Remove old pypi host cruft
We no longer use this, so keeping it in puppet is confusing. Change-Id: I8a5d2a0067063ba762d553f397079deef43fc43f
This commit is contained in:
@ -192,12 +192,6 @@ node '' {
node '' {
class { 'openstack_project::pypi':
sysadmins => hiera('sysadmins'),
node '' {
node '' {
class { 'openstack_project::etherpad':
class { 'openstack_project::etherpad':
ssl_cert_file_contents => hiera('etherpad_ssl_cert_file_contents'),
ssl_cert_file_contents => hiera('etherpad_ssl_cert_file_contents'),
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
# == Class: openstack_project::pypi
class openstack_project::pypi (
$sysadmins = []
) {
include openstack_project::tmpcleanup
include openstack_project::automatic_upgrades
# include jenkins slave so that build deps are there for the pip download
class { 'jenkins::slave':
ssh_key => '',
user => false,
class { 'openstack_project::server':
iptables_public_tcp_ports => [80],
sysadmins => $sysadmins,
class { 'pypimirror':
mirror_config => '/etc/openstackci/pypi-mirror.yaml',
file { '/etc/openstackci':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
file { '/etc/openstackci/pypi-mirror.yaml':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/pypi-mirror.yaml',
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
# == Class: pypimorror
class pypimirror(
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
$mirror_config = '',
$mirror_root = '/var/lib/pypimirror',
) {
include apache
include pip
include jeepyb
$log_root = '/var/log/pypimirror/'
$log_filename = "${log_root}/pypimirror.log"
$cache_root = '/var/cache/pypimirror'
if ! defined(Package['python-yaml']) {
package { 'python-yaml':
ensure => present,
user { 'mirror':
ensure => present,
home => '/home/mirror',
shell => '/bin/bash',
gid => 'mirror',
managehome => true,
require => Group['mirror'],
group { 'mirror':
ensure => present,
file { $log_root:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'mirror',
group => 'mirror',
require => User['mirror'],
file { $cache_root:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'mirror',
group => 'mirror',
require => User['mirror'],
file { $mirror_root:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'mirror',
group => 'mirror',
require => User['mirror'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/':
ensure => present,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template('pypimirror/'),
# Add cron job to update the mirror
cron { 'update_mirror':
ensure => absent,
user => 'root',
hour => '0',
command => '/usr/local/bin/',
cron { 'update_pypi_mirror':
user => 'mirror',
hour => '0',
command => '/usr/local/bin/',
require => File['/usr/local/bin/'],
# Rotate the mirror log file
include logrotate
logrotate::file { 'pypimirror':
log => $log_filename,
options => [
'rotate 7',
require => Cron['update_mirror'],
apache::vhost { $vhost_name:
port => 80,
docroot => $mirror_root,
priority => 50,
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
# This file is managed by puppet.
/usr/local/bin/run-mirror -c <%= mirror_config %> >> <%= log_filename %>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user