- hosts: 'localhost:!disabled' name: Install puppet role/modules strategy: linear roles: - puppet-setup-ansible - hosts: 'eavesdrop_opendev:!disabled' name: "eavesdrop: install services" strategy: free roles: - iptables - install-docker - hosts: 'eavesdrop:!disabled' name: "eavesdrop: run puppet on eavesdrop" strategy: free roles: - iptables - sync-project-config - install-docker - accessbot - gerritbot # NOTE(ianw) 2021-06-02 # We have disabled puppet because we are updating # meetbot to python3, and we don't want to trigger # pip trying to re-install it on the production server # in case it tries to use python3 (even if we install from # a tag, we're not sure puppet won't start using pip3 to install). # - name: puppet-run # manifest: /opt/system-config/production/manifests/eavesdrop.pp