure => present,
} }
user { "github": user { 'github':
ensure => present, ensure => present,
comment => "Github API User", comment => 'Github API User',
shell => "/bin/bash", shell => '/bin/bash',
gid => "github", gid => 'github',
require => Group["github"] require => Group['github'],
} }
file { '/etc/github': file { '/etc/github':
owner => 'root', ensure => directory,
group => 'root', group => 'root',
mode => 755, mode => '0755',
ensure => 'directory', owner => 'root',
} }
file { '/etc/github/github.config': file { '/etc/github/github.config':
ensure => absent ensure => absent,
} }
file { '/etc/github/': file { '/etc/github/':
owner => 'root', ensure => present,
group => 'github',
mode => 440,
ensure => 'present',
content => template('github/'), content => template('github/'),
replace => 'true', group => 'github',
require => [Group['github'], File['/etc/github']], mode => '0440',
owner => 'root',
replace => true,
require => [
} }
file { '/usr/local/github': file { '/usr/local/github':
owner => 'root', ensure => directory,
group => 'root', group => 'root',
mode => 755, mode => '0755',
ensure => 'directory', owner => 'root',
} }
file { '/usr/local/github/scripts': file { '/usr/local/github/scripts':
owner => 'root', ensure => directory,
group => 'root', group => 'root',
mode => 755, mode => '0755',
ensure => 'directory', owner => 'root',
recurse => true, recurse => true,
require => File['/usr/local/github'], require => File['/usr/local/github'],
source => [ source => 'puppet:///modules/github/scripts',
} }
cron { "githubclosepull": cron { 'githubclosepull':
user => github,
minute => "*/5",
command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60+90)) && python /usr/local/github/scripts/', command => 'sleep $((RANDOM\%60+90)) && python /usr/local/github/scripts/',
minute => '*/5',
require => [ require => [
File['/usr/local/github/scripts'], File['/usr/local/github/scripts'],
Package['python-yaml'], Package['python-yaml'],
Package['PyGithub'], Package['PyGithub'],
], ],
user => github,
} }
} }
# vim:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab:textwidth=79