From dbee13315e451038e72e3bc65bc13a9d3d092e0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: annegentle <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:39:25 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Starting patch to get api-quick-start building with

Task list is at

Patchset updates the ftp copy in the publishing portion of the
api-quick-start build.

Patchset addresses comments, also indicates

Patchset adds build for the api reference page.

Rebase against master.

Fixes the list of jobs and changes the name of the old api-site job
to ensure no duplication and clarity of which job is which.

Fixes errant tab.

Change-Id: Ifbefa75ba9bf63ca36e53dfda668fa9831203c06
Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <>
Approved: Jeremy Stanley <>
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Stanley <>
Tested-by: Jenkins
 .gitignore                                    |  1 +
 .../jenkins_job_builder/config/api-jobs.yaml  | 82 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml  |  9 ++
 .../openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml  | 10 +++
 4 files changed, 102 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1315119761..d5608f4c71 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/api-jobs.yaml b/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/api-jobs.yaml
index a3241454a3..5f05e942c5 100644
--- a/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/api-jobs.yaml
+++ b/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/api-jobs.yaml
@@ -3,6 +3,88 @@
       - gate-{name}-merge
+# in zuul/layout.yaml specified to only run against master branch.
+# this copies static files from www
+- job:
+    name: openstack-api-site
+    concurrent: false
+    node: precise
+    triggers:
+      - zuul-post
+    builders:
+      - gerrit-git-prep
+    publishers:
+      - ftp:
+          site:
+          source: 'www/**'
+          target: ''
+          remove-prefix: 'www/'
+          excludes: ''
+      - console-log-post
+# this replaces the old openstack-api-site job in Jenkins
+- job:
+    name: openstack-api-ref
+    project-type: maven
+    concurrent: false
+    node: precise
+    triggers:
+      - zuul-post
+    prebuilders:
+      - gerrit-git-prep
+    maven:
+      root-module:
+        group-id:
+        artifact-id: openstack-guide
+      root-pom: api-ref/pom.xml
+      goals: 'clean generate-sources'
+    publishers:
+      - console-log-post
+      - ftp:
+          site:
+          source: 'api-ref/target/docbkx/html/api-ref/**'
+          target: ''
+          remove-prefix: 'api-ref/target/docbkx/html/api-ref/'
+          excludes: '**/*.xml,**/null*'
+          remote-directory: ''
+# this replaces the old openstack-api-quick-start job
+- job:
+    name: openstack-api-quick-start
+    project-type: maven
+    concurrent: false
+    node: precise
+    triggers:
+      - zuul-post
+    prebuilders:
+      - gerrit-git-prep
+    maven:
+      root-module:
+        group-id:
+        artifact-id: openstack-guide
+      root-pom: api-quick-start/pom.xml
+      goals: 'clean generate-sources'
+    publishers:
+      - console-log-post
+      - ftp:
+          site:
+          source: 'doc/target/docbkx/webhelp/api-quick-start-onepager/**'
+          target: ''
+          remove-prefix: 'doc/target/docbkx/webhelp/api-quick-start-onepager/'
+          excludes: '**/*.xml,**/null*'
+          remote-directory: 'api/quick-start'
 # this replaces the old openstack-netconn-api-doc job
 - job:
     name: network-api-v10
diff --git a/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml b/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml
index fd721587ac..a5c52b5e12 100644
--- a/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml
+++ b/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+- project:
+    name: api-site
+    github-org: openstack
+    node: precise
+    doc-publisher-site:
+    jobs:
+      - gate-{name}-merge
 - project:
     name: ceilometer
     github-org: stackforge
diff --git a/modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml b/modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml
index e7544db3ac..b1cc8d8dc0 100644
--- a/modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml
+++ b/modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml
@@ -753,6 +753,16 @@ projects:
       - openstack-install-deploy-guide-apt-fedora
       - openstack-install-deploy-guide-ubuntu
+  - name: openstack/api-site
+    check:
+      - gate-api-site-merge
+    gate:
+      - gate-api-site-merge
+    post:
+      - openstack-api-quick-start
+      - openstack-api-site
+      - openstack-api-ref
   - name: openstack/compute-api
       - gate-compute-api-merge