gitea-lb: test ssl connections during testing too

To make testing more like production, copy the OpenDev CA into the
haproxy container configuration directory during Zuul runs.  We then
update the testing configuration to use SSL checking like production
does with this cert.

Change-Id: I1292bc1aa4948c8120dada0f0fd7dfc7ca619afd
This commit is contained in:
Ian Wienand 2022-07-05 16:13:47 +10:00
parent 0d83dd3ea0
commit 72a0ad6d19
2 changed files with 14 additions and 1 deletions

@ -27,6 +27,19 @@
mode: 0644
notify: Reload haproxy
# Copy in testing CA so the container can see it. When running under
# Zuul this CA is created by the test framework. We use it to
# validate the https check path
- name: Check for OpenDev Infra CA (test only)
path: /etc/opendev-ca/ca.crt
register: _opendev_ca_crt
- name: Copy in OpenDev Infra CA (test only)
src: /etc/opendev-ca/ca.crt
dest: /var/haproxy/etc/
when: _opendev_ca_crt.stat.exists
- name: Ensure docker compose configuration directory
path: /etc/haproxy-docker

@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ gitea_lb_listeners:
- name: ""
address: "{{ (hostvars[''] | default({})).get('nodepool', {}).get('public_ipv4', '') }}:3081"
check_method: "check check-ssl verify none"
check_method: "check check-ssl ca-file /usr/local/etc/haproxy/ca.crt"